Tag Archives: sleepy



Oh boy!  It’s FRY-day……that’s right – I’m getting BACON this morning because my Mom and Dad deserted me Wednesday night for the WHOLE NIGHT on a little out of town trip.   SO, of course I gave Mom the BIG stink eye when she got home yesterday and she said “oh you poor baby – how about BACON tomorrow for breakfast – will that make up for us being gone????”………….who am I to deny her enjoyment in providing me with extra bacon this week right?


Other than bacon for breakfast which will be a wonderful and delightful treat, I will have to endure the housecleaning THING and laundry THING but I believe when a tummy full of bacon, I’ll just retire to the basement to my favorite chair and snooze right through all the noise!


Mom and Dad were in West Virginia for their overnight trip……….they stayed in an old Inn………..I’ll show some photos on my blog but Mom’s too lazy busy catching up on email and blog comments to upload the photos from her camera……ANWYAY, on their way home yesterday it snowed like MAD.   The wind was howling so it was like being in a snow squall – snow blowing totally sideways at times and coming down so much that you couldn’t see the road in front of you very well.   The weird thing was that they’d go through one of those “squalls” then they’d be on dry road with no snow for five minutes then hit another “squall”.   Mom said it was really WEIRD.   They got home fine though and while it’s cold here (36) we don’t have any snow……….at least not yet!

Looked a bit like this only not as much snow ON the road - more flying through the air!

Looked a bit like this only not as much snow ON the road – more flying through the air!

The Valentine’s celebrations are starting up – my first two parties will be today.  I’ll report on them this weekend…………what a social whirl my life is.  HAHAHAHAHA….. Never a dull moment (unless I’m sound asleep).

Won't you be my Valentine?????? Hmmmm??

Won’t you be my Valentine?????? Hmmmm??

