Tag Archives: grasmere

Tuesday Teaser Tell-All


Hi Peeps!!   I do believe I FINALLY “gotcha” with the Tuesday Teaser this time around.  LOTS of people thought the photos were taken somewhere in England and even I have to admit they “could” have been because of the buildings, etc.  

However, they weren’t!  In 1993 my parents took a tour of SCOTLAND and at one point they stopped in the little town of Grasmere which is in the Lake District of Scotland – and they really fell in love with this town.  They walked all over the place, had tea in a little tea room, shopped for souvenirs, then walked over a stone bridge out a bit away from the main part of town and found the spot these photos were taken. 

 So the edge of this white house is part of Dove Cottage (ring a bell yet??)   William Wordsworth did much of his writing while living in Dove Cottage in the town of Grasmere……in 1799 he moved there with his sister Dorothy and in 1802 Wordsworth married Mary Hutchinson and she moved in with him and his sister in Dove Cottage.  Their three children were born in the cottage.  There were a number of dwellings in this little enclave of buildings but Dove Cottage was the prettiest (so says Mom anyway!).

If you’d like to read more about Grasmere – specifically Wordsworth living there, just click HERE

Hey – those of you who guessed the photos were taken in the Lake District were close!  It WAS the Lake District but it was in Scotland not England.

YAY!   You guys were super guessers anyway so I’m giving a FREE, no strings attached, non-returnable, non-refundable BIG SAMMY HUG to you for trying.

Happy Wednesday – your Teaser will be back next Tuesday!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy