Friendly Friday Fill-Ins!


Time To Fill In The Blanks!

Howdy and Happy Friday!    Today is that great blog hop “Friendly Fill-Ins” co-hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffys Reader – – – if you click the badge up above with the kitty faces, you will be transported to McGuffys’ Reader where you too can do some FILLING IN by entering your blog address and sharing your sentences with the rest of us!    Coolio!    Mom is answering this week because they are more “people questions” than kitty ones.

Here’s what we got in the way of sentences to fill in from Miss Ellen and Miss Annie this week!

1. A law I would like to see passed is REAL punishment for cruelty to animals.

2. My favorite card game is Mau Mau which I learned back in the 1970s and we used to play at parties all the time – haven’t played in years though!

3. With Summer unofficially here, I’ve brought out my short sleevet-shirts and am making iced tea again!.
4. A favourite Summer memory is when I was a little girl and my family would take a vacation together – it seemed so special and it was fun to eat out all the time and stay in motels (always with a pool of course) and visit far away places.

Angel Sammy sure did like summer time!

I was SOMEWHERE last Summer but I don’t remember and my Mom and Dad hadn’t adopted me yet so THIS is my first “real” Summer.    All I know is that I’m loving going outside for walks with Mom and Dad and exploring my yard.   Mom and Dad are keeping a close eye on me though – for some reason they don’t let me dig holes in the dirt and mulch and don’t like me to LIE in the holes!   Imagine that!    I’m just building a fort – like any little kid would do……..but they don’t like me to get dirty!    Mom explained that if I get REAL dirty she will have to give me a bath so I’ve given that some thought and decided that maybe I shouldn’t LIE in the dirt or mulch???????????   A bath doesn’t sound like fun – I might like to stick my head under the faucet in the sink but put my WHOLE BODY in water?   I don’t think so!     This is as close as I want to get to getting WET:

Tomorrow is BACON DAY!   Are you ready?   Good!!  See you there………………

Love, Teddy

81 responses »

  1. Yay! We’re FIRST! We love getting the award for being first. Huh? What Mom? Today is FRIDAY? DARN!!!

    We love the photos of you in the sink. Mom answered our questions this week and had the exact same answer for #1.

    The Florida Furkids (who are VERY happy to have Mom and Dad home!)


    • Oh I know you are so happy your parents are HOME SWEET HOME and I know they are happy about that too! Sorry it’s Friday and no prize for being first but I’m still proud of you for being here!!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  2. You do look cute in the washbasin!

    Mulberry, the fluffy one, enjoys an occasional bath. He used to swim in my water bowl when he was a small kitten!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Angel Socks used to lay in mud puddles when it was hot outside and Arty Mouse liked to sit under the sprinklers but the rest of us agree with you about getting wet Teddy. Luckily unless we are actually MUDDY Mommy doesn’t bother us with human type baths. Although Arty Mouse did get a bath the time she helped Daddy with the bonfires. She had soot all over herself.


    • Well I almost got into some soot trouble about a month ago……Dad was bringing firewood in for a fire in the fireplace and the screen was off temporarily – Mom walked in the room just in time to keep me from going into the fireplace……I bet I would have had to endure a bath then!!!!!! I do like to dug a hole in the mulch and lie in it – but Mom says TICKS might get me so I guess that’s not good!

      Love, Teddy


  4. Teddy, we think you’re going to love summer just as much as your Angel brother, Sammy, did!
    Your moms fill-in answers are great; Motor Mommy has never heard of Mau Mau. Too bad our pawrents don’t live nearer to each other: our Mom could play cards together! And shop….and garden…and get in all kinds of trouble!
    Love, Sundae


    • We’ve had some HOT days but the last week it’s been coolish and rainy…….today looks SUNNY! I think I’m gonna like it! Sorry you are a hot dog but I do hope you won’t have to wear mustard and ketchup and be wrapped in a BUN!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • My Mom used to love those road trips in summer when she was little – she and her brother would sit in the backseat and play “count the cows”…….as they drove along they’d count and see who could see the MOST cows. Interesting what they found ENTERTAINING isn’t it?!?!?!?!?!

      Hugs and Happy Friday!


  5. What a treat seeing you today Teddy! I’d be like you and not want to of anything other than getting my head wet!


  6. Good Morning! Your Mom has some great answers for the Fill-ins and I share her thoughts for #1 and #4. I don’t play cards… Uno, but I don’t know if that counts. With summer unofficially here, I need to find some shorts and capris pants. I might have gained some weight over the winter… might have, maybe my old things shrunk. Love the photos of you sinking. Z Cat loved to sink and needed a little trickle of water coming out of the faucet. See you tomorrow for Bacon Day!


  7. Thanks to your Mom for these great fill-in answers. Those summers do sound like fun times.I have never heard of that card game, I am going to look that up. Poor Teddy, I hope you won’t be in need of a bath. Your folks should get you a sand box to play in, sand is much cleaner. We will be here for bacon day. XO


    • Google it – there are some good English explanations! It’s a super simple game basically but there are a lot of “additional rules” you can add just to make it more interesting!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Mau Mau!!! I can’t believe it someone here mentions THAT! Reminds me of my childhood. And that’s so long ago that I don’t even remember the rules any more.
    Have a great weekend y’alls,


    • Yes a German card game dating back to 1930 or so……..and Mom says if you read the rules online you’ll see what an EASY game it is but you can add lots of “complications” to it if you choose to!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, Teddy, luckily it’s not ME dating back to the 1930s! 😉 And yes, I remember the rules were very simple, but the game was fun.
        Have a great weekend,
        P.S.: And keep your fingers crossed for our Fritz. That poor guy has a nasty bacterium inside – MRSA, that’s one of these super-resistent bugs. But he seems to be responding to treatment and improving very well. The ugly sores in both his front paws are nearly closed. Now we only hope he didn’t/won’t transfer that bug to us.


  9. I have some experience with baths and they are NOT fun. The only good part is when you get to go berserk afterwards trying to dry off on the couch and the bedspread. Stay out of the dirt, Little T. You’ll thank me later.

    Love and licks,


  10. I would avoid baths if I were you, Teddy! I should know, I get them twice a month, and they are full show baths.

    I think it is interesting that everyone in the Friday Fill-Ins, without exception when it comes to the blogs I read, want stronger laws against animal cruelty.


    • I thought it was interesting too Summer about the animal cruelty laws – GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE! I’m going to try to avoid the full-body-water experience if I can! You always look gorgeous!

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Mew mew mew Teddy mee gotta agree with you about a ‘full body’ bath….NOT happenin… it iss best to not roll inn dirt or hang out inn holesss…
    Mee has had a sorta half bath an that was ENUFF fur mee! Mee spent ALL morning inn Condo an just got back frum a half hour walk with LadyMum…..iss grate thee weather iss furinallee nice again!
    **Hi-5’sss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


    • Glad to hear you had a walk with Ladymum! I had TWO walks today (so far) – one with Mom and one with Dad – the Dad one was the one where I rolled around in the mulch and got my NEWLY LAUNDERED harness all dirty. WHOOPS.

      Love, Teddy


  12. Woo Hoo Savannah yur Meemee’ss are grate!! An LadyMum an mee said wee want to **kiss** yur ice creem paws toetallee!!!
    An trust mee Savannah wee Burmesey dark type katss are all wayss tryin to have thee last ‘mee-yow’! It’ss just inn our nature! 😉
    ~~head rubsss~~ Dharth Henry~~


  13. It sounds like you are really going to enjoy your first summer, Teddy! The crew here highly recommends doing what you have to to avoid that bath thing. It is not any fun. 🙂


  14. Our Mom has fond memories of summer vacations as a child too – lots of days spent at beaches on the East coast:)

    We wish we could get that message across to our neighbor kitties about digging holes. They are always digging little holes in our landscape beds – and then they just leave them that way!!! We kept help but wonder why we get the NO NO words when we dig holes.

    Woos – Misty and Lightning


    • Mom tends to make HOT TEA in the winter and COLD TEA in the summer……for some reason! Taking a bath might be fun but Mom says her arms would be in shreds if she tried to give me one! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ahh I see. Where I grew up, iced tea was a year-round thing. We didn’t do that hot tea thing. 🙂

        With most kitties I know, shredded arms have been the result of trying to give them a bath. We’ve had some kitties along the way that it would have been a fatal mistake to try to bathe. The kitty we had years ago named Milo would have killed us. He was as big as a mountain lion. 🙂

        Have a blessed weekend.


  15. Wouldn’t it be appropriate if what someone did to the animal is what is done to them in prison? Starve an animal to death, the criminal starves to death. And so on.


  16. Ice tea with lemon! Mmmm! Refreshing!

    Animal cruelty is horrifying to say the least. And if they were peeps, may more of the perpetrators would be behind bars. It is so evil. Neglect is pretty criminal too if we had any say.

    Mau Mau sounds like a kitty.
    Egyptian Mau to be exact, OMC!!!
    So evfurry time you are playing that you are fostering your kitty habit, MOL!


    • Mau Mau is a very old German card game….one of my followers who’s of German extraction said he’d not hear anyone else ever mention it!!! Mom used to play it ALL THE TIME. I agree it sounds like a good name for a cat though!

      Hugs, Teddy


  17. Wow, Mom Pam, your childhood vacations sound great. Our mom and dad both had camping families, and Mom doesn’t like to get dirty; though, she doesn’t mind a bath. Mau says the best part of going outside is rolling in the dirt. Maybe just one good roll and one bath to get the urge out of your system. Sending love and hugs. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • My Mom’s parents would never have gone camping sadly – both Mom and her brother were finally able to do camping when they joined their various Scouting venues. Mom says she remembers not being comfortable without taking a shower for over a day (!!!) even with Scouts! I agree with Mau – dirt rolling and mulch surfing are two of my favorite things and so what if I get a little dirty – Mom just brushes me off and I’m good to go. I think she’s just using it as an excuse to inspect my furs for “introoders” but even that’s OK with me!

      Hugs and stuff, Teddy


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