My “Birdie” Parents


Good Morning All!  It’s FRIDAY……and I’m here to report that yet again this week my parents left me home alone so that THEY could go have some fun without me….sniff.   I suppose I could go all “cry-baby” here and say that I missed them terribly and wished I was with them and blahblahblah but I’d be fibbing because – frankly – I love my “alone time”. 

Where did they go THIS time??  No not back to the mountains – this time they went to the airport and flew in their plane (or as Mom calls it, “Dad’s Toy”).  I’ve shown pix of Dad’s plane before and even a couple from the air that Mom’s taken when she’s gone with him, but yesterday she took a bunch so I thought I’d share them with you.

First of all, Dad and Mom have an old restored 1954 (I think?) Cessna 150, 2-seater.  It’s very small and as Mom says “cozy” (translation: cramped) but they both love it to pieces.   The plane is hangared at a small regional airport about 30 minutes drive from our house. 

Yesterday was a pretty morning – they left the house at 7:30AM and when they left the visibility at the airport was only 3 miles because of fog.  Dad won’t take off until there’s at least 5 miles of visibility and sure enough when they got there it had gone to 7 miles so………here’s how things looked!


Dad doing his pre-flight checkup while Mom “snoopervises”…..

In front of their hangar….heading out to the field and runways

Down the taxiway by the maintenance hangar on the way to the end of the runway……

Dad puts the pedal to the metal and down the runway they go!!!!

Mom says she was saying to Dad over the intercom “they said SEVEN miles of visibility??”

At cruise altitude….mountains WAY in the distance…..

After flying around for around 45 minutes they headed back to the airport…..

After flying Dad gets ready to “put the baby to bed” !!

After Dad put the plane away they came home to me.  Mom says I hadn’t moved a muscle since they left but they were wrong.  While they were gone I had cleaned out my toybox, run around the house like a madman for some exercise, gone potty in my litter box, murdered a cricket in my basement, ate the rest of my breakfast THEN I went back where I was when they left just so they’d see their innocent little cherub on their bed sleeping away…..just like they’d left him (HA HA HA HA!!).

Happy Friday Gang………..

Kitty Hugs, Son Of Mr. Fly Guy and Mrs. Navigator 😀 😀

40 responses »

  1. You won’t get me in that flying machine. I got aerophobia, aviatophobia, or aviophobia… call it what you want. Good post though…


    • I love flying (in a plane though so my arms don’t get so tired… :D). Was raised in a military (Air Force) family and we moved every 2 years – lots of flying involved there. LOVE travel and planes in fact. Being in this LITTLE plane is quite different and quite fun – the other thing is it’s small enough and light enough that if something went haywire…we’d just GLIDE down to the ground!

      Sam’s Mom Pam (Sam’s snoring in the tent just now)


  2. Oh, Sammy, it looks as though your pawrents had a beautiful morning for flying! (Motor Man LOVES to fly; Motor Mommy: not so much She had never flown in anything until the two of them got together.)
    Glad you enjoyed your alone time. Now what if your Mom reads your blog and finds out about all the stuff you did while they were gone? Hmmmm?
    Love, Sundae


  3. What a great thing to be able to fly your own plane! I love the feeling of being up above the world…glad they enjoyed their trip and you enjoyed your solitude! Nice to be back in touch with everyone!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! Nice to hear from you – – hope you and Mr. Dan had a VERY nice and relaxing getaway….I missed you 😦 My parents do love their plane – and I just bet you and Mr. Dan love your boat…’s nice to have a “big toy” to play with!! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Don’t you ever want to be way up there where all those birdies fly, Sammy? It would definitely be a new adventure. I bet you won’t be in your afghan tent this morning….isn’t it Friday MONSTER IN THE CLOSET morning?


    • Hi Miss June! I’m afraid all that noise would be too scary….I really prefer being with four paws on the ground! YES – the monster came out of the closet as always this morning but the minute I heard it hop back in the closet I was upstairs waiting for Mom to give me a new pile of tissue! YAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Texas! Well when you were flying from Paris to here it was a WAY higher up in the air kind of trip in the clouds…..AND a whole lot LONGER than 45 minutes too!! Still, I bet you were very happy to get off the plane and get carried to your new home……….

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • In fact there is a flying center close to the airport and lots of balloon events are held there – sometimes they come very low over our house and shout “HELLO” !!! Way cool…..your quote is VERY true…..

      Thanks for visiting……… 😀
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy (and his Mom too)


    • Hi Charlie….my Mom grew up with planes – her Dad was in the Air Force – and my Dad was a jet engine mechanic in the Navy so they BOTH love flying and airplanes. Your Dad is like me (and probably you) – – – ground-bound and perfectly fine with it!! 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Oh Sammy!
    Your Mommy and Daddy sure had a great morning! Me must say we was a teenie weenie bit jealous here. Me that yous gets the house all to yourself and Mommy. Now that she works at home, she does not get to go places in any size of planes (or helicopters) like she did in her before job.
    Does yous think there is a flying gene? Mommy loves to fly and her Daddy was a pilot?
    Nellie Belle


    • Nellie I’m SURE there’s a flying gene….my Mom’s Daddy was in the Air Force and just look at her and her love of flying!! My Mom says she has “designer genes”….HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


  6. wow, what an exciting way to spend the day! those are really cool pictures. I bet flying a plane is almost as fun as chasing a feather toy.

    sounds like you were super productive, Sammy. I often wonder when I get home and find everyone napping in the same spot as when I left HOURS ago what they were really up to…


    • Well, we just WANT you to think that we’ve been napping the whole time you humans are gone but really we’ve had huge parties with bad behavior and done things it will take you MONTHS to find out about (or next time you clean house whichever happens first…. 😀 😀 :D).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Wow I’ms definately commin to lives wiff youz Sammy, wot fun your Mommy and Daddy havin their very own plane..Hay..youz could fly over and see us.. 🙂
    Have a great Furiday or Flyday..bol xx00xx


    • Hi Mollie and Alfie!! Well, in that little plane it would be impossible to fly over to visit you – it only holds enough gasoline to get part way to where you are! Even if there was land the whole way and places to stop for gas it would STILL take us FOREVER to get there…’s not a jet – it’s a lot slower! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Caren….We know lotsa people really don’t like flying….I’m right there with ya! Couldn’t get ME in a plane….but I do like it when my peeps go so I can have the house ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL to myself! ;D

      Kitty Hugs and love, Sam


  8. That’s pretty neat, I think. I’ve never been in a plane. I’ve never even seen one close up. Quite often, big military jets and helicopters fly overhead my house and garden ’cause we live near an airforce base. I’m pretty sure they’re flying overhead to try to sneak a peek at me…. Nerissa! Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life!!! hehehe…


  9. My human is envious of other humans who fly – there are a lot of short trips where she would love to be able to just fly instead of drive three or six hours! But she is not the best driver when it comes to cars, so the skies are a lot better off without her.


    • HAHAHA….well Sparkle, at least your human recognizes her shortfalls. My Dad has been flying his little plane for over 30 years and Mom says he’s a VERY good “driver” up there in the sky! Mom knows….or she wouldn’t be so excited to go flying with him all the time….:D:D:D

      Happy Caturday!


    • My Mom says she’s had YEARS of snoopervising so I guess by now she’s pretty good at it……come to think of it I am too – I snoopervise Mom when she’s cooking in the kitchen, and I snoopervise my Dad when he’s tinkering in the garage. Guess we’re a family of snoopervisers!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Great pictures, Sam, and I know your parents had a great day! My sister’s husband who has his pilot’s license, though not for nearly as many years as your dad, flew down with my sister last fall and flew into Luray airport, only about 20 minutes from where my husband and I live. He then took us up in the plane and we flew over the mountains and over our house right IN the mountains and it was sure great to see our home from way up there! I would say, Sam, that you would love it but I know that you are far more content at home doing what you love to do—eat, nap, play! Have a great day! Carol T.

    Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 10:23:20 +0000 To:


    • Hi Miss Carol! My Dad has flown into Luray airport before – and my parents were just up on Skyline Drive this past Tuesday… must be a BEAUTIFUL way to see all of the mountain area and you are LUCKY to live in the mountains – my parents love the mountains. I think if I could be in a nice QUIET plane I might be able to tolerate it but Dad’s plane is NOISY (so says Mom anyway). Happy Weekend!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. Great, great post! LOVE the photos. Your parents are so lucky, Sammy, to be able to fly!! And you’re lucky, too, to be able to snooze away so peacefully while they do it. 🙂 Like your mom, I grew up in a military family, too (also Air Force) 🙂


    • Hi! So you’re what Mom calls “an Air Force brat” too huh? Well, then you got to move around a whole lot like she did. She says that’s why she loves to travel so much. The only travel I do is up and down the stairs to my various nap spots – MYYYYYYYYYYYYY kinda travel! ;D

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Same with my parents Savannah…..they really love to take vacations to far away places in BIG planes but also enjoy “cloud surfing” in the little one. ME??? I like to keep my paws on the ground!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  12. We loooved it! We’re with you Sam, when Mommy goes flying (or Daddy, he’s a pilot too) we prefer to STAY HOME. Those small planes are just too loud for us kittehs!
    That gives Mommy an idea though – and for a reasonably LARGE amount of treats, we just MIGHT let her borrow our blog to post some flight pics! (Her fave T-shirt is “Women Fly” …and on the back it says “(ok, men fly too.)” MOL!


    • Oh it would be WONDERFUL if you would let your Mom post some pics of her or your Dad flying their plane…..don’t you think it’s cool that humans pretend they’re birds sometimes and fly through the air????? My Mom said to tell your Mom that she thinks that t-shirt of hers is PURRRRRRRFECT! 😀 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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