Tag Archives: great quote

SPARK on Monday


It’s Monday again and you know what that means right?   Time for a SPARK – a message that will get you through the week or at the very least give you something to think about!  What exactly IS this Monday SPARK thing we do?   Well, most of you know that Annie of McGuffy’s Reader – who started SPARKS – was hacked and has been on an extended break from blogging although her idea to spread some inspiration on Monday of every week goes on.   Many of us who participated in her SPARKS Blog Hop and found value in sharing a thought on Monday continue doing that to hopefully give each other a “Monday boost” – perhaps something to think about to inspire us in the week ahead OR help us deal with something that’s on our mind.    Why not join us by sharing something that SPARKS you?   It might just start a spark in us too.

I found this quote from Albert Einstein by accident…………….but maybe it wasn’t such an accident after all?   Maybe I needed to get the message?   Maybe you do too?

I actually have HEARD this quote before but had no idea it was by Albert Einstein.    He was a VERY smart man!     Have a super week……………….keep on moving……………………I will too.

Hugs, Pam,