Sunday Slush


Morning All!

Sunday morning……newspaper tents with the comics, bacon and “whatever” for breakfast, and this morning the added treat of slip-sliding outside for poor Mom when she went down to get the Sunday newspaper at the bottom of the driveway! 

Ice-covered trees !

Ice-covered trees !

Yep – she almost fell on her big bum hind quarters on her way down there.  We had some moisture overnight which must have been sleet at some point and the whole mish-mash collected in some dips in the driveway.  Impossible to see those dips in the dark!  She just sort of slipped and caught herself fortunately – then on her way back UP the driveway she walked through the front yard instead of chancing it on the driveway.  Good for you Mom!

Once in, she got the bacon going………that always wakes my old Dad up since he generally sleeps in another hour (or more) after Mom gets up in the morning with yours truly.  BACON – BACON – BACON…….I had a little talk with her yesterday about that by the way.  We now have a deal that weekend breakfast menus will be featuring bacon vs. sausage.  Wasn’t that wonderful of her to go along with MY plan???

Sam Keeping Warm in a Blanket

I can’t blame Dad for wanting a bit of a Sunday “lie-in” – who doesn’t ???

After breakfat while Mom showered and Dad shaved, I slept.  So what’s new about that?  A guy’s gotta properly digest his breakfast and what better way than SNORING – hey – I’m sure it burns up the calories (at least it certainly sounds like it should!!).

And more zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........

And more zzzzzzzzzzzzzz………

It’s going to be a gray day again……..but hopefully no more sleet or rain or snow……the weather guys covered all the options by mentioning ALL of those in today’s forecast.   CHEATERS!

Hugs and stuff from Sunday Sam, the Bacon Man! 😀 😀

53 responses »

    • Hi Sundae…’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cold today- aren’t you glad you and I are “indoor kitties” ??? I go outside once in a while but on days like this I’m like you – window seats and quilts (and laps) are all I want! Tee Hee

      Happy Sunday
      Love, Sam


    • Oh Cody….your poor Mom being stuck in the snow like that! I hope when you saw her out the window you didn’t giggle…I had an extra bit of bacon JUST FOR YOU – did you enjoy it?????

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Sunday


  1. Wes had toe same weather last night! My hairy slobbery sister Bob was the one who falled, then Mommy slipped helping her up! Our frront steps is like furry slippery glass. Now what is better – Bacon or Suasage? The one with Maple!!!


    • Oh you’re right Nellie……my Mom always gets the maple flavored bacon AND sausage…..and sometimes when she has pancakes on the plate too with her bacon that syrup gets on my bacon and I get a tiny treat of a dab of that (even though I know that’s EXTRA not good for me). YUM. I hope Bob and your Mommy didn’t get hurt on the slippy-slide thing. It’s dangerous when it’s icy!

      Kitty hugs and Kisses, Sammy


    • Hi Guido…..sounds grand – come on over…..there’s always bacon on the menu for the weekends in MY house! It’s always nice to share this delectable delight with a fellow bacon-appreciator…… 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  2. You look so adorable all tucked in for a nap.

    We’re a vegetarian household so the Miao Kitties are deprived of many yummy things such as bacon and sausage. When a friend was eating fishy sushi in our house not long ago, he was swamped by a horde of Miao Kitties because they know that all the meat in the house is for them. So maybe you’ll have a bunch of Miaos turn up on your doorstep for a bacon brunch.


  3. Dear Sam, You are indeed spoiled. Lucky Cat! Bacon for breakfast and then a nap. What kitty could ask for more. Enjoy your lazy Sunday. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • I know – I’m very spoiled but honestly I only eat a tiny little scrap of bacon and that’s plenty for me. It’s just one of those little treats I simply CANNOT do without on a weekend! Hope you all are having a lazy Sunday too…….

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. You are SO lucky, Sammy! I have never had bacon. Do you know what my human eats for breakfast most mornings? NUTS! She says they are a whole food and a handful is good enough to get her going. I think it is selfish of her, since no kitty would want nuts for breakfast, so she does not have to share.


    • Well Sparkle….humans are interesting creatures don’t you think? My Mom says nuts are good too – almonds I think she said were super good but I can’t remember for sure….what kind of nuts does your human eat??? Maybe humans are part squirrel? I know squirrels like nuts…..hmmmm… for thought.

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  5. Weather is weird. That’s for sure. Here, this morning, we had a blizzard warnin’ but it POURED. Now it’s snowin’. Don’t know what we’ll wake up to. Good thing the weekend bacon supply stays stable. Lucky you.



    • I saw your blog post about your Grampy sneaking you some meatballs….boy oh boy I know that was a BIG TREAT. Grandparents are wonderful for extra treats and “forbidden objects” aren’t they?!?!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. You just look so cute laying with your blanket and on the floor, Sammy! I’m glad your bacon was good. My human is off from school today, so A+. Have a good week Sammy. Tuesday Teaser tomorrow! 🙂



    • Aw gee Savvy…..I appreciate you saying that…….so how’s everything going with your humans being out of town? Now that you are relaxing so much in your new home I bet it’s a lot easier to be without them isn’t it…..lots of grand views outside to your gardens and trees AND your Aunt Shannon to visit. ENJOY yourself.

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  7. Bacon man Sammy yer blog made me drool!!! We iz glad yer Mum iz on board wif da bacon!!! 😉
    Our whther haz bin pawful!!!! Bery bery cold n lotz of snow….
    We iz relieved yer Mum didnot fall….mum haz slipped a few timez n it iz heart stoppin!!! Dat iz da bad side of Winter 😦
    Take care little Bacon man….xo Nylablue.


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