Teaser Tell All


Okee Dokeee Friends and Neighbors!

What a Teaser yesterday was huh?   My Grandmom’s ancient photos really were a bit of a stumper although we DID have some correct guesses as always.   Actually the very FIRST right guess was Easy’s Dad who guessed Portugal but then Doggy and Leo got SPECIFIC with their guesses and told us EXACTLY where the photos were taken in Portugal !

Here are the photos again………….


Here’s what Grandmom wrote on the back of each of these photos (which my Mom hadn’t seen until she took them out of Grandmom’s old photo album).

Top photo:  Nazare   Bottom Photo:  Lisbon from St. George in Al Fama

When I posted these yesterday I thought it would be safe in saying that while these were very old photos that had been taken in the late 70s or early 80s, the place probably hadn’t changed much.  I suspect that may be true although I bet there are a LOT more people on the beach in that top shot these days than back then!   Lots of you thought the photos were in Italy or Greece and I believe there are spots in both of those countries that look very similar to this – my parents have been to Italy and say that’s right about THERE, but Greece (for us) is just a guess.

Anyway, bravo to all of you who even took a stab at it this week since the photo quality was NOT very good. But I thought it would be fun to use old photos and from a place where my parents hadn’t been for a visit but someone in my family HAD!

Who gets hugs this week?

Easy (and his Dad)

Doggy (and his Dad)

AND – I’ve decided starting next week we’ll have an extra added feature on the Tuesday Teaser Tell All.   Whoever is FIRST to comment on my Teaser photo CORRECTLY is going to get a special NEW award in addition to my Teaser Hugs………how cool is that?    Before I show you the new award, here’s what Easy and Doggy get from me!



And, here’s the official unveiling of the little award that SOMEONE will get every week who is the FIRST to post their correct guess in my comments!!!



WAY COOL HUH??????????????????   Now you have more reason than ever to get here on Tuesday mornings to guess !!

Happy Wednesday Peeps !   Sammy


67 responses »

  1. Sammy thats a great new awardz..pity my mum is such a spud…she will never get them rightz cos she hasn’t been anywhere(open a book mum sheesh!) anyway great guesses to everyone and MOL at the new award…it is indeed snappy..Dinnermintz


    • Hi Dinnermintz! Glad you like my new award – maybe it will keep the “restless guessers” happy?! First RIGHT guess getting an extra award ought to be fair huh?????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • Awwww……thanks! We just met Forrest – he sounds like a very happy pup thanks to having such a good life with his other animal and human family members! He and Doc look like special buddies – that’s really nice – and that dam with all the smelly things around sounds like a lot of fun too………….we animals like stinky things! HAHAHA

          Kitty Hugs, Sam


          • HAHAHAHA……humans do have an “interesting” aroma don’t they? Too bad they don’t smell like cat treats though or I’d be on my Mom and Dad’s laps a LOT more than I am now! 😉

            Kitty hugs, Sammy


          • MOL ..mums boy one of her twins (cos mum had a litter!) used to be really pee yeww when he gots home from werk..i loved hims armpitz MOL mum said it was gross..but it was great kitty huggies Dinnermintz


          • 😀 😀 😀 😀 “One man’s stink is another man’s treasure” (or something like that….it’s an old thing that humans say I think…..humans are tough to figure out sometimes!)

            Kitty Hugs, Sam


          • It was great hearing all about you today Forrest – can’t wait to see who’s next! Tomorrow on my blog I’m doing the “Tag” you all sent me!!!

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Oh what a great idea! (and the chance for me to get my food punctually, because now the staff will guess faster) Thanks for the hug – the dad is happy, for guessing right (once in a lifetime) and he is banging on his chest now :o)


    • Hi Easy! I thought the new award might be a fun idea – – – I’m glad your Dad got one right – in spite of the fact there were no trashcans around….(do you suppose they don’t have them in Portugal??????)!

      Happy Wednesday, Sammy


        • Same here on the food Mr. Leo showed – he always finds the most delicious looking food (so says Mom)…..if he’d shown us a mouse sandwich then it would have gotten MY attention that’s for sure!!!!!!! I’m sure there’s piles of churches there but unless they didn’t have tall steeples I guess they didn’t make it into my Grandmom’s photos!!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh now you never know – – – after all, you HAVE been right before!!! Keep on guessing…….besides, it’s so much FUN to see all the answers isn’t it???!!! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. Good morning, Sammy! Concats to the winners – wow! Lots of folks commenting EARLY this morning. Must be your furriends from across the big pond…
    Have a good day!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Yep – with the 4 and 5 (and sometimes MORE) hour time difference my buds on the other side of the pond have LOTS of time while I’m still snoring (and Mom and Dad too) before I get up to see what’s going on!

      Happy Sunny Wednesday!!
      Love, Sammy


  4. Concatulations to the winners. YOu can bet I won’t be getting that brand new award since I NEVER know where the teasers were taken. But love seeing the pictures even the old ones. I have a few of those with that color/non-color, too.


    • Hi Miss June! I’m glad you enjoy “traveling the world” with my Tuesday Teasers – Seems even though those photos were awful, some of my friends STILL guessed it!! YAY!

      Happy Wednesday, Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • HAHA….yes! Easy Dad and Doggy’s Dad BOTH got it right on the money…..Honestly if I didn’t KNOW where it was, I would have guessed Italy myself (Mom too).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Your Dad and Mom and GrandMom have been so fortunate to travel to so very many places…pawsome indeed! Sorry to have been absent so long. I am working on a HUGE Thankful Thursday post complete with Leo updates and updates on the Mollie and Alfie Save Leo Campaign outcome. Paw pats, Savannah


        • Hi Savvy! We just came back from reading your wonderful post about Leo and the effort to get him back on his paws! How very nice it was that you updated us with such good news about him eating a bit too! Miss Stella and everybody who was involved in the auction and raffle did such an incredible job – we just helped spread the word and donated some thing to the auction. THEY were the ones who did all the “hard stuff”…..we just tried to make it successful and it sounds like it most certainly was. Big Hugs to you and your parents and the good doc who’s taking care of Leo – all the effort sounds like it’s paying off!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Oh My Cod! Doggy is just too funny for words! Me is going to has to gets around more so I can guess where the pictures is from!


    • Well Nellie, there’s so much going on at your house that Tuesdays probably just as busy as other days but if you can stop by ANYTIME I’m always happy to see your beautiful face here!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. sammy…we new it all a long…we just dinna wanna seem like we wuz braggin…bein new ta yur site N all !!!



    • Thanks Princess Z! You’re right – Doggy and Easy hardly EVER guess wrong……They both know their “travel stuff” don’t they?! Glad you like the new badge……I look pretty snappy don’t I ???

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • I agree Nissy……and I bet it HASN’T changed much – Doggy would know – his “Dad” Leo visits Portugal frequently since they live in Spain and he knew exactly where these old photos had been taken.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. That is one cute award Sammy. You look particularly dashing on your sleuthing outfit. We are going to encourage Mom to try a little harder in the future. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Hi Gang!! Well, I’m glad you like the new award and who knows – YOU might get that new badge one of these days! I do look rather “trez chic” in my beret and MOUSEtache don’t I???!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


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