Tag Archives: easy

Thankful, Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Thankful to be blogging!

We are joining up with Brian’s Thankful Blog Hop – because I truly AM thankful that I get to blog from the Rainbow Bridge – otherwise I’d miss all of you too much!


Click his badge to join the Hop!

Today is also my Poetic Day and today’s letter is “E”!




By Angel Sammy Kimmell, 1/11/17

My pal Easy is an Angel like me

We both flew to heaven where we are now free

We both miss our humans just like they miss us

But we visit them quietly – without any fuss

We want them to know that real love doesn’t die

It lasts truly forever, Angels don’t lie!

The spot in their heart that right now has an ache….

The sadness of loss, human hearts they can break…..

We will carry the load, and we’ll wait by their side….

One day they will join us on that big final ride.

(This poem is for Easy, but also for Jamison and Fiona and all others who passed over to the Bridge recently)


We are all Angels now…….and we love our humans ALWAYS.

Anyway, hope this poem doesn’t make everyone sad………….trust me when I say that when we go to the Bridge we are young again, have no aches and pains, have everything we need or want but most of all we DO visit you – listen for us with your mind, heart and soul and you will FEEL us there.

My Mom sometimes has a tough time still thinking about all the kindnesses shown to her and my Dad after I left…………all the poems and artwork and messages STILL echo in her heart.   We recently received a beautiful gift from our friend Kelly Daye – who we all know as Boomdeeadda (if you follow her terrific blog!).    It’s a balloon ornament which looks like the balloon I visited all of you – my friends – in on December 2nd which turned out to be the day I went to the Bridge.    Here’s the ornament:


Kelly put the letter “S” on the balloon……so it’s MINE ALL MINE!


This was the badge for that special day – which was hosted by Easy and Madi………a day to remember always.

Tomorrow is Friendly Fill-Ins!  See you there!


I am the Poet, I hope you know it!  

Angel Sammy