SPARKS on Monday


It’s Monday and time for a SPARK to start our week………… you all know, Annie of McGuffy’s Reader is taking a bit of a break which she truly needs so that means SPARKS isn’t “hopping” as usual but it’s still a wonderful idea to post something uplifting for the week ahead.   My SPARK today is actually what the “essence” of Annie’s SPARKS is………..bringing a little light into the world.   It’s how we do it that’s the real message here……………. I don’t think this one needs any flowery words from me or an explanation/translation (!)………… just THINK about it – and have a good week.

For You Annie……..

Hugs, Pam

30 responses »

    • You are sweet to say that but I think ALL of us have a light within and all of us let it free when we’re happy and at peace within. I hope Annie will “receive” some light from the rest of us as she takes a break!

      Hugs, Pam


  1. That is the purrfect Spark for Annie. I’m going to see if Annie will let me take over the Sparks hop for her until she’s ready to come back. I think we all need them to start our week. Wishing you a great one. Love and hugs, Janet


  2. Some days our world just seems so dark. How nice it would be if everyone found a way to leave a little light of love.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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