Tag Archives: life sparks

SPARK and Reminder


It’s Monday and time to start the week off with a SPARK!   What exactly IS this Monday SPARK thing we do?   Well, most of you know that Annie of McGuffy’s Reader – who started SPARKS – was hacked and has been on an extended break from blogging although her idea to spread some inspiration on Monday of every week goes on.   Many of us who participated in her SPARKS Blog Hop and found value in sharing a thought on Monday continue doing that to hopefully give each other a “Monday boost” – perhaps something to think about to inspire us in the week ahead OR help us deal with something that’s on our mind.    Why not join us by sharing something that SPARKS you?   It might just start a spark in us too.

My SPARK today has Annie’s spark jar which is the “icon” photo that we all use for our SPARKS post every week in it……………..when I saw it I thought it is the very essence of SPARKS……..because it’s all about “quiet confidence”………it doesn’t take a huge flame to take on the world!


Here’s hoping you grab hold of your own inner spark this week and perhaps get something done or said that you didn’t know you’d have the strength to accomplish.    YES WE CAN!   WE GOT THIS!

Hugs, Pam

P.S.  Teddy asked me to remind all you Teaser fans that tomorrow is TEASER – a surprise time – be purrrrrpared to figure out where the photo was taken!   

SPARKS on Monday


Happy Monday

Time to start our week off with a powerful or positive thought – something that will SPARK us into a better day, or a more fruitful and “light filled” week.   This wonderful Hop was started by Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.    Her idea is a good one – if we all put a little “light” out there and try to “pump up the volume” with each other – that power will not only fill US but others around us.    It’s a great thought……..and we all try to share something to start the week with a SPARK.    If you click her graphic above, you can go to her blog and join in the SPARKS!

My thought this Monday is something I REALLY do believe………..and I am carrying it with me today as I start my Monday…………….

Go for it…..what do you have to lose – aim high!


Happy Monday

SPARKS on Monday


Happy Monday!    It’s time to spread a little light, a little fun, a little inspiration to start off the week.     SPARKS is a great way to do that!    We join in adding a little SPARK every Monday courtesy of our hostess Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.   Whether it’s a photo, a quote, a thought – it doesn’t matter what form your “spark” takes….it may “speak” to people in a way and make their day and week a little better.     This Hop is wonderful and inspiring and if you haven’t joined in – yet – you should.   Just click on the graphic above, fill out the LINKY tool to add your blog link and voila – your light joins our lights and makes things a LOT brighter – at least that’s what we all hope for.

My contribution today is such a simple thought…………but it works when you feel “I’m just one person – can I matter?” or when you begin to feel ever so SMALL in this great big world.   It also speaks to starting over.    It’s never TOO LATE and you have to have carry some hope in your heart because things can change in a minute………and often do……..

Won’t you join in and share a little spark on a Monday?

Hugs, Pam