Teaser Tell All


Good Morning All!

You know, when I posted those two pictures yesterday I thought “it’s TOOO easy” – but then I remembered that not everyone has seen all there is to see (including my parents actually) and that just because my Mom and Dad had been there – LOTS of people probably haven’t !

Anyway, here are the photos one last time:


My parents took these shots out on Cape Cod in Massachusetts……LOTS of years ago so who knows if it’s still this beautiful and free of condos and townhouse communities (!!).  Anyway, it looks like a place you could have a great hike don’t you think?   My Mom took lots of photos on that trip – mostly of lighthouses all along the Cape – because she was actively painting and wanted to paint lots of light houses – which she did – from her own photos.  After I tell you who gets hugs for guessing right, I might post a couple of her lighthouse paintings (although you’ve all seen them before!).

Who guessed right?  Wanna know?  Say please……. (HAHAHAHAHA)……..the winners are:

Dianna from These Days of Mine, Katie and Cocco from My Mini Pet Pig, and my buddy Easy from EasyRider Blog !    AND, since today is Miss Katie’s birthday and she and Cocco were one of the “right guessers”, I have a special birthday hug for her too!

BIG SAMMY HUGS for Teaser Winners



Congratulations to everybody…………..we sure had some good guesses………….

Here are a few of Mom’s lighthouse oil paintings – mostly from Cape Cod photos she took!

Pemaquid Point Light

This is one of Mom’s paintings that doesn’t “live” here anymore – wouldn’t it be fun to climb up those rocks and poke a paw in that little hole full of water??? This is Pemaquid Point Light.

Cape Cod Lighthouse Oil Painting by ME!

Another one of Mom’s paintings…and wouldn’t it be FUN to play in that grass???

Now, I want to let you know that I’ve already received the first entry in the “BEST PJ’s” competition that we’ll be having May 10th at my BLOGAVERSARY SLUMBER PAWTY.    I do believe this competition is going to be TOUGH to judge – I’m glad I won’t be doing it!  – YOU will be picking the winner.  I’m sure you want to enter yourselves in the contest right?  Just send a photo to my Mom not later than May 8th so she can get a voting poll ready for my Blogaversary post.




I can’t wait to celebrate with all my friends at my two year Blogaversary………so grab your jammies, get your human to snap a photo, and send it to my Mom at junekimm@aol.com

For those of you who just HAVE to know who the first entry was from……………EASY WAS FIRST !!!

See you tomorrow gang…….

Kitty Hugs, Your Pal Sammy 😀 😀 😀

61 responses »

    • Hi Mollie! No – we STILL aren’t getting notices about your blog but Mom’s trying to remember to ALWAYS ALWAYS check for a new blog from my buds Mollie and Alfie!! I think WordPress is MEAN!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Zena, our humans are most difficult to train when it comes to prioritizing and putting us FIRST. Although in my case, since I’m an only-cat and the only other human here is OLD DAD, I’m fairly lucky in that I get a lot of Mom’s attention……You’ve got time for PJ shopping though. It’s impawtant to have the right “look” don’t you think????? 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Your mom is so incredibly talented. Brilliant writer, brilliant artist. You are one lucky kitty Sammy. Oh my, your blogoversary is going to fall exactly at the time that I shall be out of town. I will probably not have internet connection so will have to wish you a wonderful Blogoversary now and hope you know that I will be thinking of you whilst I’m away.


    • Oh THANK YOU Miss Susan for wishing me a good blogaversary…..I do hope you have a fun trip too!! I’ll tell Mom all the nice things you said about her paintings…..she really doesn’t paint any more but she does still do little sketches or pen and ink drawings….I’m glad she saved some of her most favorite paintings for US though!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Misaki! I knew you’d think about what fun it would be to run all around on those dunes, through the grass and out on that big sandy beach (and probably the water too!!). Don’t worry about the jammies photo – you’ve got PLENTY of time!! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi and welcome to my bloggy! I’m a nudist myself….and several of my blog buddies have said they intend to come “au natural”…….but for those who want to do the PJ thing, the contest should be a bit of a hoot! You certainly are welcome to join in the fun regardless of whether or not you’re “nekkid” !! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Thanks for my Sammy-Hug… I needed a hug today, because I’m an Outlaw for today…(judicial error as always). Mom is inspired now from the paintings and she want to visit my beach …. please cross your paws for me all, that we have ebb tide, I hate it to get wet feet…


  3. Good morning, Sammy. Finally!! A Sammy hug for getting the Tuesday Teaser right! Hope you have a good day: cool and foggy here this morning. Nothing to see from my window, so I’m asleep on a quilt on the trunk.
    Love, Sundae


    • CONCATULATIONS SUNDAE!!! YAY!!! We’ve got a bright sunny day and I’ve already seen six deer go through the front yard munching away…..now I’m about to settle into my double afghan tent – Mommmy’s leaving to go to the dentist so my tent is where I’ll stay until she comes home (unless of course I hear Daddy say “Sammy…wanna go out??”) !!

      Love, Sam


  4. Sam,
    Ernnnn I don’t know how to say this, but I think your memory is failing, I mean, I’m not in the list.
    It’s ok, you can go ahead and edit the list, no hard feelings, I won, my answer was very specific, it covered all posible options, it was impossible not to win.
    Apology accepted, you know we are buddies.
    I’m not gonna miss the contest, I gotta set a reminder.


    • C’mon Doggy – I just KNOW you’ve got to have some incredibly creative PJs – a dog like you who’s on the edge of everything (edge of your balcony, edge of the bed) would be bound to have the height of fashion available courtesy of your trendy Dad Leo in your PJ drawer. OR, if you don’t have any PJs – borrow some of Leo’s!!! Wait – I bet he doesn’t have any either!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. Mom says she thought you’d know it was Cape Cod since you’ve traveled a lot on this side of the pond…… 😦


    • Absolutely not! You don’t have to wear PJs – just anyone who wants to be in the “BEST PJs” contest should. Otherwise we’ll STILL be pawtying to celebrate my blogaversary….and I’ll think up some other competition for a prize as well…… 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. With all yesterday’s excitements I missed this entirely. I don’ think I should have got it, but it does remind me of the East Anglian coast, so I should have been vaguely in the right compass direction!


  6. Hey there! Ummm… I think I might have missed somethin’. Were there rules for the PJ contest? Did I flub up? If so, can I blame the peep? Yeah… I bet I can.



    • Hi Nissy! No rules for the PJ contest – just that you be wearing PJs in the photo you submit – after all, tough to vote for “BEST PJs” when you’re NEKKID! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. I love your artwork, Pam, and always have. And you’re right – lots of folks have never been to Cape Cod – or just about anywhere else apparently. Speaking of myself, of course!


    • Thanks Trish……I appreciate the kind comment – it’s been quite a while since I got my paints and brushes out….but I do enjoy having my favorites around me here in my studio!! Memories you know!

      Hugs, Pam


  8. Cape cod…soundz like a lubly place!!! Yer Mum iz bery tallented paintin da pickshurez!!! Az fer slumber pawty me iz gonna get Mum to go to Pizap.com n see if she can fit me for PJ’s…when me can get her to sit still n consentrait!!!!
    Lub ya Sammy!!! Nylablue xo


    • Pizap is a great site but they don’t have “clothes” except for hats and eyeglasses and a few bows and neckties. BUT I’m sure there are other sites – I’m just not sure my Mom knows others with “costumes” other than FACEinHOLE.com !!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. Me LOVES the paintings! Your Mommy is furry good. And wes never would has guessed that was Cape Cod, so me concatulates the winners and me is looking for PJs!


    • Hi Nellie……I told Mommy you liked her paintings – she gave me the GREAT BIG SMILE (which I love to see!!). I’ve got THREE entries in the PJ contest so far……take your time though because the PJ photos aren’t due to my Mom until May 8th!! 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Cape Cod is too beautiful for words…..but NOT too beautiful for pictures (or paintings!!)…..one of our favorite vacation destinations stateside! Kirby, I bet you’d love run, run, running out on the dunes and beach!!

      Pam and Sam


    • Cape Cod is beautiful (so says my Mom anyway)……and there’s so much to see (so says my Mom anyway)…….I’ve never been any further away from home than the vets (YUCK), but if Cape Cod is good enough for Mom, it’s good enough for me!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Cool! I just hopped over to see your blog (I have to admit, I love a pawty, so I was curious about your PJ pawty) from Mollie and Alfie’s place. I LOVE YOUR TUESDAY TEASER!!!! I do a similar guessing game over at my place called “Where In The World?” on Saturdays. Actually, I never intended to have people guess, but they started to and I LOVE IT! You and I have lots in common Sammy. We love to nap.

    ArOOOOOO! Stuart


    • Hi Stuart!! The Blogaversary PJ Pawty is open to anyone and everyone Stuart if you’d like to join us! I’ll be posting another “reminder” to everyone about entering the “Best PJ” contest tomorrow – entries are due May 8th and the pawty is May 10th – I’m having PRIZES too for winners of the PJ contest, a “how many jelly beans in the jar” contest, and a “how many words can you make out of these letters” contest. I’ll have to check out your “Where In The World” posts on Saturdays – it’s FUN to make people try and figure things out isn’t it???? Napping is truly one of my main interests in life – especially on my Mom’s lap but a good sun puddle will do. Thanks for coming by….I’m on my way to say HI to you on your bloggy now!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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