Groovy Weekend


Sunday Morning!  Bacon’s cookin’, Dad’s reading the newspaper, I’m lying on the couch near one of the stereo speakers listening to classical music on the radio…….WHATTA LIFE!

Catnapping on the couch

Ahhh….Vivaldi….my FAVE!

This has been a great weekend so far.  Yesterday was way cool – it was a rainy afternoon and Mom and I watched the Little League baseball games……Japan whipped beat Panama for the International championship and boy were THEY excited!   The little kids were getting hit after hit after hit and let’s face it – the reason I love to watch baseball in the first place is watching the little humans running around in a circle (sort of) and hitting the ball way high and way far and there was LOTS of that.  I hardly took my eyes off the TV screen! 


Sam Closeup Lap

Mom! I’m trying to watch this Little League game! Could you quit yelling at the TV screen??? Those kids from Japan can’t hear you!!!


Then this morning Mom checked the front porch on her way down to get the newspaper just to see if my buddy Freddy was out there – after all, with the rain we had yesterday he could have easily been in one of the puddles, sitting in the mud, or even taking a bath in the water bowl,  but I think maybe he was sleeping in or something.  No sign of Freddy or Freddy, Junior.  Probably HE was reading the Sunday paper too huh? 

I’m not sure what else will be happening today but Sunday’s usually my favorite day.  Do YOU have a favorite day?  If you do – what day is it and why is it your favorite????

Happy Sunday Peeps!

Sunday Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀

48 responses »

    • Oh good! Bacon – breakfast of champions :D! My parents had waffles with their bacon this morning but waffles aren’t interesting enough for me (although if they were bacon-flavored…MAYBE).

      Happy Sunday
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Well, Sammy, those noisy storms are gone, gone, gone!! I know you’re relaxing with your ‘new’ newspaper section, classical music AND bacon….what a life! You know how to live, kiddo!!


    • Hi Miss June! I DO “have the life” don’t I ?? Bacon was nice and crunchy, the newspaper was boring but fun to play with, and the classical music was relaxing….now it’s time for a good nap! Hope you and BJ have a cozy Sunday too!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Good morning, Sammy! Sounds like you’re having the purrfect Sunday morning there, my friend.
    Nothing shakin’ around here today, and that’s a good thing, right?
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! We’re having a rainy Sunday – in little batches…rain one minute, light sky the next, then rain….like it can’t make up its’ mind (sounds a lot like humans doesn’t it???).

      Happy Sunday
      Love, Sam


  3. Looks like the day started perfectly!
    I’ll have to try and watch baseball, it sounds fun to be able to watch humans running around in circles 😉
    I personally like Caturday because the humans are home most of the time and Sunday they usually clean the house (which means evil vacuum cleaner).
    Have a great Sunday!


    • Hi Texas… the monster comes out of the closet at your house on Sunday huh? Well good luck with that. Perhaps if you curl up in your tent you can “pretend” there’s no noise until the evil monster goes back in the closet! Baseball is pretty neat and football too when it comes to watching humans run around like they have no idea what they’re doing while they chase or throw or hit balls. They are a curious creature…..but I’ve heard Mom say that about we kitties too!

      Happy Sunday…….


    • Hi….so is your name Chissus? That’s an interesting name! Do you have a blog?? We don’t watch soap operas here at my house – “soap” sounds too much like part of getting a bath and that’s definitely something I avoid at all costs!



  4. I love to watch that Little league baseball with MOM. It’s great cuddle time, except when she is shouting or jumping up. Crazy MOM , just sit back and enjoy.


    • I’m with you Goose….humans get all screamy and jumpy and we’re always so serene and calm. Well, MOSTLY serene and calm anyway. Glad to find someone else who likes that Little League stuff!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • HA! Cody tell your Mom that she’s got a point (on that grass thing). You might be right about Freddy and bacon – perhaps he was up at the IHOP (since frogs hop I suppose that’s where they go for breakfast??).

      Happy Sunday to you!


  5. I love Sundays – church in the morning, then whatever I want to do for the rest of the day! How cool is that? Sometimes, if I am really lucky, I get to see the grandkids…life is good! Enjoy your day, Sammy!
    Hugs, Linda


  6. Dear Sammy,
    Mes with Caren! Me loves everyday! Except maybe those blizzard mornings in the middle of winter…but then those are not too bad either.


  7. Wez late over today, as wez been out 🙂 betya didn’t save Mez any bacon..You looks like your havin a great day Sammy, I loves Sundays too, and Mondayz, tuesdayz, wednesdayz, thursdayz, fridayz..Oh and Saturdayz 🙂 xxooxx


    • Sorry Mollie – I’m afraid I ate the piece of bacon Mom gave me this morning. It’s raining like mad here so it’s a grand nap day. Happy Sunday to you and the Alf-Man!!!! :D:D:D

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sparkle! I’m sure Freddy enjoyed himself out there but I didn’t make it outside to check on him… rained too hard for me. If there’s a sprinkle sometimes I like to go out in it but this was BIG rain. You might want to stage a protest regarding the lack of bacon in your house! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • I think Sunday is my fave day too! I don’t sleep with my parents any more – I prefer the solitude of one of my tents or other sleeping spots AND enjoy spying out the windows at night BUT I just like Sunday the most because my parents “stay put” in the house usually!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • I agree with you boys…..when I think about how good we have it, it makes me wish ALL animals could have it this good…..everybody needs a forever home like we have don’t you think???

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. hey Sammy, like you, everyday is sort’a ‘Sunday’ in my home…thank COD! for Retired hu’Rents!! I hung in bed, upset tummy I think…but will be fine once they give me something more palatable for din din…paw pats, Savvy


    • Hi Savannah… had a tummy ache yesterday and today must be MY turn! I had some “upchuck” issues this morning unfortunately so I’m taking the rest of the day off and resting up. Sigh. Always something isn’t it ?!

      Kitty Hugs and I hope you feel better today!


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