Tag Archives: late Christmas present

Santa Paws Forgot……


Now you’d think that the one person we all can count on is Santa Paws right?  We do our lists, send them in to him at the North Pole, and if we’re good – VERY VERY good – Santa Paws brings us lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh right?  

Well, I had a big surprise the other day.  When I came down to breakfast there on the floor was a package wrapped in Christmas paper!  Yes!  Nobody knew how it got there – least of all ME since I’m usually sleeping in the room where the fireplace is (and we all know that’s how he comes into our houses right??).  Anyway, I ripped the paper off and here’s what I found!

WOW!  My very own sled!

WOW! My very own sled!


This sled smells like Santa's Workshop!  It must be true!  Santa brought this for me!!!

This sled smells like Santa’s Workshop! It must be true! Santa brought this for me!!!

There was a note tucked inside that said:

“Dear Sammy…….I asked my special delivery elf department to rush this package to you ASAP because as they were doing routine maintenance on my sleigh, they discovered a package that had slipped out of my bag and out of sight in the sleigh!  It was tucked behind the seat where nobody saw it until the upholsterers were ready to recover my cushion with new leather.   I’m so sorry you didn’t get this present from me on Christmas morning with all your other surprises.  I do hope you will forgive me.  It will NEVER happen again.  I even asked my good friend Mother Nature to make sure you had a few extra snowfalls even though it’s Spring just so you could use this!!

Yours Faithfully,  Santa Paws”

WELL!  That explains why we still have winter weather doesn’t it?!  Don’t you just love my sled?  I sure do!   YAY SANTA PAWS!

How would you like to know who wrote the very last of the poems submitted for the Scariest Poem at camp?  Well, here’s the poem and it was submitted by my friends at Hutch A Good Life, Nutty, Basil, Nibbles and Buddy. 

It was a dark and a grey sort of day,
Like the ones whee always hate,
A group of friends were going camping,
But one of them was running late.
“Sorry,” cried the latecomer in gasps,
Dashing up with just seconds to spare,
Begging they forgive him this time,
As a gorilla had stolen all his underwear.
Now you may well go ahead and laugh,
Oh how his friends, well they certainly did,
But they did not notice they were being watched,
By something which behind a garbage truck hid.
The trip to the site was surprisingly merry,
They all sang as their leader strummed at his guitar,
And one tried out his skills on the violin,
It was so bad they almost jumped out of the car!
When they finally reached the old woods,
Night had already begun to fall,
They set up their tents at top speed,
And set a fire as the air began to cool.
They chatted as they ate their dinner,
Enjoying candy bars and toffee sticks,
And one, the ever hopeful Romeo,
Tried to charm the ladies with his magic tricks.
After one particular failed magic card,
They heard something move in the trees,
“Is it magic?!” asked someone quietly,
“No don’t be silly,” another did tease.
But the rustle continued and got closer,
And the friends moved into a huddle,
Wrapping paws into paws and fur intertwined,
In a very strange sort of a cuddle.
It was a week later when the site was found,
After a ranger wondered why no one had returned,
He was surprised to find the suitcases still there,
But every single special tent had been quite burned.
No one knows what happened to those friends,
But they say if you stand beneath those trees,
You can here them calling for help,
And a eerie rustling sound on the breeze . . .

WHAT A FABULOUS POEM!!!   Now that you know who wrote each of the poems you had to choose from to vote for during the camping trip you see what very talented blogging buddies we all have don’t you! 

My sincere thanks to all of you……….all the poems were fabulous!

Now – I’m going to have a fabulous Caturday admiring my sled – how about you?????

Kitty Hugs, Sammy