SPARKS for Monday


Happy Monday!    Ready to start out the week with HOPE?    So am I……………without hope – well – we just trudge along in what sometimes feels like a rut!     That’s what’s great about SPARKS on Mondays – I think we can share some powerful thoughts with each other to help give us a push to keep going with an open heart.    SPARKS is the idea of our good friend Ann at McGuffy’s Reader.   She felt that those of us who want to share a little “light” and a little “inspiration” with each other to perhaps brighten the corners of our OWN lives or of others SHOULD share.    A thought, a graphic, a photo, a quote – anything that might strike a cord in the heart of someone else.    If you’d like to join us – please do – click on Annie’s SPARKS badge above, fill out the linky form and join in the LIGHT of Mondays.

My quote today is all about HOPE.   It’s a VERY simple quote from an unknown person/source, but it says it all.   Having HOPE can be very powerful and propel us through all kinds of dark times into the light.    Without HOPE, the downward spiral can take us to dark places but with HOPE we can soar……………..higher than high.

It can be an exciting thought – keeping hope in your heart means you believe that all things are possible………………..and they are!    Have a HOPE-filled week.   I know I will !

Love, Pam

54 responses »

  1. I guess without hope there would be no point. I hope every day my 20 year old son can live a life with schizophrenia. Thank you for your Monday spark it does help me to keep on going.


    • I’m glad to hear that our sparks help…..and we all MUST have hope – it’s very powerful stuff. I believe that with guidance and medication your son will live a wonderful life. It’s so amazing what they know TODAY compared to what they knew even five years ago. HOPE will pull you (and him) through it along with good medical care!

      Hugs, Pam


  2. Without hope we are doomed to live in darkness. I’ve been there in the past and it’s a very scary place. I can testify to the Gospel of Hope now, there is always a plan for us in the works, and many good things are yet to come, often just around the corner and out of sight, but waiting for us still! Have a blessed week ahead!


  3. You always find the best Sparks. Every life needs to have hope in it for sure!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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