Friendly Fill-Ins Friday


Time for Fill-Ins on Friday!

YES INDEEDY DOOOO – time to fill in some sentences provided to us by our TWO hosts for Friendly Fill-Ins.   McGuffy’s Reader and 15andMeowing both contribute two sentences to us and we get to scratch our heads and come up with SOMETHING to put in the blanks!    After reading the sentences this week, we figured our Mom would need to fill them in again.    So she did, and her “fill-ins” are in BLUE.    If you want to fill in too just click on the badge above and go to McGuffy’s Reader to use their LINKY TOOL to put your blog post in!!   FUN??? YOU BETCHA!

1.In the Spring, I look forward to trying to get our grass to grow – I’d prefer a GREEN front yard rather than a BROWN (mud) one!

2. I would love to have a croquet party.   We have them in our front yard every year but unless I get that grass to grow – FORGET ABOUT IT!

3. Few know this about me, but my first job was as a civilian for the Department of the Army, Telecommunications Directorate, Communications Security Branch (how’s that for an important sounding office????).

4. No one is perfect!

Teddy and I are getting ready for tomorrow’s BIG BACON HARVEST PARTY here on our blog and we hope to see you there………remember, just show up – you don’t have to pawticipate in the harvesting – just have fun, eat some bacon goodies, wander through the greenhouse and stay out of the way of the tractor!!!   We’ll have a slideshow with pictures of all the harvesters who wanted to “strut their stuff” in their harvesting clothes and show you that they are not afraid of some good old-fashioned HARD WORK getting the bacon crop in now that it’s ripened up and is ready for pickin’ !! We will have a giveaway too that EVERYONE is eligible to be part of. The party will last ALL DAY LONG too so just come when you can.

We’ll be lookin’ for ya!

Angel Farmer Sammy and Mini-Farmer Teddy

49 responses »

  1. How exciting. I can’t wait to see all the bacons just absolutely ripe for the picking! And then get to work picking it! I’ll need a big basket so that I can eat some and put some in the basket…and eat some and put some in the basket…


  2. I have the croquet set! I won it at a blogging contest… I did… 😀 I love to play croquet! #4… So true… yes it is! Good Morning, Angel Sammy, Teddy, and Pam! See you tomorrow for the bacon harvest!


    • We play croquet with the neighbors and their kids about 3 or 4 times a “season”………we have a ridiculous front yard for it though – we’re on a hill and part of the “field” is on a slight incline – makes for extra “figuring out” of shots. Plus we have “clumps” of grass in and among the stretches of dirt so THAT adds another dimension as well. There is plenty of wine for the grownups which tends to make it more fun too (haha) and snacks……I spread blankets around and put chairs under the trees and we just enjoy the day. My croquet set was a wedding gift to David and me from my FIRST HUSBAND (true).

      Love, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you gets lots of green grass for your croquet party, that sounds like fun. That was an impressive job you had. And I love your answer for #4. We will be here to harvest that bacon tomorrow. XO


    • Good!!!!! Glad you’ll be among the baconators in the greenhouse. That job actually was rather impressive (even to me!) at age 20 – but that was the “golden age” of being a female in government as they were knee-deep in filling quotas back then. Lucky me.

      Love, Pam


  4. I will happily send you all of my lush green grass (though there may be a dandelion or six billion mixed in) in exchange for your brown mud. Mud gets a bad rep, but the best thing about it is that you don’t have to go out and mow it every week during the hot summer!


    • True……mud-mowing is one of those little-known sports like woodchuck-chucking…both of which I picture both of which went out of favor with mullet hair I think………….I hope……..


  5. Good luck to your pawrents on their lawn this summer….efurryone is so anxious for warm weather to arrive.
    We are so looking forward to the bacon harvest tomorrow!
    Love, Sundae and Gypsy


  6. Whoa say that working title 3 times fast…with crackers in your mouth.
    That made mom think of the time she went to visit her cousin (who is 15 years older than mom) in
    Washington, DC. Her cousin had 2 kiddies 3 and 5. The 3 yo told mom that her mom worked for
    The Department of Defense in the Atomic Energy Commission. Mom said she thought that was a mouth full for a 3 yo.
    Bacon harvest…looks like the weather is gonna be agreeable.

    OMCs you have croquet parties that is most interesting. Fingers crossed you get grass growing we want photos.
    Hugs madi and mom


    • Actually the WHOLE office name was longer but I decided to take some of the “layers” out. It was a big job for a kid fresh out of secretarial school but it was a good first job because I had a ton of responsibilities that I had to address IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER so I learned a lot about scheduling my time….my office was six civilians and an Army officer with wall to wall filing cabinets and those old metal desks and chairs. Everyone had ONE government green lamp on their desk. Oh the memories…………eeeek.

      See you tomorrow at the PAWTY!

      Love, Pam, Angel Sam and Ted


  7. Can’t wait for the harvest tomorrow. We used to play croquet at just about every family gathering when I was a kid. So much fun. Couldn’t do it now with the balance issues. Off to paint derby vehicle wheels. Sending lots of love, J and Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and cooper Murphy


  8. Mom says croquet is so much fun. We hope you get that grass soon.
    We will be by tomorrow but sadly we don’t have a photo to submit. That’s ok, we will still have fun.

    Woos – Misty and Lightning


  9. I like your mum’s answers. My dad says our grass grows too quickly and sometimes he has to mow it in the winter if it is mild and not too wet.


    • Oh wow – I don’t think we’ve ever had to mow in the winter – our grass pretty much “hides” all winter long then finally pops out in Spring…….

      Love and Big Hugs, Angel Sam


  10. You had me at ‘bacon’…. 🙂

    The hubby is looking forward to getting our yard in shape, too – so many muddy areas that need grass, and others that are getting overrun with moss – so his work will be cut out for him! 😉

    Ooooh! A croquet party would be so much fun! And yeah, playing in the mud probably wouldn’t be as fun… 😉

    Your first job sounds so cool!!

    Amen, no one is perfect! But that’s a perfect fill-in! 😉

    Have a great weekend!


  11. That is an impressive first job title. 🙂 What did you have to do?

    I think some of your pre-bacon might have escaped. We saw it out walking in the Circle in front of our house this week. 🙂 Our neighbors have a pet pig…that lives in their house.

    Have a blessed weekend!


    • HAHAHA on the “pre-bacon” walking in the neighborhood! Pet pigs are wonderful I hear – I have a bit of a soft spot for them as I think they are VERY smart and actually do make good pets!! My job was classified and interesting. I was just a clerk-stenographer (a lost art!) but my work was classified.

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

      • This piggy was cute and seemed pretty well-behaved, except that it had escaped from the house. He/she came when called, which I thought was cute. It was like watching a naughty kid going back home. 🙂

        I think it is cool that your job was classified. All mysterious and everything. 🙂 So you had to do shorthand, too? I was never brave enough to take that class. I have my own form of shorthand, although at this point, I am quite likely to forget what this or that mark is supposed to mean. haha

        Have a blessed weekend!


        • Even though I had learned Gregg shorthand, I too found my OWN “Pam-Hand” which I preferred to the standard stuff…..I found my own way was faster and certainly easier. One of the blogs we follow is PIGLOVE which of course is the blog of a pig named Bacon and his family. You might enjoy that one if you aren’t following it already – Bacon is my honorary “Cousin” !!

          Hugs, Pam

          Liked by 1 person

          • I think it goes much faster when we create our own shorthand. It would just be too confusing trying to remember all that other stuff that didn’t look like it would make sense to me in the first place.
            PIGLOVE sounds like a cute blog to me. Could you please share the link? I glanced over your page for it, but I must have missed it. Thanks!
            Have a blessed day. 🙂


          • I always thought that the only thing that mattered is that I understood my “Pam-hand” – I was going to type something up from my own notes anyway – nobody else would! June Thompson is Bacon’s Mom and they have a dog and a cat too so “never a dull moment” at their “Hotel Thompson”. Their blog is at and it’s wonderful…..and fun…….!

            Hugs, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

          • I agree with you, especially when we’re the only ones that are going to see our notes.

            It sounds like they have a really exciting and busy household. Our neighbors have dogs, a cat, the pig, and they had some chickens last year, too. I think they gave the chickens away, though. Thank you so much for sharing the link. 🙂

            Have a blessed day!


  12. One of the biggest commercial crops around here is sod (grass). Even the largest ranch in the world, King Ranch, has several grass farms in our area. Maybe you could find some of that up there. Horizon Turf Grass grows just about anywhere.. You buy it in sheets and can get whole pallets of it for larger areas. Have a great week.


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