SPARK on Monday


Happy Monday.     Time to share a SPARK……..Every Monday those of us who are participating in SPARKS post a little something to get the week started.  “SPARKS” was started by Annie McGuffy of McGuffy’s Reader but ended when her blog was hacked some time ago.  It was meant to be a way to start out each week with with a meaningful thought – something that spoke to each of us and hopefully everyone else who read it.    Sometimes we need a little “spark” in our lives and these posts were meant to at least be a PART of that effort.    Those of us who enjoyed sharing a SPARK with Annie have continued doing so on Mondays – and we hope one day soon Annie will be back blogging with us again.    Please feel free to post a SPARK of your own and let everyone know you have…….we get energy from each other that way!

I’ve already started what used to be called “Spring Cleaning” but actually is more like “I’ve got to get some of this STUFF we’ve accumulated out of here so we can buy NEW stuff”.    You know what I mean.    Learning that it’s OK to let something go (that comfy old falling apart chair, threadbare rug)  and move on – unless it REALLY means something to you – is tough.   You do learn over time that you have to de-clutter or else move to a bigger house but who among us can do that EASILY???   Few!     Anyway, back to what my thought was about de-cluttering.     I looked for a quote that was about simplifying or taking “Spring Cleaning” an extra step to make your life – not just your home environment – less cluttered………here’s what I found – and I really like it!

SO TRUE!   Clutter is many things…………..I realize now that throughout my life I have had trouble removing SOME clutter from my life – particularly holding on to someone I thought was right to have in my life but really wasn’t.    Once that situation changed, I began living the life I wanted to live.     But it was a painful change at first for me.     As I’ve aged I’m finding it less painful to let go.    Time is shorter and I want the rest of my life – however long that may be – to be one that lets me be ME and share that time with someone who wants that for me too!

I do love this SPARK.    I hope it speaks to you in some fashion – it’s my “EARLY SPRING” adopted philosophy!

Hugs, Pam

59 responses »

  1. true!!! before we declutter our toybox and throw 87 wrecked toys in da trashcan, we should declutter our inner things… then we maybe find out that we can read a book instead or that we can make fabulous things even from wrecked toys… like…maybe… wrecked toys?


    • I feel a bit like that too right now – I think a whole lot of us are just on some sort of overload physically and emotionally with Covid. Now that I’ve finally had my first shot I somehow feel a bit LESS like that finally. Things are looking up and I am feeling more and more like concentrating on cleaning/clearing out STUFF!!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That Spark is so true! I have lots of clutter in my head that I need to get rid of too! As I have aged I find it very easy to let go of “stuff” and keep stuff to a minimum. Not having the room makes it easier.
    Good Morning, Virginieeeeeeeee!


    • Howdy Floridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadoooo! Funny thing for me is that I have lots of STUFF I want to get rid of but I just don’t devote the time and effort to doing it! I just need to keep FOCUSED. That’s gonna change though – I plan to do a REAL “Spring Cleaning” this year.

      Hugs, Pam and Mr. Boop


        • The Boop is safe…..his red wagon is off limits. Ted isn’t really into toys – most of what’s in the wagon are “memory toys” from Sam. Permanent memories……..As for SSNS – I’m sure you will read him the riot act if things get out of control……….LOL


  3. It does speak to me. As did you, I have gotten rid of some of the mental clutter that kept me stationary as I saw the foolishness of holding on. Only three things have my attention and duty any more. Now… stuff in the house…I was doing well but it’s mostly Katie stuff now. Hard to let that go but I want to. It’s the mental stuffs though that we need to concentrate on probably. Not physical. 🙂


    • YES and the mental stuff is WAY WAY tougher to let go than the physical – at least for me. Things are just things but feelings about things – well – they are tough because they tug at our hearts.


  4. The best spark ever!!! Mama fortunately lets go easily of things, objects, but not papa and not me! We hug a lot. But, yes, there has been some covid cleaning around here, too, and we all move and breathe more easily after all is pared down and reorganized!


  5. boy is that spark ever SPOT ON!! Sooo true! As for physical clutter…..OMG…our bedroom and extra bedroom (which used to be my “office”) are in DIRE need of me going through things and tossing!!


  6. Bravo X 100 I agree. One co worker and I always had lunch once or twice a week, I really liked her but our lunch conversations were full of ” doom and gloom”. Makes digestion hard. After she retired I gradually let go.
    Hugs Cecilia


  7. Pam that is a really great spark. I have the problem of being attached to things that are just things. It is a bit of a trait I inherited from Mom and Sister who were at the edges of hoarding. Me I have a “storage room” and the house is in good shape. We manage in the ways that work for us. Have a great week


    • That’s a wonderful step in the right direction – devoting just one room to “storage”……and maybe once in a while checking out the storage and doing a “minor” clear-out! I have no hoarding experience myself but I have known some hoarders and it’s amazing what some of them live with and don’t even notice!

      Hugs, Pam


  8. What a great Spark to kick off spring cleaning season. Mom does not do spring cleaning. There’s never any clutter to clean. She is an obsessive thrower-outer all year round. I sure hope she doesn’t get tired of ME!! If she does, I won’t stand a chance.

    Love ad licks,


    • You have NOTHING to worry about Cupcake… and your Mom are a permanent bond… she might decide to do a “Cupcake Toy Box Clearout” but that just means more room for NEW STUFF!

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Mom does like that Spark a bunch. She really, really needs to do some decluttering. And it is true that sometimes the decluttering involves people. Have a good week. Love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


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