Sunday Selfie


Sunday Selfie Time!

YAY!  It’s Sunday!  Time to show ourselves off!   Every weekend we start our Sunday morning’s entertainment by visiting our fellow Blog Hoppers who are doing selfies.   This is a GREAT Blog Hop hosted by our buddies and pals the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head.    If you’d like to play along and show your selfie, just click their badge above and use the LINKY tool – fill it out – and you’re hopping along with us.

Mom and I were out for a yard cruise day before yesterday and she snapped some shots of yours truly in my harness…………looking around the front yard for deer tracks, rabbit poop, bugs, WHATEVER has been “left” there for me to find.   I didn’t find anything but I heard a squirrel and that’s why I look READY TO RUN in this photo!    Mom “dolled me up” with Lunapic again – used an effect called “REDBLUSH” – perfect for a ginger isn’t it?

Here’s the “original”

Sure is a cool effect……….did some strange things to the grass (which needs to be cut) and my furs…………..and kinda neat how it highlighted my leash too.   Anyway, that’s it for this Sunday’s ARTWORK-SELFIE!

A reminder for everyone that we are NOT having a Teaser this week so that means no Pre-Tease Monday.   My Mom and Dad are taking a little break – we will have blogs this week but no Teaser since Mom has to be at the computer to “manage” that one on Tuesdays!!!!    I know you’ll miss the Teaser but we’ll be back the following week with our usual SCHEDULE of PROGRAMMING!  HAHAHAHAHA

Love, Teddy



64 responses »

  1. Teddy, that is some fantastic arty effect and mew look fab in your harness, the P.A. has one fur Fudge though he’s not at the walking on a leash stage yet! MOL [and maybe he never will be! MOL] Happy Birthday to Miss Sharon! ❤️

    Big Sunday hugs

    Basil & Co xox


    • Hi Basil my friend! I like the way Mom made me look today too – fluffy but not stuffy right? Mom and Dad always took Angel Sammy out on a leash/harness and he loved it – so do I. I wasn’t too sure at first but then I realized that even though one of THEM was attached to the other end of my leash, I could walk anywhere I wanted to anyway. YAY!!!!! Happy Sunday to you and your family.

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Hi Teddy, sounds like you didn’t get any mouses, maybe I could ship some out for you? I love the colouring on the artwork, and that grass is so surreal, how wondrous it would be if it really was like that!
    Toodle pip and purrs


    • Hi ERin! I have yet to have an encounter with a mouse but from what I’ve read it’s an experience I should have at least once in my life. Now I know I’m just starting out but I do hope that I get to chase one BEFORE I get too old to do it! The grass looks VERY soft doesn’t it? Mom is mowing today so I bet if I do a “re-do” of this photo AFTER it’s cut it won’t look as SOFT and INVITING as this!

      Happy Sunday
      Love, Teddy


  3. Mee-you Teddy boy iss grate to see you today! Luv yur stylin vest an harness!! Woo HOO!! Iss good to go walkiess rite?
    Mee not been out fur a walk inn 3 dayss; just too rainy an wet. PHOOEY!!
    Luv thee Lunapic foto; berry gingery…
    **Hi-5’sss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


      • Today (Tuesday) mee gotted to go fur a walk with LadyMum. Mee has been so afraid to go outside aftur all thee bad stuff happened to mee an LadyMum. An now mee not alloud on thee nayburr’ss patio. Shee terned against mee. So when efurr mee tries to go there LadyMum had to pick mee uppy an bring mee back to our grass… **sighsss**


          • Mee-you Teddy wee are doin that. Butt thee area wee can walk inn safelee iss small now. Mee NOT go inn backyard! An not on thee west side either. Wee stay out front neer thee patio so mee feels safer. An thee nayburr let mee come vizot her today an sit on thee grass….shee must have had a bad day because shee was nice today…
            An yur rite sum peepull are weerd an meen….. butt mee furgivess them fur their iggynorance. They missin out on knowin a Purrince! 😉


          • You are RIGHT about people – they are missing out on having some hugs and head bumps and soft fur in their fingers if they don’t choose to meet us but that is THEIR LOSS and not ours!!!!

            Love, Teddy

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh! Mr Teddy! You are outside!?! I want to go outside. I do have a catio but I too would like to go for walks. Mommy has bought me a harness, but I have not enjoyed wearing it.


    • I wasn’t too crazy about the harness until I realized that WEARING IT meant I could go for walks! Just let your Mommy put it on you and once your feet touch the sidewalk and you realize you can move about out there you will LOVE IT TOO!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. What a dramatic selfie Teddy !
    What a bittersweet birthday it will be for Mom Sharon . One of my friends from high school died in August a week before her Mom’s 99th birthday,
    Teddy, please tell your Mama I just finished “The Mystery of David’s Bridge” and enjoyed it very much !


    • Oh Miss Mary I’m glad you read my Mom’s book……she was supposed to be writing a sequel but – well – that just didn’t happen. Who knows – her motto is NEVER SAY NEVER. Glad you liked my selfie and thanks for telling us you enjoyed Mom’s book….she said she had a BALL writing it.

      Love, Teddy


  6. Absolutely terrific art as well as a great “tocks” photo. Teddy, you are definitely on high alert. Hope you saw or at least smelled something tantalizing. Wishing Mom Pam and Dad David a ice vacation and you lots of fun at “camp.” Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Glad you liked our photo today – very cool effect and RED is perfect for us gingers right Coop? Mom and Dad are excited and I’m lonely in my spot at the kennel but the nuns are already spoiling me…….and they made a BIG deal over me yesterday when I got there. I’ll be running the place in no time!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • We aren’t on instagram but it’s coolio that you do a filterfriday – bet you see some neat effects there……..Mom does mine with Lunapic and they are FUN – even I approve of them! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Your art and selfie are fun to see, Teddy! I have a harness, but so far I dn’t want to have the leash on it…let alone go outside…I only like to go outside if I sneak through the doggy doors by myself, MOL!!! Go figure!


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