Friendly Fill-Ins Friday


Here We Go!   Filling In Fun!

Know what ELSE it is???????

It’s Friday and that means filling in sentences on a fun Hop co-hosted by 15andMeowing AND McGuffy’s Reader!    Every week we get four sentences with blanks and our job is to fill those blanks in.   The result is that we learn a whole bunch of stuff about each other and that is FUN.    We thank our co-hosts for giving us this opportunity every week.    If you want to join in, just click the badge above and go to McGuffy’s where you can enter your blog info and VOILA – you’re IN!

Here are this week’s sentences and my Mom has filled them in using PURPLE!

1. Keep calm and just concentrate on doing things you WANT to do – things that please YOU.
2. Politics disappoints me.
3. June is my middle name – in honor of my Dad’s sister June.

4. In retrospect, I was not mature enough to get married “first time around” .
VOILA!    Thanks Mom………….I won’t ask you about that #4 thing because the only Daddy I know is the one I have NOW and if “first time around” isn’t around any longer I’m SURE there’s a good reason for that.    I LOVE your “second time around” !!!    Tee Hee
We are having rain AGAIN today so I’ll probably mostly stay inside and snoopervise the Friday housecleaning.   If things get too noisy I can always go out to my favorite spot – the garage……..I know I’m SAFE out there – no noisy cleaning out there to disturb my sleep!
See you all tomorrow in BACONIA!

Love, Teddy

47 responses »

  1. I’m with you politics is horrible…. but this furryday the 13th is sure a haunted day… the mama had a scary adventure with nuts in the morning…. I hope that means not that the whole day is nuts…


    • UHOH……my Mom had a “nutty day” recently too – so many acorns in our yard Mom slips on them often! I hope your Mom is alright??!!! Here’s to a PEACEFUL 13th my friend………WITHOUT ANY MORE NUTS!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Thank you for participating, I always enjoy your answers. I think most people would agree with #2 and I love your #1. I knew your middle name was June, but I never knew it was for your aunt, that is sweet. And #4, all that matters is you are happy now. Have a great weekend! XO


    • You’re right – I tell myself that all the time – all the things in my past made me who I am today but they aren’t WHAT I am today. Things turn out the way they’re SUPPOSED to. Yes, my Aunt June was a dear person – I was always proud that I had her first name as part of mine………

      Love, Pam


    • Oh Annie, while having artificial joints and severe arthritis is just awful to endure most of the time, that dance from Elaine is still one of my favorite all time moments from Seinfeld and thinking about it makes me smile EVERY time. Yes I do have love now – I had it then too but it was “puppy love” I think compared to being an ADULT and behaving like an ADULT and being in love……YES I saw that we had #2 in common – I’m guessing a lot of people said that when they filled-in today! HUGS TO YOU TOO MY FRIEND……….. 🙂

      Love, Pam


  3. Seems like wee have simmylar weather patternss Teddy!!! Our weekend iss going to bee a ‘complete wash out’! PHOOEY mee was hopin fur a few short walkss; maybe inn ‘tween thee rain dropss rite? 😉
    ~head rubsss~ Siddhartha Henry~


  4. Rain would be so nice right about now. 🙂 I like that you are named after your aunt. My daughter is named after my husband’s grandmother’s mother and a good family friend of mine. Politics itself doesn’t disappoint me as much as the politicians.

    I hope you have a great weekend.


    • I’ve always loved my middle name….I think my first name “Pamela” was just a popular name back in 1947 when my Mom was figuring out what to name me, but I’m POSITIVE it was my Dad who wanted the middle name of June – he and his sister were “closer than close”…..As for politics – I’ve always thought politics was interesting but the politicians have turned “interesting” into “somewhat unbelievable”! I know it will change…..and hopefully for the better! Thanks for visiting us……..

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  5. How funny that we both used a a minion meme today. If there is someone in the U.S. who doesn’t feel the same as Mom Pam about politics, they are kidding themselves. Teddy, you have a terrific daddy. Your family is just as it should be. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • I think I’m lucky to have the Mom and Dad that I have but I also think you KB Krew have an amazing “TEAM” taking care of you too! We are all lucky……in this world of homeless and hungry and loveless, WE are LUCKY.

      Love, Teddy


  6. Political things seem awfully crazy these days…it seems no matter the pawrty they all want to get into too many peeps lives…I thought the gov’t was to maintain order and security???

    Petcretary loves number 13…she was born on a 13…and in fact it was the same day as her Mom…she interrupted a birthday pawrty, MOL!
    And wouldn’t you know it, pawppy is born on a 13, too…though not the same month:)


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