Sunday Selfie


Sunday Selfie Time!

We again are joining The Cat On My Head and the Kitties Blue including newest resident Cooper Murphy (!) in sharing a SELFIE that would of course be based on an old photo of me since I’m now an Angel and not “photographable” in the here and now!     This is one of my Mom’s favorite photos of me sleeping and she just dabbled a bit with Lunapic and Pizap to add this and that.

If you’d like to join their Blog Hop, just pop over using their badge and LINK up!   We want to see you too!


Click Badge to Visit Them!!

Click Badge to Visit Them!!


Happy Sunday from Angel Sammy

65 responses »

    • If bacon isn’t gone and I’m smiling then you’re right – I ate it all and I’m happy…………if bacon isn’t there and I’m not smiling I’m mad there was no bacon…………..LOL

      Love, Angel sam


  1. Sammy, this is amazingly gorgeous art, but then you were an amazingly gorgeous fellow. Thanks for sharing this on the hop. Cooper Murphy is sending you a great big, “thank you!” He got to have a piece of bacon this morning. Mom is already spoiling him! And he said to tell your dad that cats between the ages of one and two are still big kittens at heart. They love to play, explore and learn new things. Sending lots of love to all and good luck for tomorrow’s trip to the shelter. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Oh I’m glad Cooper Murphy got to try my favorite-est thing in the world today! I’m glad your Mom is remembering that gingers must be spoiled. Tee Hee We hope Lucky will be like having a kitten – but just maybe without the curtain climbing or furniture scratching thing. I left all my toys and fun things behind so he should have lots to do when he arrives at my house. We’ll keep you posted on the shelter trip. I’ve got my paws crossed too!

      Love, Angel Sam

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lunapic is so super easy………but Mom always has a hard time deciding which filter to use………there are so many art effects and she would add them all at once if she could I think! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Angel Sam


    • Thank you so much Harvey and Miss Marjorie……sometimes it’s very hard for even ME to realize I’m gone. I am still visiting Mom a lot…..mostly at night in her dreams. I guess I’ll always be around – as long as we feel the LOVE, we are there.

      Love, Angel Sam


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