SPARKS on Monday


Happy Monday!    Time to share a little bit of light – a thought for the start of the week – something we can hold onto as we face whatever comes our way.    SPARKS is the idea of my friend Annie from McGuffy’s Reader……Annie’s thinking is that the world can be a bit of a puzzle and challenge and sometimes a DARK place in which to move.   Why not try to help by bringing a positive thought to LIGHT – something we can all perhaps “get” and feel GOOD about?    If you have a thought to share, why not join in this wonderful HOP of Annie’s?   Just click the badge above, go to her blog and fill in the LINKY TOOL….join in the fun.

I thought a lot this weekend about friendships.    My belief has ALWAYS been – and I’ve talked about this before in another SPARKS post – that people pass through our lives for a reason.   We think at the time it’s “chance” but I think it’s because we need them at that time to help us learn something, understand something, or help us through something in our lives.   It’s not just random…..people enter our lives for a REASON.    Even when a friendship runs its course and we part ways happily or even unhappily – we have learned something we just might carry with us forever.

Yes and I want to thank whoever is reading this post for being here……………maybe you needed to hear this today?    Try to get the messages people bring to you – whether or not you understand them at the time, trust me – you will one day.


Hugs, Pam

37 responses »

  1. Oh Teddy do we ever love this Sparks today!! Mom said that just the other weekend.
    She attended and event and as she was leaving she told some folks thank you for this event.
    They replied, we did not except show up, to which Mom said, ‘and without each of us here there would not have been an event’!!
    Hugs madi your bfff


  2. That is the perfect Spark. It says it all. It immediately made me think about my three besties. I look forward to our communications everyday. Reminds me that I best check my e-mail to see how everyone is doing today. Sending lots of love, Janet


    • We just have to believe it and be open to it…… just never know what’s around the next corner or who you will meet that can change your life or thinking on something……… 🙂

      Love, Pam


    • I have always thought that people who join us on our journey – or cross our paths – have something to bring to our lives….some things are good and others aren’t so good but they all mean something and we can learn from them.

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yes but even the “not so good” reasons someone shows up and tiptoes through our path might teach us something we need to learn….I don’t look forward to those lessons or messages but I know I get SOMETHING out of it – even if it’s just to make me more brave or more careful. Lessons come in all forms!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. Yep, even those peeps who can be so annoying – Mom says there must be some reason they are in our lives. Always glad to visit here.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Even the annoying peeps have a reason to be there – Mom says when the annoying ones leave, you take GREAT PLEASURE in the peace and quiet you feel that they are gone – THAT is a gift! LOL

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Yes and it’s pretty amazing to reach a certain age (me!) and look back and really “see” those people who brought us their gifts or messages or presence at the right time and realize that they were there at JUST the right times!

      Love, Pam


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