Tag Archives: why we blog

Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Woo Hoo It’s Friday!

Every Friday we HOP with the co-hosted “Friendly Fill-Ins” courtesy of McGuffy’s Reader and 15andMeowing.    It’s fun and interesting and we love learning new stuff about everyone who fills in the sentences we are provided by our hosts!    If you’d like to join in too, click the badge above and use the Linky Tool and you’re IN!

So they say – but you can still hop around and read interesting STUFF about your friends right??

So this week’s sentences – two from McGuffy’s and two from 15andMeowing are below with my Mom’s fill-ins in BLUE!

1. If someone were visiting my area, I would recommend a visit to our very own little town of Warrenton – we have a haunted jail, some Civil War note-worthy battlefields (no matter what may be in the news lately!) and a whole lot of VERY friendly people!
2. My favorite room in my home is the kitchen – I do love to cook!.
3. Back-to-school time makes me think of how different things are NOW at school vs. when I was in school – it’s like night and day, right down to the dress codes!

4. My favourite year of school was Senior Year, because even though I was a good student, I always had a secret fear that for some weird reason I wouldn’t graduate – but of course I did!
Thanks Mom!   Good job………………….I see you avoided telling everyone WHAT YEAR you graduated – guess that would be T.M.I. (too much information) huh?   HAHAHA.

Ta Da!

Now I need to move on to thanking my friends Hemingway and Steinbeck for that Blogger Award they nominated me for – AND complying with all the rules – well almost all of them anyway.   Here’s the pretty award badge – Mom tells me she actually won this some years ago but it’s been SO long, we’re excited to have it again!
THANK YOU again guys for the nomination.   This is “my” very first award…………Mom has a pile of them already posted on a separate page of the blog but SHE and SAMMY earned those and this is the first one since I joined the team so I’m calling it MINE!
Here’s what we need to do:
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog   (DONE!)

  • Write a post to show your award (DONE!)

  • Give a brief story of how your blog started (see below)

  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers (see below)

  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to (we will offer this to any of you who don’t have it yet – I think most of the blogs we follow have it but if any of you would like it – please accept it with our HUGS!)

  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

Mom will let you know how she started the blog and give some advice.   I’m afraid I’m just too new at this to give advice – although I will say that you need to HAVE FUN when you blog – if it’s a chore or hard work or makes you unhappy – don’t do it!

Mom here – Many eons ago I was a frustrated writer and artist who had lost my “mojo” thanks to a battle with cancer.   I had to stop writing just after my first mystery novel was published – not only did I not feel very creative at the time, but I just couldn’t come up with ideas – my treatments muddled my thinking too much.   I had also painted – oil painting, pen/ink, some watercolor work.   In other words I’d been CREATIVE.    Anyway, after I finished my treatments I thought things would go back to the way they were but they didn’t…………..so I found my “NEW NORMAL” by starting a blog.   It got me writing again – not in the form of a novel, but I DID write some short stories and I DID start a blog which was written with the help of my fabulous cat Sammy.   He pretty much took the whole thing over – he had a big personality!    So that’s how the blog was started – because I needed to be creative and enjoyed meeting new people.   

As for advice, I agree with what Teddy said – blog because you WANT to – not because you “need” to………..I realize that some people blog because they are authors and want to spread the word about their books or have shops and they want to sell their goods or they have a significant message to get out to the world – but if you want to keep things FUN – blog because you WANT to.    The other piece of advice would be the old saying “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” – there is TOO MUCH HATE in the world so don’t help spread it.   John Lennon said it best – “All We Need Is Love”…………

Thanks again Mom!!!   Thanks again to Hemingway and Steinbeck – if you don’t know these two guys, you should.   Please visit them and enjoy as much as I do the FUN of watching Steinbeck drive Hemingway crazy just like any little “kid” would do.   Besides – Steinbeck is a GINGER and you know how much fun we GINGERS are!

See you all tomorrow for BACON CATURDAY!

Don’t mind me – I’m just hanging around watching Mom with laser eyes!!!

Love, Teddy