Teddy Tuesday


Still Pouting Here…….

Well I don’t look QUITE this pitiful but it’s close……

Of course I’m being spoiled here while Mom and Dad are away but it’s never the same as the spoiling we get by our very own PERSONAL Mom and Dad right?    Yeah.   Well, I only have today, tomorrow, and then the next day I will get a MOMMY HUG and I can’t wait for that.

I am getting all caught up on my naps though.   No interruptions…………..just quiet……….peace and quiet…………

I am a Master Snoozer but then aren’t all kitties?   That’s what they told me at the shelter anyway.   So far I must say they didn’t steer me wrong at that place.  They said that one day someone would come to the shelter and see me and fall in love with me and if I was EXTRA CUTE, they wouldn’t be able to resist me.    Mom told me that I did all the right things that day – – – she took me out of the cage to meet me and I immediately hugged her and started making biscuits in the air, on the floor, in her lap, on the furniture – I was just very HAPPY.    I knew they would find me irresistible!   

I figure if I just do a whole lot of sleeping, it will make the time go faster and they will be home before I know it.    So if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll drift off again……..I’ll be back tomorrow though!    I know you couldn’t do without a TEDDY FIX every day even if Mom isn’t here to help me do my blog properly – I can’t even ANSWER any comments you make.   WHAAAAA…….

At least my old friend Mr. Mousie who is now Mr. Rags hasn’t deserted me!


We also decided to post a photo (a non-Teaser) here just so that our good buddy and Teaser fan, the Evil Squirrel (who turns our Teaser photos into a tour of every kind of prison you can imagine in the whole world!) can have a WHACK at telling all of us “WHAT PRISON IS THIS????”    Alright ES………GO FOR IT !!

Make sure you check our blog comments to see what Evil Squirrel has to say about this lovely prison!


Love, Teddy

49 responses »

  1. Evil Squirrel hasn’t been by to inform us yet, but it looks a bit spooky to me!

    I know it isn’t much fun when your bipeds go away, Teddy, but it’s lovely when they come back again.


    • Evil Squirrel had something to say but it appears he feels this would not be a good prison….too “airy”……prisoners would come/go as they wish! I should think that would make them HAPPY wouldn’t you?

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Teddy, bless your precious Ginger darling fluffy, snuggly and soft heart! Come straight over here. I am at your disposal and mommy too.


  3. aaww cousin – bless your little heart. But you look so cute waiting for your humans to return. As for the picture – is it a good thing I don’t know it or a bad thing? It looks awfully scary! XOXO – Bacon

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Prison? PRISON!?!? You call that a prison!?!? The gates have all tumbled to the ground, the bunks would never be approved by the Prisoners Union, there doesn’t appear to be any electricity for the electric chair, and worst of all… the inmates in this joint can just come and go as they please through the walls!!! Seems like a pretty substandard excuse for a penitentiary to me….. but I guess it’s OK for a fill-in Teaser photo!

    Oh wait……… was this Miss Dingleberry’s house? Oops, sorry! I guess I won’t be getting treats anymore….

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Aw, Teddy — the time will go quickly, and before you know it, your pawrents will be right back! They will make up for the few days they were gone by giving you lots and lots of love and cuddles!
    Love, Sundae


  6. It doesn’t surprise us one bit that your mom and dad adopted you, Teddy. You’re purrfect! And before you know it, they’ll be back home to spoil you plenty.

    And we want to thank you for the POTP and prayers for our pup Astrid! You are such great friends!


  7. Hey Mr Teddy! What you are doing is what I do when Mommy is at work! Then…when she gets home, I cavort and play and demand pets and plays and wrestle with my stuffies and I am NOT still until we go to bed!
    BTW, this morning I dumped plants on the floor to get Mommy out of bed!
    AND I have the same blue cube!!! It is my favorite (next to my Rat)
    Hope your Pawrents are having a fabulishious time!


    • Oh Marv I saw your blue cube on one of your posts – we have TWIN CUBES! Wonder if we could visit each other through there….hmm….I’ve never tossed a potted plant on the floor before but I did dig around in the dirt in a big pot when I first came to live here. Boy did I make a mess!!! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  8. Teddy, that’s always a good plan. Sleeping really does make the time go by more quickly, and we all know you are a master napper. And the minute you get home, you’ll forget all about your separation. Mom and Dad’s need a break sometimes. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


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