Bye Mom!

Aunt Carol, and Cousins Mollye & Toby!

Mom's visiting my Aunt Carol and her "kids" !

Mom left this morning for two days – leaving me and Dad to fend for ourselves.  We can handle it….we are MEN!  Sure……besides, she left instructions for Dad as to how to make coffee and how to fix my meals….what more could I ask for????

Anyway, I probably will take the day off tomorrow so don’t be surprised if you don’t see a blog from me until Sunday.  Mom won’t be home until late Saturday.  Dad knows ZIP about computers and I can’t turn the computer on without help! 

Hope you all have a super day… for me…..I’m missing Mom already and she only just left………..



6 responses »

  1. Aw, Sammy, I wish I lived nearby: I’d come visit! We could really plot some mischief, couldn’t we??? (“When Mom’s away, the cats will play!”
    Anyway, just try to think about how much fun your Mom’s having with her sister, and she’ll be home before you know it!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Mommy got home a little while ago so things are back to normal around here. I wish you lived closer too – then maybe I could come visit your swell house on the water – I’ve never seen a duck before (or a swan)….or even the WATER (except for big puddles).

      Hope you’re having a nice Saturday……
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  2. I bet your Mommy is going to have a fabulous time this weekend, Sammy! I know you and your Daddy are going to miss her but the time will fly and she’ll soon be back home. Lots of love from Eddie (the JR), Simone (the collie) and Mattie (the foxhound)


    • Hi Eddie, Simone and Mattie…………Mommy’s home and yep I sure did miss her……I did get a new toy out of the whole thing though so it wasn’t all bad. HAHA Daddy took very good care of me but there’s just NOBODY quite like my Mom!

      Kitty Hugs


    • Hi Shelby! You guys sure do live it up with your Mom’s away from home with the pizza and popcorn thing. I think I’ll suggest that to Dad next time Mom’s away – IF I let her go away again on her own that is. LOL She got home a little while ago and it was mighty nice to get a hug. She even brought me a new toy!



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