Tag Archives: fishing fun

Oh What A Day!


Good Morning Peeps!!!   YES I started my day the way you just KNOW that I have to – with bacon – and plenty of it……….well, honestly Mom and Dad had a lot more than I did but I did get my customary share and I’m happy about that!


What I want to tell you about this morning though is the FAB Fishing Rodeo we had at Cat Scouts on Thursday.  TONS OF FUN………..here’s a little slideshow to show you how much fun we had from my perspective as Troop Leader of the Wildcats who sponsored this trip for Scouts:

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If you’re not a Cat Scout – why aren’t you one?  HAHAHAHA    Seriously – you should check it out at CatScouts.com because we really do have some serious fun there.   And we get to wear uniforms which is always cool.



Have a super duper Saturday !!

Hugs, Sammy