Bacon Boy


‘Tis I – King Teddy

(Bacon King in Training!)

It’s that day that I get excited about every week – just like my big brother wanted me to.   When Sammy left for the Bridge he entrusted me to carry on the tradition of bacon in the house on Saturday WITHOUT FAIL!    Mom is cooperating fully!    She and my Dad are “Baconators” too so it works out purrfectly!

This week’s new bacon posters are nice additions to our collection of bacon “ha ha’s” here on the blog………………..

SURE – that works!  Get a big huge fatburger and top it all off with a DIET drink!   Tee Hee

And the newest bacon delight we found sounds most interesting……………and look pretty yummy, especially the nice melty, drippy cheese in the middle………..check it out:

MMMM……..Mom figures this one is pretty easy to make – next time she makes mashed potatoes she will make EXTRA and give this one a whirl!    I hope I’m around when that happens!!!

This could be me in a few months if I’m not CAREFUL!!!!

Don’t feel bad about eating bacon!!!!!!! Just remember THIS!

Oh I agree with this FOR SURE! This is bacon deprivation!


Just as much fun as getting to have bacon as a treat is looking for fun things to put in my Saturday Bacon post……… thing is TOTALLY for sure………………bacon makes ME smile!    I also have this feeling every Saturday that Angel Sammy is up at the Rainbow Bridge having bacon with me EVERY SINGLE week.    I like to think that he’s PROUD of me for carrying on with the bacon thing on Saturday…………….and if you’re chomping on the bacon from time to time, rest assured Angel Sammy is proud of YOU TOO!!

Think of me when you enjoy your bacon!!!

See you tomorrow for Mother’s Day!

Bacon flavored hugs, Teddy

43 responses »

    • Bacon has been sizzling in the frying pan downstairs for a while now – Dad’s making breakfast while Mom does email……that smell is simply divine…. I certainly hope Dad will be making bacon for Mother’s Day breakfast tomorrow too……..a double treat! Mother’s Day is not tomorrow for you guys is it? Every day is Mother’s Day right Phenny???

      Love, Teddy


  1. Dear KIT,(King in training) I predict you will be graduating from bacon training w a PhD in bacononoloy very soon hugs Madi your bfff


    • Oh Madi I hope you’re right about that graduation thing.

      Will my cap and gown be bacon brown?
      Will my cap have room for me to wear my crown?

      Tee Hee………………, Teddy


  2. I could definitely get with the mashed potato bacon bombs! That bacon cheeseburger, I could eat that right now… fatburger… LOL! All good additions to your bacon “ha-ha’s! I always think of you Angel Sammy when bacon is mentioned or eaten!


    • I think of Angel Sammy all the time PERIOD but indeed when it comes to bacon he’s #1 in our book too. I’m proud to carry on the tradition!!

      Love, Teddy
      p.s. Mom is going to try making those mashed potato treats this weekend……..will let everyone know how THAT turns out!


  3. OMC those mashed potato bombs look wonderful! We think you’re doing a super job taking over as King of Baconia.

    The Florida Furkids

    ps – leftover bacon? That’s like leftover wine…’s a myth!


    • You’re right – no such thing as leftover bacon (or wine) – at least not in OUR household (or yours!!!!)………….Thanks for the vote of confidence in my “Kingmanship” too – a guy likes to know he’s taking a tradition in the right direction!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Me too!! The mashed potato bombs actually look pretty simple to make so Mom is gonna give it a whirl – I know all I’ll get is some bacon out of it but that’s not bad right???

      Love, Teddy


  4. Since by now it *is* Mother’s Day, we wish your Mom a Happy Day:)

    And bacon sounds evfur so delish…how are we going to have any of that here is beyond our imagination, unless we learn how to go to the store…no wait there is a bar/grill just down our street…we only need to walk about 1/4 mile…they surely will have some there we can mooch for a sad miaow or two!


  5. I have it on good authority that unicorns love their bacon just like everyone else. I’m not sure about the leprechauns, but they have a pot of gold and can buy all the bacon they want…


  6. Mew mew mew Teddy yur doin furabuluss as thee Purrince of Bacon!!
    An wee had a bit of bacon on Katurday all so. Mee can onlee have a ‘bit’ as mee Icky Bowel Syndrome actss uppy if mee eatss too much. PHOOEY!!!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxx


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