Tag Archives: sparks

Monday Sparks!


Let your “spark” light up the darkness!

“Sparks” is a new and inspiring “Hop” from our friend Miss Annie at McGuffy’s Reader.    Her idea is to bring some LIGHT inspirational quotes, thoughts, and most of all energy to this world we live in by posting some spark-power every Monday on our blogs.  Social Media is a powerful place – sometimes good and sometimes not so good but hopefully the things we post on Mondays for our “Sparks” will have a positive effect on everyone.    It seems to have become “easier” to be negative, but maybe we can turn that around with some powerful LIGHT in the form of Annie’s “Sparks” ?

If you’d like to join in the Hop, just click on the logo above and link up with an inspirational thought, some positive power, some light…………….here’s ours:

Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

Me and my Teddy!