Friendly Fill-Ins


Shall we do some friendly filling in?  Oh yes – lets!

This is a fun blog hop that is co-hosted by McGuffy’s Reader and 15andMeowing every Friday.    Four sentences given to us and we fill in the blanks – easy right?   Well it is, and it isn’t.   Sometimes you want to write six paragraphs instead of a word or two in the blanks.   HAHA.    Anyway, we are linking the badge above up with McGuffy’s Reader and if you’d like to join in the hop, just click the badge and use the LINKY TOOL there to join in the fun!

This week’s sentences are best filled in by people and not cats so Teddy surrendered control of the blog to ME today and I’m going to do my best – wouldn’t want to embarrass him – nothing worse than a Mom embarrassing her ginger boy right?   Right!   My “fill-ins” are in blue.

1. A book I would like to see made into a movie is “The Mystery of David’s Bridge” which just happens to be the mystery novel I wrote some years ago.   I really do think it would make a great movie!

2. If I could afford a billboard, it would say “LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND SAVE THE WORLD”.

3. I have a hard time not giving an opinion even when I’ve not been ASKED to give one!.

4. I really enjoy travel – we need to get back into doing that – it had all been on hold when Sammy was so ill but now we really should be able to do it – Teddy would love staying at our wonderful local kennel – Sammy loved it there.

So that’s my filling in for this week…………..who knows what kinds of filling in we’ll have for next Friday but I can guarantee it will be FUN to visit everyone who’s in the Hop to see how they complete the above sentences.   Amazing what you can learn from a few words someone has said isn’t it?  Now, Teddy I’m finished – is there anything you want to say to everyone before we say GOODBYE?
I’ll just remind everyone that tomorrow is BACON DAY!   Something tells me I don’t really have to remind you though – – – – who doesn’t look forward to bacon once a week (at least)????

Love, Teddy and Mom

Mom helping me do a somersault (I love to do them!)


56 responses »

    • If only some movie producer would read my book! HAHAHAHA Teddy is a mess – he somehow discovered he could do a somersault and now he’s doing them all the time. This was taken when he was little and kept trying to do them – I had to show him it WAS possible!

      Hugs, Pam


  1. Oh I hope you can travel all 7 seas and the wold and the whole universe :o) and I would love to see this movie…. and I know who can play Eddy… if we remove the t… the name fits pawfectly LOL


    • You’re right!!! I hadn’t figured that part out but all we have to do is stick a T on Eddy’s name and it’s ME ME ME ME! Mom needs to rewrite the part about what kind of kitty he is though – because Eddy is a Gray/Black Tabby and I’m GINGER to the MAX!

      Love, Teddy


  2. Aw, Baby Teddy, we LOVE the pic of you and your mom….so sweet! I know she and your dad are just loving you to pieces! Motor Mommy agrees that your Mom’s book would make a wonderful movie!
    AND, Motor Mommy has the perfect place for your pawrents to come when they start traveling….to see MY pawrents! (But I’m guessing your mom is thinking of longer trips than that!)
    Love, Sundae


    • We like that pic too…..I’m a big boy now though and can do somersaults without Mom helping me! So you think Mom’s book would be a good movie? Well, we can only hope. That would be amazing. My Mom and Dad enjoy seeing your parents Sundae…..maybe they will get down your way one day soon!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • About to work on Bacon Day for tomorrow………it’s funny about “Bridge” because when I wrote it I so CLEARLY “saw” it………I think that’s why I thought it would be a good and easy movie to make. LOL

      Hugs, Pam


  3. I agree, I think a movie of “The Mystery of David’s Bridge” would be a great idea. Traveling always sounds like a great idea to me but then in reality I am not that thrilled with it. I love going places but don’t enjoy all the prep work and packing and then the actual travel part. I love going… maybe I could just teleport!
    Love that picture of you and Teddy!


    • The answer for you is teleporting! You need to read up on Astral Travel too – that’s another option! I seriously kind of got into reading about that when I was taking yoga many years ago…….it would be a good option for you if you just want to visit and not have to pack/fly/boat/drive to get there (tee hee).

      Love, Pam


  4. Thank you for always participating in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. I would love to see your book made into a movie, it was so good. I also would like to see your billboard made too. You are wise so I always welcome your opinions. And I hope you get to go to Maine one of these days so I can meet you there. Have a great weekend. PS: Teddy is such a cutie. XO


    • David and I were saying it would be such fun to go to one of those old hunting lodges that’s been turned into a hotel on a lake around the lake region there in Maine……wouldn’t that be cool? Of course we also like that place we’ve stayed many times before too so that’s always a possibility! We may get to meet in purrrrrrson yet!

      Love, Pam


  5. I totally agree on your movie choice. David’s Bridge get is a great book. And the rest if your answers rock too.
    I love the picture of you helping Teddy do sumersaults! SSo sweet! (Kozmo loved that too)


    • Hi Barb! I might be slightly prejudiced on that movie suggestion but I do remember when I was writing it that I so CLEARLY SAW IT while I wrote it – just seems it would be an easy movie to make and boy wouldn’t that be SOMETHING?????????????? HAHAHAHA Teddy does those somersaults all by himself now! Amazing.

      Love, Pam
      p.s. package on the way – keep your eyes open – regular post!


  6. YES DAVID’S BRIDGE NEEDS TO BE A MOVIE!! YESSSSSS IT DOES. What a wonderful book and so well written. I must tell the author how much I enjoyed it. OH WAIT I JUST DID!!!


    • Hi Madi! Glad you like my somersault practice with Mom. I’m good at it now and don’t need her help…………I’m glad you think Mom’s book would be a good movie…….We’d go see it for sure (hahahahahaha).

      Love, Teddy


  7. Teddy, you are such a character. We love that photo of you and your mom. Somersaults sound like fun. Your mom did a great job with her fill-ins, especially #3. Mom says that at their ages our moms have earned the right to say what they think. Like your folks, ours were tied down a bit with Fiona, and Mom would like to do some traveling again; though, the flying part of it is such a pain in the rumpus room! We all are sending lots of love to everyone at your house. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • I can do those somersaults all by myself now! I do them all the time – I’ll run across the room and do one or if Mom reaches down to give me a scratch by her chair I’ll just turn a pet into a somersault! Mom says I should be in the circus – I say HEY I AM A CIRCUS!!!! HAHAHAHA We send you tons of love right back!

      Love, Teddy (and Mom)


  8. Your billboard idea is super!!! And it is such an easy fix for the world, if only some Peeps would heed the message.

    Hope you do get to do that traveling. It would please Angel Sammy too.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • I do think Angel Sammy would want us to travel now that we CAN. Teddy is just a youngster and would have a ball at the kennel. It’s just figuring our WHERE and WHEN I suppose!!!

      Hugs, Pam


      • The France cruise would be great. I don’t know where we would cruise but it won’t tale a 9 hour ride on a plane to get there. It’s too early to think of next year already. I thought you two were heading off in September for the cruise in France. A lovely time of year.


        • We had talked about September but then thought maybe THIS year isn’t the best timing to go to France – let things settle a bit first…………go next April maybe? Meanwhile we might go to Maine – we have a favorite spot there on the water and it’s just so relaxing. Those little seaside towns are fun to visit – get great seafood – etc. Who knows – every time I ask David what we’ll do for vacation things change! LOL

          Hugs, Pam


  9. Teddy…Angel Sammy I love reading what everyone has said on the fill-ins. Mom chooses one or the other blogger to fill in. She makes a hash of trying to blog hop. I think she filled in at McGuffy’s.


    • Cats are such clowns….I think they enjoy “performing” for us – AND for themselves. They try out things just to prove they can do it and I think that’s a FUN trait to have. I guess we do that too!

      Love, Pam


  10. Sometimes it is difficult to hold our tongues when we know what might be best. Got to love bacon day. We don’t have it every week, just every once in a while. We do have a pig that lives next door. It thinks it is a dog. Have a great weekend.


  11. Just imagine how furmouse you and yours would be if your book made the films! OMC!

    And Teddy doing a summersault is too cute. Pipo sometimes rolls like a ball when he tries to catch his tail:)

    The ‘Golden Rule’ wound make a good billboard too. And yes, too often I hand out my opinions…ooops I said too much is what I think next, MOL!

    You know if you resume traveling, there might be lots more pics to use in your teasers!! Whoot!


    • I know… would be fab if “Bridge” was made into a movie…….Mom could retire and – oops – she’s already retired – nevermind! Anyway, my somersault first happened because like Pipo, I was trying to catch my tail but it was so much fun I just kept it up. Mom showed me how to do a PERFECT one and now I do it all the time. Tee Hee.

      Love, Teddy


  12. somersalts !!! I shall alert Cirque de Soleil ! How fun watching your little pink toesies flying through the air. If you join the Cirque, mommy will get to wear some colourful costume! Go team Teddy xo K ❤


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