Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday


Happy Friday!

It’s time to do some “filling in” on the Friendly Fill-Ins Hop

This is a fun hop co-hosted by McGuffy’s Reader and 15andMeowing and we join up every Friday to share fun facts about ourselves or our humans………it’s fun!  You should try it – and if you’d like to just click on the badge below and use the Linky tool there to “hook up” and do some filling in with us.


This week’s sentences are below and my Mom’s fill-ins are in RED (yes I thought I’d give her a break and let HER fill-in today – aren’t I just plain SWEET????).

1. As a child, my favorite playground activity was swinging on the swings – I loved it – it was like flying.

2. For breakfast, I have my own homemade biscotti and coffee.

3. An instrument I would like to play is the piano – I took lessons for three years when I was little but lost interest – I sometimes still dream that I’m in a recital and am very nervous.

4. I always try to smile, because smiles are infectious – when someone sees MY smile – they almost ALWAYS smile back.
OK Mom thanks a bunch.    When I saw the sentences I knew I wouldn’t be able to answer them – especially since I never played on a playground as a child !!  Tee Hee
Tomorrow is going to be another Bacon Caturday……….will you be here to enjoy some bacon fun with me?   I hope so – you’re welcome to stop by you know.  Everyone is invited.

In the past week I have been one lucky little guy – why?   Well because I’ve won TWO totally cool things from other blogs I follow!     One totally cool thing was a Drinkwell Fountain from my buddies at The Island Cats!

The other cool thing is a book about cats which I won from Cat Chat with Caren and Cody………….Am I lucky or what?

Thank You Both!   I am so excited!!!!!!

Love, Teddy


53 responses »

  1. I loved the swing too… it was my airplane and my rocket… and the place I could dream about some things :o) … I’ve got piano lessons as a child, but I hated it… it was so darned uncool to walk with my screaming red briefcase to this awful piano-hag while my friends played outside…sigh…


  2. Hi, Teddy! We liked your Mom’s fill-in answers, and my Mom totally agrees that your Mom’s smile makes other people smile!
    Concat on winning the book and fountain: you are one lucky little dood!
    Love, Sundae


  3. You are a sweet boy Teddy to let your Mom answer the fill-ins. We had a lot of similar answers this week. Congratulations on winning that great fountain and book. I read that book and loved it, I know your Mom will too. I am going to have bacon today instead of tomorrow. 🙂 XO


    • HAPPY BACON DAY TODAY! Mom is hopeful I will use the fountain – she’s starting to complain about picking my 14 maybe 15 pound little body up to put me on the bathroom sink counter all the time. Imagine that!

      Love, Teddy


  4. Pam I still love swinging on porch swings or in a glider BUT I’d rather be alone in them. I have to be in control of the speed and motion. I’ve never been motion sick but someone in my house has a beat in his head that he swings/glides to and It doesn’t agree with me. LOLOLOL
    Hugs Cecilia


    • HAHAHAHA……Funny you should say tbat about the glider – we have one and when “SOMEONE” and I share sitting in it I am never allowed to be in charge……kinda bugs me!

      Love, Pam


  5. Concats on your furrific wins!

    Petcretary says she has a piano, an organ, 2 violins, a recorder, an electric guitar, an old clarinet, and a melodica, (A cross between harmonica/piano and recorder.), an xylophone and of course the radio and CD player…tee-hee. She can play the keyboards with one finger…she can play nursery rhymes on the recorder, and perhaps a bit more on the violin seeing as I took lessons on that for many years…but now she can’t anymore due to some issues of her antiquity in her neck and fingers…sigh…
    So of course she wants to learn (or relearn), them all, MOL!!! (Pawppy played clarinet and French horn…)
    And all of us have an instrument that we don’t have to pack up…our voices! Singing is fun, and if you can do it well, that is added bonus. And I Pipo am good at singing, though Minko was far better:)

    And swings are fun, even if you are a grown up!


    • My Mom sings to me all the time………….and my attempts at singing back are more like whining my Mom says! Harrrrumph! She’s not very appreciative. You all sound like a VERY VERY musical family. That must be fun!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Your mom is right. Smiles are infectious – most of the time. Mom read a saying recently, “I’d rather be the one who smiled first than the one who didn’t smile back.” Ain’t that the truth!

    Love and licks,


    • Oh Cupcake that saying your Mom saw is ever so true! Mom says once in a while someone doesn’t smile back and she just gives them a “wide berth” and carries on thinking “I feel sorry for that person!”……

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. We have loved all the fill-in posts we have seen today. Seems like there are a lot of Moms, including ours, who loved those swings:) And so many of us are so in agreement on #4. Our world is so very much in need of kindness and love and niceness.

    Have a great weekend.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • Swings let us all try out our “make believe wings” when we were kids……… fact my Mom still can’t resist sitting on a swing when she sees one………The world could use a lot more smiles we agree!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. That looks like a good book. Let us know what you think. Maybe Cat Scouts can read it in the book club. Mom Pam’s #4 answer was purrfect, and Mom would like to have breakfast with her every morning. We really hope you like your fountain, Butter Bean. We’ve had ours for several years and it is the best, and totally quiet. We’ll be here tomorrow for bacon day. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Awwww…..too bad “The Scout Moms” group aren’t living closer together…..imagine the giggles over coffee and biscotti! Mom is hoping I like my fountain too – her back will last longer if she doesn’t have to lift me up to the counter anymore. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


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