Friendly Friday Fill-Ins Hop


Happy Friday!  Ready to fill in the blanks?  Good – so I am.   This week I’m letting my Mom fill in some of the blanks for me.    I had trouble thinking of something to say for a couple of the sentences SOOOOOOOOOOOO I decided to let Mom handle a few of the sentences.   In a “pinch”, Mom always comes through!     The ones Mom did are in RED and words I did are in GREEN.    If you want to join in the filling in fun you can click the badge above and link up!

1. Sometimes I like to go to bed early with a book to read and sometimes I don’t.

2. If I had a nickel for every time I was able to get Mom to take me outside (tee hee),  I would be rich.
3. Summer is already getting old, but I’m not complaining
4. I haven’t yet decided if I like my new catnip filled wine bottle toy or not – it doesn’t squeak when I touch it and I like squeaky things!

See?  Mom and I did a good job together – we’re a GREAT team.    Yep – we SURE are!!!!     Thanks to our co-hosts for fill-in fun every week……….

Hugs, Me and Mom 

54 responses »

  1. Oh, Teddy, ask for a REAL wine bottle and you’ll be squeaking yourself, haha. Just kidding. Your mama is a jewel. And yes, squeaky is a bit more engaging….


  2. Teddy, I may have to fill in those blanks too. Mom and I enjoy them.
    1. Sometimes I like to cook a more complicated dish and sometimes (most times) I don’t.

    2. If I had a nickel for every time I dropped something in the kitchen, I’d be rich. The kids always called it “The Atkins Dropping Ceremony.” (maiden name) and still do; and it has remained a staple in this house.

    3. Summer is getting and started when it got here, old.

    4. I haven’t decided whether or not to clean the refrigerator. I hate taking al the stuff out.


    • Great fill-ins! We love your #2……My Mom doesn’t drop but she does drip. No matter how careful she is, something always drips on the floor and she has to stop and clean it up. Maybe Mom has “The Kimmell Dropping Ceremony” thing????? Summer has worn us out already so we’re ready to bring on the cooler weather!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ouch on broken hands…..maybe my Mom could tie a bell around the wine bottle’s neck – at least it would make an noise when I grabbed it or tossed it in the air!! Right now it just sits there…..!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. You are lucky your folks are so good about bringing you outside. Maybe you will get used to your new toy despite the lack of squeaker. XO


  4. Teddy, you and your mom have such purrfect fill-ins! Oh, and calico Tonks says to maybe give that catnip wine bottle a second chance. She has a catnip champagne bottle and loves it, so she hopes you end up loving yours just as much. Purrs!


    • I haven’t given up on the catnip wine toy (actually there are THREE of them) – but I think the catnip is just not very strong or something – I just pretty much ignore it and believe me – that is NOT LIKE ME!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Grate combo Fill-Innss Teddy an Miss Pam.
    BellaSita agreess with #1 Fill-Inn. Nothing like an early nite with a mug of Decaf Tea an a GUUD book!!
    Teddy you wuud bee RICH!!! Mew mew mew…..
    Wishin all of youss’ a lovelee weekend.
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum


  6. We love our squeaky toys…well, until we ‘de-squeak’ them, BOL!

    Summer can get lost as far as we are concerned…but having woofed and spoken that we are not yet ready for winter!

    Cooking?? Yup, sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t!!

    Minko was the catnip fiend around here…he even knew how to open the drawer where it was kept…so he could steal it; he was naughty! We sure miss him so much, and Pipo, too.


    • Cats are very clever at finding things they shouldn’t find. We know several who open cabinets to steal things or drawers if they’re NOT QUITE closed all the way, etc. I’m afraid I’m not that adventurous I prefer to sleep on top of my toys or use them as pillows. HAHAHA


  7. We think Mom Pam should give you a nickel every time she or Dad David take you outside…like an allowance to buy frivolous things. We thought Mom Pam always went to bed early! Anyhoo, good job filling in. We too are getting a wee bit tired of the hots and summer. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


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