Bakin’ With Bacon And The King!


Welcome to the King’s Kitchen!   You want an EASY recipe???  I’ve got it!

Indeed I do.   This one isn’t just easy, it’s delicious.    The photo we have to go with the recipe shows brown bread which I know is tasty as can be for the dipping, BUT my parents tried two other things:  thinly sliced baguette AND regular crackers.    VERY GOOD was what I heard them both say.   So you can use anything you want to put this dip on – but the best thing to put it on is your tongue!   Yep – it’s truly yummy.



Ohhh la la!  Bacon Beer Cheese – delish!

This is so easy, I’m not even giving you a separate ingredients/directions list.   This small paragraph has the whole thing!!

Cook 6 chopped bacon slices in a saucepan; remove, leaving the drippings. Melt 2 tablespoons butter with the drippings. Add 1/4 cup flour and cook over medium heat, stirring, 2 minutes. Add 1 cup each cream and beer, 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard and 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika; simmer 5 minutes. Stir in 2 cups grated cheddar until melted. Serve topped with chopped scallions and the bacon.

See?  Easy right?   Also extremely good.    As usual my Mom used her favorite cheddar – sharp – but any cheese actually would do – cheddar just has more bite to it.    Plain paprika works but we have smoked on hand because my Dad loves it on his grilled cheese sammmmmmmiches!   Can you believe it???

So this is very tasty stuff and perfect for entertaining guests OR binge-watching TV OR watching a movie at home.    What’s not to like with ingredients like this.

I’ll start looking for another fab recipe for next Saturday but until then – give this one a try.


Nap time for the King…….!   

Hugs, Teddy the Bacon King



34 responses »

  1. That does sound really easy, Teddy. Mom says that it also looks as if it has a bajillion calories. It is making her mouth water, however. Thanks for another great recipe. We think it is time that you start compiling a bacon recipe book. Love to all. Have a marvy weekend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • My Mom says “calories – shmalories” – it’s time to let it all hang out and enjoy life in the form of yummy food!!!! LOL Seriously though, I’m sure there are a bajillion calories in this but they are yummy calories that’s for sure.

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. That soup looks like Mom’s lunch today. Add a few potatoes and it would be the loaded potato soup she had at a restaurant. Right down to the crumbled bacon and scallions on top! Yum!

    Love and licks and I’m not jealous,


    • It does look like soup doesn’t it but it’s a dip. Loaded potato soup is delish – my Mom gets it at PANERA up here OR at the grocery because they have all of PANERA’s soups there…’s delish and I even got to lick some off Mom’s finger once to give it the taste test.

      Hugs, Teddy


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