Friendly Fill-Ins


Time to Fill In!

Oh goodie – one of my favorite Blog Hops is Friday’s Friendly Fill-Ins co-hosted by Miss Ellen of 15andmeowing and Miss Annie of McGuffy’sReader.     They each give us two sentences with blanks to fill with our own words and I usually let Mom fill in but maybe I’ll answer a couple and let Mom answer a couple today.    If you click on the badge above you will go to McGuffy’s Reader where you can use the LINKY tool and “hook up” your own blog to this fun Hop!!!

Mom’s fill-ins are in RED and mine are in GREEN!

1. I challenge everyone to try and stay cool – it’s been ridiculously HOT this week.

2. I regret disposing of a lot of my old photos – photos are memories that you can’t replace.

3. I have a difficult time admitting that I MIGHT be a little overweight – Mom says I’m “pleasingly plump” but I’m thinking I need to ADMIT I need to cut down on the treats!.

4. If I were given a psychic power, I would like it to be clairvoyance.
So there you have it – two from ME and two from MOM and these were super interesting sentences this week so we can’t WAIT to see what everyone else says!    You can head over to the Hop and visit everyone to see how they did……………easy peasy.
Reminder that tomorrow is BACON SATURDAY…………………………….Angel Sammy is going to be visiting from the Bridge tomorrow so the two of us will have bacon goodies for all of you!

Love, Teddy



39 responses »

  1. yes… that old photos are memories we can not bring back… the mama did the same once and she is very sad now….
    Teddy I hear ya… I have the same problem… I currently “sail close to the wind” and before that wind becomes a storm the mama replaced the treats with longer and more walks… it’s a dogs life I tell ya…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I do enjoy all the walks I get but I sprinkle my day with lots of napping too! Your tunnel is coming along very nicely Phenny……if you happen to pop up in Virginia somewhere let me know – I’ll come visit ya!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Our latest arrival, Pippin, turned up weighing 3.5kg. He had dreadful neck wounds and when we’d healed those we took him to the vet for the snip. The gorgeous fellow adores his dry food (what starving stray wouldn’t?) and when we took him to the vet this year for his booster jabs and check up, he weighed 7.1kg! Needles to say he’s on a major diet but it all goes to show how much you kittehs can gain after being spayed!


    • Yep – the snip definitely adds a bit of “poundage” – funny but my Mom says that happened to her when she had her “snip of a sort” hysterectomy many years ago – she gained A LOT and it hasn’t budged since then (hahahahahaha).

      Give Pippin a huggy for me will you? Bless his heart – he sure found the right home!

      Love, Teddy


  3. I enjoyed the Fill-ins! I am with you on #3 Teddy. I have got to stop hitting the treats! I am doing Fill-ins here this week, okay?
    I challenge everyone to enjoy every moment this week.
    I regret disposing of my Christmas dishes that my Mom gave me long ago.
    I have a difficult time admitting that I am a terrible PROcrastinator.
    I think I would have to pass on a psychic power.

    See you tomorrow for Bacon Saturday!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Miss Pix! Yes indeed you can post here any time you wanna……and I like your answers too – my Mom procrastinates but she’s a lot better NOW than she was when she was younger….when she was younger there really was “tomorrow or the next day” to do everything and now – well – who knows?!?! LOL

      Love and Hugs and Bacon, Teddy


  4. Great answers from you both. I will gladly accept that challenge Teddy. And you just have a little baby fat, you will outgrow it when you are about 14 🙂 I am sorry about your Mom’s old photos. Have a great weekend! My Sammy will see you camping at Scouts. XO


    • We are too – thank heavens for A/C…….outside is muggy and icky so I usually lie in the cool grass but Mom gets tired of standing there holding onto my leash while I luxuriate in the grass. I tell her to join me on the ground but she’s afraid she won’t be able to get back up again (hahahahaha).

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Well I shouldn’t almost exclusively eat them – I should eat wet cat food with DRY as a “treat”………but I’m sticking to my guns and haven’t been cooperative about wet stuff!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Oh yes, we know all about HOT. We are inside almost all day now. It is just unbearable to be out there for more than a few minutes.

    Mom has to agree about photos. Her parents got rid of way too many photos that our Mom so wishes she had now.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


  6. I agree with you about too many treats, Teddy. My favourites are Wispa bars and I can’t resist them. Of course you wouldn’t know about them because they are chocolate.


  7. You are cute…both you & Mom! I love the answers. It is way too hot for June. I was afraid of this when we had a mild Winter. Weight. That is a hard issue. Pictures. Oh, sad! There are some I wish I still had. I am sorry for you about that. Hugs. Good psychic wish! You never know…check it out! HUGS!


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