Tag Archives: Tasmania

Teaser Tell All


Howdy Teaser Fans!    So what did you think of yesterday’s challenge?   A lot of you were on the right trail alright but nobody actually guessed THE place the photos were taken…………………first to recap!


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Now for a few MORE photos from the same place which weren’t included on the Teaser yesterday!


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Where were the photos taken and by which one of my blog buddies?    Well the photos were taken on the amazingly beautiful island of Tasmania or “Tassie” as the locals call it.  It’s separate from the mainland obviously since it’s an island but is still PART of the amazing country of Australia……………….and the photos were sent to me by our friend and yours Bev Green (aka “Fozziemum”) of “One Fur All and All Fur One” and “Fozzie.M” blogs.   THANK YOU MISS BEV!    What a journey you and your hubby had when you visited “Tassie”.    When I remarked to Bev that I’d always wanted to see a real Tasmanian Devil she sent me a couple of photos of them!

Tasmanian Devil1Tasmanian Devil2

Here’s what Bev had to say about her trip and the photos………………..

“These pics are from the beautiful West coast of Tasmania on the West Coast Wilderness Railway..Phil and I drove around Tassie in 2010.
The Beautiful old train takes a tour through the Huon Pine areas between the mining town of Queenstown and the little seaport of Strahan.
The trees are thousands of years old and the are very much like stepping onto the set of Jurassic park.
We dined on amazing food on board and the air was the freshest I have ever breathed.
There is a section of the rail that is incredibly steep and special ABT rack and Pinion was used to enable the trains to haul their cargoes up the steep grade.
Started in 1895 to enable Copper to be moved from Queenstown to market.
Phil and I drove the road to Queenstown and it was the steepest eeriest drive ever..sheer drop to old mine cuts …quite a challenge..
The views were amazing the train one of the world’s finest rail trips and the litel stop at the end we panned for gold bought tons of amazing Honey of various flavours and had the first ever eco loo experience!
We will certainly go back again the port of Strahan such a sweet town and would be a lovely retirement place.
It was 35 kilometres of dining eating drinking and scenic captures!”

Now a whole LOT of you guessed Australia………………since that was as close as it got to being right (and technically Tasmania is part of Australia) I’m going to give all of you who guessed the “I Guessed It Right” award but because nobody guessed Tasmania, nobody gets the “First Right Guesser” because the RIGHT guess – the TOTALLY right guess – would have been Tasmania.   I hope that doesn’t cause a war……….(hahaha)………but guessing the country is only half the battle – you need to be more specific !!   Right?  Right!  Everyone knows the rules by now……….SO, here’s your award those of you who guessed Australia:


And those of you who didn’t guess correctly get this badge to display with honor (at least it shows you tried!):


You still MIGHT like to know who was the first one to guess Australia………………….well it was my friend from “Trifles” blog (you know them as Kolytyi)………..and know what?  Just because you really did guess Australia first Kolytyi, I’m thinking maybe Honorable Mention???????   You’re a faithful follower of the Tuesday Teasers………I’d say that’s pretty HONORABLE, wouldn’t you??????



Make sure and tune in again next week for another adventure in the wonderful world of Tuesday Teasers…..you never know where we’ll go next!

Happy Wednesday, Sammy