Whew! Pawties, Auctions, WOW


Hi Everybody!

Well, the month of May is slowly grinding to a close.  We here in the USA will be celebrating Memorial Day this coming Monday and that means a long weekend for people who NEED long weekends.  Around here, where my parents and I are in “retired and loving it” mode, every weekend is long and every weekday is long – so it’s no biggie.  There ARE things that we specially think about on that day but I’ll blog about that then.   Meanwhile, there’s some other FUN things coming up!


Well, first of all my very good buddy Henry from My Three Moggies is having a birthday!  His birthday will be on May 31st so put that one on your calendars.   Woo Hoo!

THEN, even though it’s not REALLY in May, it’s darn close so I’m telling you now in case you didn’t know, Odin from Cat Wisdom 101 is turning THREE on June 1st but his birthday pawty will be on June 3….pencil THAT one in too!   In case you don’t know Odin, he’s one of my heroes – when Miss Layla found him on the streets in NYC he was a tiny guy with a VERY bad eye and when she took him to the vet they said it had to be removed.  Odin the one-eyed wonder hasn’t let that stop him for one minute.  You can read his story on Miss Layla’s blog.    YAY!

We heard from Mollie yesterday that the big blogville “rally around Leo” auction and raffle that she was the hostess of was a BIG success.   Misaki was a huge help to Mollie too and everyone who chipped in at all for any reason to pull this big event off deserves a BIG SAMMY HUG…………but also if you stop by Mollie’s blog you can take the WAY WAY cool Badge that Misaki and her Mum made for all those who helped in the effort to raise money for Leo.   The auction and raffle brought in somewhere in the neighborhood of $400 and that we hope will help with Leo’s vet bills.


I’m proud to display my badge – my Mom and I donated some items to the auction !!

So what else happened yesterday you ask?   Mom went shopping and came home with something she had to HIDE in her office so Dad wouldn’t want her to SHARE.  Tee Hee   Mom has a sweet tooth and probably shouldn’t eat anything sweet but honestly, I think I can understand WHY she had to have what she got.  See, our Hallmark store sells fudge…….extremely yummy fudge according to my Mom.  Today she was there doing some shopping (not for fudge) and they had JUST loaded up the fudge counter with fresh stuff.   Easy, my cheesecake friend, know what the special fudge of the day was?


Mom bought a half a pound weight of it all sliced up and ready to gobble down.   Well, I tried to keep her from going nuts but she almost ate HALF of it before I convinced her to tape the box shut and hide it from herself – much less from Dad!    I can tell you this – I certainly didn’t WANT any of it (nor should I EVER have any of it because of the sugar) but it DID smell good…….it really did……….

Gee, that smells delightful Mom!

Gee, that smells delightful Mom!

So of course even though she finally STOPPED eating it I had to keep a close eye on her whenever she was on the computer today……………fortunately I can see/watch her from three feet away when I’m in my afghan tent!

No you don't Mom - I'm WATCHING you!

No you don’t Mom – I’m WATCHING you!

Yesterday afternoon Mom and I got a BIG SURPRISE too!   Our friend Michelle from My Three Moggies sent ME (yes ME) a special present – a surprise she said she was sending me that would be something she got in Japan on her trip (remember her Teaser??).   I was SO excited!

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Thank you Miss Michelle for the lovely (and tasty!) package of things from Japan.  Mom says she might make a small pillow AND scarf from the beautiful material and I only get ONE TREAT every few days because I want them to LAST!!!!   BIG HUGS FROM ME AND MOM….

Well, that’s about it for today guys…………..tomorrow I’m doing a special post all about my Mom’s book and the role Eddy the cat plays as the “sidekick” to the main character, private investigator Bailey Ferrol.  My Mom says she doesn’t know what she’d do without ME………..well Bailey says the same thing about her cat Eddy!!

Have a great Thursday – see you on FURRRRRIDAY!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

64 responses »

  1. Fantastic it arrived 🙂 So glad you both liked the gifts xxx Mum says she wants to agree on the cheesecake, but she says the two things your mum likes are the two sweet things mum does not LOL. We reckon it looks good Sammy 🙂 Big hugs Archie, Oscar and Henry purrrrrrrr


    • We’re very excited here to have received prezzies from your Mum’s trip….I bet YOU got some good stuff too! You’ll have to show us on your bloggy one day soon………..the fudge is still sitting here on my Mom’s desk….she didn’t have any for breakfast which is a miracle. HAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I am! My Mom and I get up every morning at 4:30AM so we can go for a walk (me on leash her half awake) outside. That way I can catch the deer and other critters of the night!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Gracious, that’s a lot happening!!! ::making notes::

    Mum says she’d like to agree with your mom on the lemon cheesecake fudge, but just can’t imagine it!!! mol Humans, eh!

    chow errr ciao, Austin 😉


  3. Hey Sammy! Wow lucky you getting a parcel from Japan! You’re so cosmopolitan! Your mum’s fudge sounds scrummy too, my mum says her mouth is watering just thinking about it! We are back and trying to get back into our routine (not that we have a real one with the humans jobs but our ‘normality’ anyway!) looking forward to catching up properly on all my friends and also uploading some of the fancy cameras photos that we couldn’t upload when we had bad Internet! Have a great day! Bisous Bailey


    • Oh Bailey can’t WAIT to see more photos from your fabulous holiday aboard Nocturne! You had quite an adventure didn’t you…including taking a dip in the ocean!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. What a great surprise package, Sammy! Yummy on those kitty treats!
    (Is your Mommy going to be upset with you for tattling on her about that fudge…????)
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…..I don’t think Mom’s upset with me – besides, Dad doesn’t read my blog so I’m SAFE (and so is she) from Dad even KNOWING about the fudge (giggle)!

      Love, Sam


  5. Sammy, ssshhh…not supposed to tell about the secret fudge 🙂 .I love your little face Sammy-it’s so adorable! Gosh, special treats all the way from Japan? Someone must love you a lot!! We also wanted to send you hugs-that was so nice of you to comment on the loss of our dear Carly – it helps to know our blogger buddies care – thanks!


    • Hi Max and Mom……I couldn’t resist talking about that yummy looking fudge my Mom got – she’s behaving quite well about not eating ALL of it at once – taping the box shut with half a roll of tape probably helped with that though (HAHAHAHAHA). We were sorry for your loss of Carly – but you’re right – blogging buddies help to make the pain easier to bear because we feel all that love!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Misaki! My Mom said she looked at this HUGE pile of that fudge at the store and it was VERY hard to only buy 1/4 lb. of it…..LOL……they also had a Strawberry Chocolate Cheesecake Fudge…..sounds to me like that Hallmark store is actually the gate to HELL….HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Pix…..yes, wasn’t that wonderful that in the midst of all that wonderful sightseeing Michelle thought of her buddies back home? I love the fishy treats and my Mom thinks that material is gorgeous. We sent big smoochies to Miss Michelle! As for the fudge – I should take bets when the rest of it will disappear….I’m thinking it will be lucky to last the next 24 hours! HAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cody!!! It was so exciting to get a package from Miss Michelle with goodies from her trip to Japan! She’s the bestest honorary Auntie isn’t she??? Mom is staying AWAY from that box of fudge on her desk. I’m quite proud of her but I don’t expect my “proudness” to last much longer! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Goodness me Sammy what a tale of fun food and pawsative action…all in one blog! i am pooped out just reading…delish looking fudge…thank goodness citrus and kitties don’t mix! Our Fozzie loves sweet things…(crazy tail wagger) and sometimes he is naughty and mum finds him with something …oh like a tray of xmas biscuits she baked and iced on the floor…mum says it’s not good for tail waggers and then she gives him a kiss (yuk) he shouldn’t steal them cos mum makes him and Doc their own peanutbutter and honey tail wagger biscuits…she hasn’t worked out a good fishy recipe yet but when she does us girls will let you know Sammy 😉 xxx Dinnermintz and gang :)big sticky paw slaps xx


    • Hi Girls! Well Mom DID let me sniff the fudge because I was rather excited when I got a whiff of it as she arrived home from the store BUT sugar isn’t good for ANY of us I guess so I baaaaaacked away and settled in with my regular kitty treats – that is until the REALLY good stuff arrived in the package from Japan – boy oh boy did THOSE smell and taste yum. That’s way cool that your Mum makes treats for the dogs AND maybe something for you ladies as well. Yes it’s been busy ’round here but today is REST day (except for Mom who’s doing laundry of course!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi!! Yep – I’m gonna talk about my Mom’s mystery but not TOO much because lotsa people are reading it and don’t want me to give away anything (after all it’s a MYSTERY!!). The fudge was just called “Lemon Meringue Cheesecake Fudge” but didn’t really have any cheesecake in it – VERY creamy though (so says Mom) and very lemony/meringue (so says Mom) and VERY yummy (ditto). Anyway, I’ll stick with my kitty treats – specially the ones from Japan…..YUM!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Oh Meringue…. that’s a stuff from paradise. Sadly we always fail with homemeade Meringue (and yeah with the cheesecake too LOL). The material is wonderful, wish my crib mates could handle the sewing machine (our results are always like the cheesecake). I’ll bet the treats from Japan are made with this famous blowfish they have there:o) Have a great thursday!


  8. I was all set to congratulate you on your participation in the auction and raffle until I saw that picture of the lemon meringue cheesecake fudge! I think I gained five pounds just looking at it! Congratulations on the auction – and happy eating!


  9. Good for you, Sammy! At least somebody in your house has willpower. I wonder how that works – hiding something from yourself…. Such an odd concept! I would’ve wanted at least a lick of the fudge. Maybe 2 licks.

    Love and maybe 3 licks,


    • Hi Cupcake……Mom has the box right on top of her desk but she put tape all ’round it so she’d have to go to a lot of trouble to eat more. Tee Heeeee And I’m staying close to her so if I start hearing tape being ripped off I can hop up on her lap and stop her before she makes a mistake! I MIGHT be nice and let her have one piece tomorrow……..MAYBE.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. WE are so glad that the auction went so well and you all were able to help Leo.
    Lots of stuff going on and thanks for letting us know. Odin is one of our favorites too. We especially like Domino there too since he was a feral cat and we love feral kitties.
    Hope you have a wonderful day.


    • Hi Marg! I was a feral kitty myself – I was captured under an old abandoned house in the country – the shelter couldn’t tell my Mom anymore than that (for some unknown reason) but somehow I was on my own and thankfully I arrived the day before my Mom and Dad came to the shelter to adopt a cat – I gave them one of those cute “KITTY EYES” kind of looks and voila – I got my forever home!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. Wowzers! Me has been missing so much! And me thinks me will be missing much more until Mommy can spend more time helping mes instead of business, business.


    • Poor Nellie…….well, maybe things will settle down a bit with your Mom and Dad’s business so you can get some ‘puter time in! We miss you that’s for sure!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  12. sammy…cheese AND cake !!!!! thats like ham samiches AND trout…way sooper kewl oh de moggies ta send ewe yur gift…N wunder if they makes fish flavored fudge !!!!! hhhhhmmmmmmm 🙂


    • Funny you should mention fish flavored fudge…..Sparkle just commented that she wonders why someone doesn’t make salmon swirl cheesecake for cats! It’s a good question isn’t it? I’m a picky eater but I’d be ALL OVER that!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sparkle! You know, you are totally right – why doesn’t someone do a salmon swirl cheesecake because boy oh boy does THAT ever sound delish!!! You were VERY sweet to donate a book for Mollie’s auction. She raised over $400 thanks to great donations and nice bidders – and that goes right to helping Leo with his vet care.

      Big Hugs for you and your Assistant!


  13. That sure was a lot of news. Glad some monies were raised for Leo. Concatulations on your package of fishy treats. Our dad used to go to Japan a couple of times each year. He never brought us any fishy treats, and now he’s not going anymore. We are going to have to have a word or two with him. Also thanks for passing on the B’Day Pawty news. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Hi gang!! Yes those treats are QUITE a treat (hahahaha)……..they are the BEST little “cookies” I’ve ever tasted PERIOD. I’m thinking of taking a vacation to Japan to visit Cat Island. I bet THEY have plenty of those little treats there……. 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  14. A WHOLE counter FILLED wiht nothin’ but fudge? You better watch out. My peep is, as we speak, seein’ if she can fit my teleportation device. She wants to come on over!



    • Hi Nissy…….I personally think it’s a bit weird that a Hallmark store (which I thought was a CARD store???!!!!) sells fudge but alas they do and double-alas they sell yummy fudge. My Mom frequently cannot go there without giving into temptation by the fudge counter! Oh well…..that box is still taped up nice and tight and she’s only UNTAPED it once since she bought it….she’s being a very good girl. So far.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  15. Lubly giftz Sammy!!! You shure deserve dem!!! Dat fudge sounz yummy….me Mum iz not fussy on fudge but me haz seen her eat sum befur!!
    Mum iz more da dark choccie type n me told her to put any choccie she buyz in da LOCK BOX wif her medz so she doez not sleep eat da choccie n it werkz!!! Me iz so clever, MOL!!!
    Have a bunderfull weekend…
    Lub Nylablue n Sherri-Ellen xo


      • 😉 me nose what you mean Sammy…Mum waz so guud not eatin choccie n den 2 weekz ago she bought Bridge mix n tiny choccie barz n pigged out 🙂
        She sayz it iz her ‘catnip’, MOL!!!!
        Hu’manz are so cute!!!
        Lub Nylablue xo


          • Yow Sammy me haz tried n tried!!! Me triez to hide da choccie but Mum haz a nose of a bloodhound!!! No chocolate is safe in our house….nor are da potato chipz…
            *shakez head* we jsut haz to LUB dem az dey are right??
            Lub Nylablue xo


  16. What a pawsatively perfect day! That fudge sounds too tempting. At Christmas I locked my backing in my husbands trunk in the garage so it’d be out of sight, but it wasn’t out of mind enough and I still trekked out there to munch. I have NO willpower for treats or hugs xK


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