Tag Archives: fudge

Whew! Pawties, Auctions, WOW


Hi Everybody!

Well, the month of May is slowly grinding to a close.  We here in the USA will be celebrating Memorial Day this coming Monday and that means a long weekend for people who NEED long weekends.  Around here, where my parents and I are in “retired and loving it” mode, every weekend is long and every weekday is long – so it’s no biggie.  There ARE things that we specially think about on that day but I’ll blog about that then.   Meanwhile, there’s some other FUN things coming up!


Well, first of all my very good buddy Henry from My Three Moggies is having a birthday!  His birthday will be on May 31st so put that one on your calendars.   Woo Hoo!

THEN, even though it’s not REALLY in May, it’s darn close so I’m telling you now in case you didn’t know, Odin from Cat Wisdom 101 is turning THREE on June 1st but his birthday pawty will be on June 3….pencil THAT one in too!   In case you don’t know Odin, he’s one of my heroes – when Miss Layla found him on the streets in NYC he was a tiny guy with a VERY bad eye and when she took him to the vet they said it had to be removed.  Odin the one-eyed wonder hasn’t let that stop him for one minute.  You can read his story on Miss Layla’s blog.    YAY!

We heard from Mollie yesterday that the big blogville “rally around Leo” auction and raffle that she was the hostess of was a BIG success.   Misaki was a huge help to Mollie too and everyone who chipped in at all for any reason to pull this big event off deserves a BIG SAMMY HUG…………but also if you stop by Mollie’s blog you can take the WAY WAY cool Badge that Misaki and her Mum made for all those who helped in the effort to raise money for Leo.   The auction and raffle brought in somewhere in the neighborhood of $400 and that we hope will help with Leo’s vet bills.


I’m proud to display my badge – my Mom and I donated some items to the auction !!

So what else happened yesterday you ask?   Mom went shopping and came home with something she had to HIDE in her office so Dad wouldn’t want her to SHARE.  Tee Hee   Mom has a sweet tooth and probably shouldn’t eat anything sweet but honestly, I think I can understand WHY she had to have what she got.  See, our Hallmark store sells fudge…….extremely yummy fudge according to my Mom.  Today she was there doing some shopping (not for fudge) and they had JUST loaded up the fudge counter with fresh stuff.   Easy, my cheesecake friend, know what the special fudge of the day was?


Mom bought a half a pound weight of it all sliced up and ready to gobble down.   Well, I tried to keep her from going nuts but she almost ate HALF of it before I convinced her to tape the box shut and hide it from herself – much less from Dad!    I can tell you this – I certainly didn’t WANT any of it (nor should I EVER have any of it because of the sugar) but it DID smell good…….it really did……….

Gee, that smells delightful Mom!

Gee, that smells delightful Mom!

So of course even though she finally STOPPED eating it I had to keep a close eye on her whenever she was on the computer today……………fortunately I can see/watch her from three feet away when I’m in my afghan tent!

No you don't Mom - I'm WATCHING you!

No you don’t Mom – I’m WATCHING you!

Yesterday afternoon Mom and I got a BIG SURPRISE too!   Our friend Michelle from My Three Moggies sent ME (yes ME) a special present – a surprise she said she was sending me that would be something she got in Japan on her trip (remember her Teaser??).   I was SO excited!

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Thank you Miss Michelle for the lovely (and tasty!) package of things from Japan.  Mom says she might make a small pillow AND scarf from the beautiful material and I only get ONE TREAT every few days because I want them to LAST!!!!   BIG HUGS FROM ME AND MOM….

Well, that’s about it for today guys…………..tomorrow I’m doing a special post all about my Mom’s book and the role Eddy the cat plays as the “sidekick” to the main character, private investigator Bailey Ferrol.  My Mom says she doesn’t know what she’d do without ME………..well Bailey says the same thing about her cat Eddy!!

Have a great Thursday – see you on FURRRRRIDAY!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀