SPARKS on Monday


Be A Light……..

Monday is the day we light our fire for the week and hopefully – just maybe – light it for someone else as well!    This is a new blog hop hosted by Annie at McGuffy’s Reader………and the purpose is to share an inspirational thought, quote, photo, idea that will SPARK the imagination or hope of everyone who reads it.    Seems like a good way to spread some “happy” as well as some hope in a world that often doesn’t seem to have any of that available!     We thank Annie for starting this………it’s growing………..and it’s also nice to know that maybe something you’ve said in your SPARKS post has touched someone in a positive way.

If you’d like to join in the Hop – just click the SPARKS graphic above and go to McGuffy’s Reader, fill out the LINKY form and you’re in!   Along with the rest of us!

Here’s my thought for the day – or for the week – or forever.

Be a spark……or a mirror……and spread the light.

Happy Monday, Pam

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