Tag Archives: blog friend

Meeting Friends


**Pam here – Sam’s asleep and it’s MY turn to blog!**

One thing I read over and over on the blogs I follow is that without a doubt, meeting the people we “follow” in the blogosphere in person is almost always TONS of fun.  You know these people from their blogs so they’ve been friends for a long time but once in a while you get lucky and your paths cross!

On Monday my husband and I met the dynamic duo behind The Cat On My Head blog – the Mom and Dad of all those Kitties Blue we know and love.  They were not far away from our town on business and were coming BACK through this way so we decided to meet in Warrenton for lunch.    It was so much fun…….you see, not only are Janet and I friends from our blogs, we are friends through Cat Scouts as well.   Remember, Sammy is a Troop Leader and Janet’s cat Mauricio is the Assistant Troop Leader!

We decided when we discussed having lunch that it would be fun to have our cats with us (no – not our ACTUAL cats – the “Flat Cats” you’ve probably heard us talking about – a cardboard version of us that can be mailed/taken EVERYWHERE a bit more easily than a REAL cat).    SO Janet had Mauricio and I had Sam and we sat them on the table at the restaurant for a giggle – they had their official Cat Scouts neckerchiefs on too…….do I have to tell you that the entire restaurant thought we were nuts?   Do I have to tell you that we didn’t care one bit if they did?   HAHAHAHA

It was a lovely lunch and a fun time and even the FLAT CATS had a ball………we got to bring Mauricio home with us in fact.   The thing about “Flat Cat Scouts” is that our “Flat Cats” have been spending months traveling EVERYWHERE visiting each other through the mail.   We’re logging miles up as we visit and having photos taken of our cats enjoying themselves……….and whoever racks up the most miles is going to win a PRIZE.

Mauricio will be off in the mail today visiting another Cat Scout…………”Flat Sam” will be mailed out too on another visit.   I think the Cat Scouts are probably traveling more than most of my human friends have in YEARS!!!

Here are some photos from the past few days…………………I think you can tell it’s been FUN………………….

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Anyway, meeting someone in person that you’ve known only “at a distance” on the computer is always fun………………this was no exception.  David and I enjoyed visiting with Janet and Tom AND “Flat Cat” Mauricio!

Mauricio is celebrating today before he leaves us – it’s his BIRTHDAY today – so we hope he has a SUPER special birthday trip ahead to his next destination.   Farewell Mau – bon voyage and Happy Birthday!



Hugs, Pam (while Sam is napping!)