Prepping For Blog-A-Versary


Ahhh….another week begins….!  We had a very wet Sunday here but the plants and grass sure enjoyed it.  It was cool enough that my Dad made a fire in the fireplace too and that was nice.  I bet that’s the last one we have this season though. 

So, here’s the deal – as you may know, my ONE YEAR Blog-A-Versary is coming up on May 10th (yay!).  Mom and I are working on some goodies for the occasion – like a contest with an actual prize (other than a Sammy Hug…not that there’s anything wrong with THAT!).   Another project we’ve been working on is making a store on Cafepress for “Sammy Stuff” !  That’s been a whole lot of fun to help Mom with.  We’ll have my adorable picture on several things like t-shirts, mousepads, coffee mugs, totes, and who knows what else.  Mom will have a section in “our” store for her things – like notecards with her paintings on them for instance.  But THAT might come later on……we’ll start out probably with just MY stuff.

Isn’t that way cool?  

So we’ve been busy around here.   But in between projects, I spent some time in Mom’s studio just watching her work on the computer from the comfort of one of my worn out but serviceable boxes:


Another boxtop in Sam's collection of boxes
You’ve heard of a jack-in-the-box? I’m a Sam-in-the-box! Tee Hee


HA HA – don’t forget either that tomorrow is TEASER TUESDAY so clean your glasses, polish your computer screen and get ready.



33 responses »

  1. Oh, Sammy – if you were going to be the prize, I would be such an excited winner! Although my Sweetie Dog would probably be way jealous! (She really loves her Dad best anyway.) Your new store sounds exciting! Some of my friends have suggested I start one for my photography – I make photo cards and prints for framing – but I am not sure if I want to get that started. I AM retired you know! Have a great day…hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda…..yeah, I hear you on the store thing. My Mom has a notecard business too with her photos and artwork BUT that’s slowed down a lot the last couple of years. SO, I think part of “our” store will be devoted to some of her artwork on cards (but with Cafepress doing all the work!!!!!)…………..our store is called “Pam and Sam” so that means BOTH of us get to have some fun. Don’t forget either that tomorrow is TUESDAY TEASER and you always make such good guesses!

      Kitty Hugs


  2. Oh, darn! I was so hoping you’d be the prize, Sammy! But I know that wouldn’t work: what would your Mom and Dad do without you there to supervise everything?!
    Happy Monday. Can’t wait for the excitement of your blogaversary AND your new store!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Looks like we’re both destined for “wet views” out our window perch spots today huh? At least here anyway…..and wind too which I don’t like so I guess I’ll be inside all day. Perhaps I’ll rearrange my tissue or help Mom with getting my online store set up or – WHO KNOWS WHAT I’ll get up to. Let’s try to stay out of trouble though OK? We don’t want our Moms upset with us.

      Love, Sammy


  3. A fire sounds like a good idea for yesterday. It was wet and blowy here too.
    I’m sure your blogaversary will be exciting and so will your store!


    • Hi Miss June……..well, I hope people like my new store AND the prize for the blogaversary celebration too. I still have a little work to do on ALL OF THE ABOVE but I’ll be ready for the “big” day!

      It stopped raining here but it’s COLD – at least it’s WARM under my quilt!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Miss Melanie! The store’s coming along great….we did a mousepad design this morning with a rather embarrassing napping photo of me on it. I’m giving Mom permission to use any photos she wants – after all, it’s MY store!! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs


  4. It sounds like you have lots of great stuff in the works, Sammy! One suggestion: if you haven’t already, look into Zazzle. I have stores on both CafePress (which I’ve had for years) and Zazzle (which I started adding items to last October), and I like Zazzle worlds better! In fact, once my human gets a chance, she is moving everything in my CafePress store over to Zazzle.


    • My Mom checked out Zazzle and they DO have more items to choose from for personalizing that’s for sure…Mom was familiar with Cafepress so she started my store there BUT perhaps we’ll move elsewhere eventually. Did your Mom think the process of creating stuff there was easier than with Cafepress??? WE LIKE EASY IN MY HOUSE! Thanks for reminding me that there ARE options! (like whether to nap on a lap or in a sun puddle, etc.)

      Kitty hugs


  5. You’ve got a blog-o-versary coming up? Ever neat! Sounds like you’re keeping really, REALLY busy, too. Make sure to get lots of naps in to keep up your strength, my friend. purrs


  6. whoa! Sammy! A whole catgone year! Way cool! I hope I can tell my autobiography for a year ‘cuz I’m thinkin’ my road to recovery from being in a shelter for a whole year is gonna be a long one…but wow…a whole year. Not sure I can be that interesting. Look forward to Teaser Tuesday! Savannah


    • Hi Savannah! Your situation was a whole lot tougher than mine was… don’t be hard on yourself – you and your parents are walking the long road TOGETHER!! Yeah – a whole year I’ve been telling everyone just how spoiled I am. Amazing huh?

      Kitty Hugs


        • Hi Savannah….I think sometimes we never totally get over our fears but we do know deep down that we’re safe with our family and that they do their best to help us in EVERY way. I’m glad you’re spoiled like I am – after all, kitties RULE! 😀

          Kitty Hugs


    • Hi Miss D….we enjoyed seeing the beautiful views you and Gus have been enjoying but we’ve also missed you a lot! Hope you found the Windex and will take a guess at Teaser Tuesday! I bet you’ll know where it is…..

      Kitty Hugs


  7. Dearest Sammy,
    Me wants to thanks yous for the get well card! Me posted it on my blog today. Me also want to thanks yous for the purrs. Me is felling better.


    • Oh Nellie I’m so glad you’re better…..I know I’m just one of your countless fans who’s been super worried about you. I saw that you posted the get well card I sent and I hope it helped you realize (if you didn’t already!) how much you are loved and adored by your loyal subjects!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs


    • Sam has a stack of them which I keep in the closet in my studio. He knows they’re in there. I’ve kept the ones he had a particular affinity for over the years – different sizes, heights, etc. When I say “stack”, I’m talking about five not twenty :D! Usually there’s one particular box at Christmas time that he “adopts” – am I an overly indulgent (or crazy) Mom? Probably.



    • Hi Miss Pix! Well, hopefully I can come up with something FUN for the contest – I already know what the prize is gonna be. I’m also working like crazy (well, Mom’s helping a little too) on my store. There’s always something happening in the wonderful world of Sam. 😀

      Kitty Hugs


    • Boxes are great aren’t they? Mom has said there’s no sense on spending a pile of money on toys for me when I’m perfectly happy to have a plastic straw, several boxes, some tissue paper, and a stray walnut. I’m a “cheap date”…….. 😀

      Kitty Hugs


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