Seeing Triple


Happy Sunday All…………..well, you know about “seeing double” but how about “seeing triple” ???

Yesterday morning I hopped up on Mom’s studio couch after she’d set up my famous afghan tent for a nap.  She couldn’t resist grabbing her digital and snapping this photo.  She thought it was too funny to pass up.  Humans have an interesting sense of humor……

Will the REAL Sammy Kimmell puleeeeze raise your paw????

Imagine THREE of me.  The mind boggles. 

Yesterday both of my friends Miss Mollie of Mollie’s Dog Treats and Cody from CAT CHAT blogged about their surprise packages which I’d sent to them since they won the photo contest I had a couple of weeks ago.  If you didn’t see the blogs – you should check them out!  They both loved their Sammy Swag.  That makes me so happy!

Sam Saying HI To The Camera

See? I’m smiling!

And a Happy Sam is a Hungry Sam…… if you’ll excuse me, Sunday breakfast is calling and I do believe I small BACON BACON BACON – that’s TWO days in a row!  Wow…..sometimes I can’t believe my good luck.

Happy Sunday to one and all……….

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

50 responses »

  1. Happy Sunday, Sammy! YAY, bacon again!
    That is such a cute picture of you with the two Sammy imposters. But there’s realy only ONE sweet Sammy.
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I thought I was being pretty adorable hopping up there under one pillow and next to another. Tee Hee. Bacon is frying as we speak….sure smells delish!

      Happy Sunday Sundae!
      Love ya, Sammy


    • Oh I WAS very good Miss Linda….I’m good most of the time in fact……but as good as I am, I still don’t get bacon every single day. Weekends are a “sure thing” though! 😀

      Happy Sunday
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Weee’s agree’s yooo’s the handsome one 🙂 Enjoy yor bacon…two day’s on the trot..Yooo’s certainly is ” onespoiledcat ”
    Mollie and Furball x


    • Thanks Easy! My Mom got the one above me on the shelf MANY years ago before she even had ME around here……the one I’m standing next to was a present from my Auntie Valerie. Three ginger kitties – my Mom said she’s glad only ONE is the “real thing” !! HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Bacon always makes the morning special. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to share it with those Sammy ‘imposters’!!?


    • Oh wow! The same one huh? I like that….I guess I’ve had mine for five or six years now and it “moves” around the house. Sometimes on the rocker in our living room – sometimes on Mom’s studio couch – sometimes on my parents bed. I like having my own TWIN. HAHAHAHA

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  4. Well, Sammy… it IS a pretty cute picture! But then, you always take a good photo. It’s a fact!
    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life


    • That’s DEFINITELY me in the middle……those other guys never eat, never sleep, never get treats, never meow…they are extremely boring UNLIKE yours truly. Yep – bacon two days in a row means I’m truly “one spoiled cat” doesn’t it. I kinda like it that way too…. tee hee 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Wow! Sammy! 3 of you! Your Mommy is one lucky lady and I went and visited Molly and Cody yesterday! Cool presents!
    Kozmo at the Cat From Hell


    • Hi Kozmo….welcome home from Texas. I loved the special card you made your gal Callie – you old romantic you ! 😉 As for the surprise packages Mollie and Cody got – glad you liked them. I’m thinking of asking my Mom to get ME one of those “stuffingless” mice or squirrel toys. Kinda cool.

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Oh I totally “get” what you’re saying Sparkle…..I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this pillow when Mom got it either but as long as it isn’t swiping my treats or sleeping in my tents, I’m OK with it. 😀

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Gosh I hope not! You mean my bacon stash might be in jeopardy? Oh no!!!! I’m going to have to cut down on nap time so I can keep guard in the kitchen in front of the refrigerator…..On the other hand, those “imposters” haven’t moved much since Mom put them where they are – and we all know REAL cats don’t stay put for long! I think maybe my bacon is safe – for now! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Miss Katie Isabella….what a BEAUTIFUL name you have! I’m gonna have to check out your blog….I’ve seen you “around” the blogosphere but never stopped in for a visit. I must take care of that immediately (if not sooner). ;D

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks! I think the surprise packages for the photo contest winner were pretty swell too (in fact I was a bit jealous when Mom brought home the swag before it went in the bags!). Three of me would be quite lovely but Mom says if the other two were as demanding of attention as me, there’s be trouble in paradise! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • It’s good that you can keep yourself entertained because remember your big brother isn’t as YOUNG as you are and might not have quite as much “kitten energy” in him as you do! Playing racecar is fun to do even if you’re by yourself – it makes your Mommy giggle… 😀

          Kitty Hugs, Uncle Sammy


          • Good for you Satchie….Jay loves to play with you but since he’s not quite as young and full of energy as you are, he needs more nap time. You’re a VERY GOOD GIRL for learning that sometimes you need to play race car alone!

            Kitty Hugs, Uncle Sammy


  6. seeing 3 of you!! Oh My!! But I bet you still got that tent bed all to yourself, huh? And you really out did yourself Sammy on those prized for Mollie and Alfie and Cody and Miss Caren!! How wonderful! paw pats, Savannah


    • Hi Savannah…..yeah – imagine THREE of me. EEEK! I’m glad Mollie and Cody liked their surprises for winning the photo contest – EVERYBODY deserved a prize of course because they were all such great pictures. It was fun – I’ll have to do that again some time!

      Paw Pats and hugs back to you!


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