Tuesday Teaser Tell-All


Hi Peeps!!   I do believe I FINALLY “gotcha” with the Tuesday Teaser this time around.  LOTS of people thought the photos were taken somewhere in England and even I have to admit they “could” have been because of the buildings, etc.  

However, they weren’t!  In 1993 my parents took a tour of SCOTLAND and at one point they stopped in the little town of Grasmere which is in the Lake District of Scotland – and they really fell in love with this town.  They walked all over the place, had tea in a little tea room, shopped for souvenirs, then walked over a stone bridge out a bit away from the main part of town and found the spot these photos were taken. 

 So the edge of this white house is part of Dove Cottage (ring a bell yet??)   William Wordsworth did much of his writing while living in Dove Cottage in the town of Grasmere……in 1799 he moved there with his sister Dorothy and in 1802 Wordsworth married Mary Hutchinson and she moved in with him and his sister in Dove Cottage.  Their three children were born in the cottage.  There were a number of dwellings in this little enclave of buildings but Dove Cottage was the prettiest (so says Mom anyway!).

If you’d like to read more about Grasmere – specifically Wordsworth living there, just click HERE

Hey – those of you who guessed the photos were taken in the Lake District were close!  It WAS the Lake District but it was in Scotland not England.

YAY!   You guys were super guessers anyway so I’m giving a FREE, no strings attached, non-returnable, non-refundable BIG SAMMY HUG to you for trying.

Happy Wednesday – your Teaser will be back next Tuesday!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy


23 responses »

  1. How about giving you a Big Poppy Hug! 😀 Happy Wednesday Sammy! Mom is heading out now but she says she can’t wait to catch up on the rest of your posts when she gets home later! 😀 Catch ya later Sammy!


  2. I knew the day would come when you would stump us all! Great job! It does sound like an interesting place to visit – maybe one day I will get to visit there when I go to Ireland!
    Have a great day – hugs back! Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda….Mom says you’d LOVE Grasmere, Scotland – it looks like a pretty place but then she thought there were TONS of pretty places in Scotland. I’m glad I stumped everybody for the teaser this week (insert evil giggle here!!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. Why, Sammy, I am just in awe of your knowledge about all these foreign places. You’re so worldly….(sigh). I wish I could include a pic of me this morning – I’m lying on my window seat in the morning sun with my little paws curled up in front of me. Maybe that’s my way of sending you a SUNDAE hug!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…well, I’m only “worldly” because I know how to get Mom and Dad’s photo albums open and tiptoe through the photos looking for good “Teasers” !! The only trip I’ve ever taken was to the vet…..EEEK! Anyway, enjoy your sun – we have some here just at the moment BUT who knows how long it will last.

      Thanks for the Sundae Hug…..
      Here’s one back for you with my love


  4. Well, we all know Scotland has as many pretty places as England. If we didn’t know before, we do now after the Tuesday Teaser. Can’t wait to see next week’s Teaser.
    We’re enjoying that sunshine, too, but some pesky clouds are trying to move in!!


    • Hi Miss June……..we had about ten minutes of sun and it’s been cloudy ever since – BUT no rain…..yet. Glad you liked this week’s Teaser! I haven’t poked through the albums yet to find one for NEXT Tuesday….I’ll try to make it a goodie!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  5. Great teaser, Sammy! I couldn’t figure out where it was. Scotland looks very pretty, though. Sounds like your Mom had a great time. Go figure she didn’t take you with her — those humans!


    • Hi Sparta! Mom said there were a lot of kitties around the town sunning themselves here and there – who knows – maybe I have a relative over there I could visit one day!!! HAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Isobel….I saw a reference to Scotland’s own “Lake District” on one of the websites I used as a reference for Grasmere but I probably read it wrong. OOPS. It was speaking of Grasmere being in “Scotland’s Lake District” – and true enough there was a huge lake there (!) where the Swan Hotel is located (and we could see from Dove Cottage) but that doesn’t mean it was in the “Lake District”. Sorry for the geographical reference error. We in fact visited England’s Lake District some years ago and surely there is no prettier place on earth (including in Scotland!).

      Thanks for pointing out the mistake. 😀


        • I thought maybe the dovecote would give it away – it was only a corner of Dove Cottage. I found the reference to Grasmere being in the Lake District of Scotland HERE. I’m probably misreading something. It’s funny but as many places as David and I have been on vacation, we STILL to this day talk about Grasmere. Perhaps I lived there in a past life or something but I just felt so “at home” there.

          Hope you and NotCat are enjoying the waterside………..


  6. I can’t believe you managed to ‘get’ everyone with that last picture. I can see you getting me… in fact, I would expect that you would… but everyone else? WOW! That was quite the teaser! purrs


    • Hi Nerissa….well, it really DOES look like some dwellings in England – there are a bazillion little villages with old houses that look just like that….but the “hint” was the little dovecote by the whitewashed cottage…..Dove Cottage in Grasmere. Mom said it was one of the most beautiful places she’d EVER been – EVER!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  7. Argh. That’s frustrating. Our hoomans have never been to Scotland so whee couldn’t guess! Whee will have to hope that the next one is a little easier!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo & Buddy


    • Hi Boys! I’m still sifting through my parents’ vacation photos for NEXT Tuesday’s Teaser….stay tuned….maybe it will be easier?! Meanwhile, enjoy that dried sweetcorn treat!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


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