Christmas Bacon


“Do you smell what I smell??”


It’s Christmas Eve morning and all through the house, the smell of that bacon is wafting through teasing my nose and making me HUNGRY!    How about you?


Am I the only one who thinks this might just be the PERFECT Christmas tree????????????????


Well if you really want to get in GOOD with Santa tonight when he visits, make sure you don’t disappoint him – have plenty of good snackables for him because I have it on good authority that this poster is TRUE!

baconchristmassantaPerhaps a pile of this would help SWAY him and cause him to leave you extra toys, goodies, snackables, etc. in your Christmas stocking and under the tree???????  I know it would work on my Mom as she loves bacon and she loves chocolate………..YUMMERS




Jingle Bells, bacon smells

Tasty as can be!

Forget the gifts and stocking stuffers

Put bacon under my tree!!!!

May Santa paws visit you all tonight

and bring you what your heart desires……

whatever that may be!

See you Christmas morning!

And to all a goodnight......

And to all a goodnight……



67 responses »

  1. Am I FIRST??? Oh my! Well, let me send you wishes for a wonderful Christmas at the bridge, Sammy. We can only IMAGINE the wonders of Christmas on your side of the Bridge–we bet there’s plenty of BACONS. AND we want to send whole bushels of love and purrs to your Humans as they must be remembering lots of happy Christmases with their Best Boy. They might be a little sad, Sammy, so send them some little signs this weekend–a little twinkling as they look around a corner or a little whisper in their ears. We love you all! XOXOXOXO

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Spitty! Concatulations on being first for the “Non-Badge-Christmas Eve-Bacon Post” !! Tee Hee Indeed Christmas at the Bridge is quite something – we are all busy making sure we have our Christmas wings polished up and bright and twinkly because we will be visiting our humans tonight…..yes, that SUPER TWINKLY ornament on the tree? It’s US – All the Christmas Angels from all the families in all the world will have extra twinkles because we’ll be RIGHT THERE watching all the celebrations and gift opening and HAPPY faces. We are always there…..just around the corner… your dreams…..and trust me – I have already given Mom some signs that I AM here. I hope you and your Human have a PURRRRFECTLY special Christmas dear friend……..and a most successful and peaceful new year. If you need me, just give me a call oh King.

      Hugs and Holiday love, Angel Sammy (and Mom Pam)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Friend Speedy………..we have enjoyed your Holiday postings and I’m sorry we didn’t get a photo to you in time but Mom had a very tough time finding a photo that didn’t make her cry to send to you! Christmas was MY time of year…and it’s just very hard right now. BUT that doesn’t mean Mom and Dad will have a BAD Christmas – in fact they will have a great one – they know I’m with them in spirit and always will be……..I hope you and your family have a REALLY special Christmas!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Just think, Angel Sammy! No bacon rationing!!! Mum and I have come over specially to wish you and your mom and dad a happy and peaceful and “remembering” Christmas. We know you are busy in your new position with lots of responsibility, but I also know you will be tugging at the hearts of so many this Christmas, especially your Mom and Dad! x0x0x0x


    • Austin you’re such a good friend…..thanks for stopping by on Christmas Eve to wish us a happy Christmas……we will have one; Mom and Dad realize that even though I’m not physically here any longer I am tucked away in a spot in their hearts always. I will always be here in every box of ornaments that’s unpacked at holiday time, every laugh and giggle as neighbors stop by, every greeting card that’s addressed to “us”…….I’m a Christmas Angel now. I am with you all in spirit. Thanks for being my buddy and pal……..and a big thanks to you and your Mom for your support while Mom transitioned to “life without Sammy”….I think that’s definitely a “work in progress” !!

      Hugs and Holiday love,
      Angel Sammy (and Mom)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yes I’m keeping a close eye on Mom and Dad this year especially……………and I just bet that Santa Paws will be bringing YOU some special things too Sundae – you’ve been a very good girl as always!

      Love, Angel Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Good Morning! Christmas Eve already… came up so fast! A bacon Christmas tree… doesn’t get any better than that, Sammy. Well, maybe a bacon CHEESEBURGER Christmas tree… 😀 Enjoy this Christmas Eve, I heard you got your wings out of the cleaners so you must be on your special pass. Love you, Angel Sammy… Forever!


    • Oh Miss Pix I am on my special pass and enjoying things already. I surprised Mom last night by meowing in her bedroom at 2AM….yep – I sure did – Dad was asleep so didn’t hear it but Mom sure did……it was my special meow that I did just for her. She told Dad about it this morning but he just looked at her like “uhhuhyeahsure!”……I hope that you and Mr. Jerry have a BEAUTIFUL Chistmas Eve and Christmas!!! I might look into a Bacon Cheeseburger Christmas tree for NEXT year!

      Love, Angel Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Merry Christmas to you on the Bridge precious Sammy. And Merry Christmas to your mom and dad too. Austin had mentioned that there is no parsing out of the bacons and that you may have all you want, when you want. Eat happily! When we pawrents all remember our family on the Bridge, we will have each of you there all the way deep into our hearts. Can’t get any closer than that. 💗


    • All of us at the Bridge know we are in your hearts just as you are always in ours………it’s a nice warm spot inside us all………and we hope you FEEL us protecting you and loving you as you live your lives back home. We faithfully wait for all of you when your time comes many years in the future…………..we will be together again!

      Love and Merry Christmas!
      Angel Sam


  5. Sammy…that bacon Christmas tree looks totally amazing. We are wondering what they used to stick it together. Anyhoo…Dad asked Mom if she wanted bacon this morning. After seeing this post, what do you think she said? Mom and Dad are mad at all of us, and we may not get our Santa Paws gifts. We have been picking at each other all morning, and Mau and Lisbeth horked up all their breakfast. They don’t get that we are just excited for Christmas. Sending lots of love for a glorious Christmas Eve for all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh dear – well horking comes along with excitement and I should think your Mom and Dad KNOW that by now! Oh well…..I do think if there was bacon available you all should have had some!!! Now you all better try and calm down so your Mom and Dad won’t have to bother you while you snooze Christmas Eve away!!!!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  6. Hi Sammy,
    now what do I wish you? A Merry Christmas or a “bacony” one? 😉 Well, knowing you, I thin a bacony one equals a merry one for you, doesn’t it? 😉
    So: a Merry Christmas for you up there and for your Mom and Dad down here, and Happy New Year – may it be a peaceful one – to you and all the world,


  7. The bacon tree looks wonderful, Sammy. I am glad you have your wings back from the cleaners because I know you will be using them when you watch over your mum and dad. Have they seen the sign from you yet? It took Eric almost a month to get my mum to know he was there, but when he did get through to her, there was no doubt whatsoever that it was him.
    I hope all their wonderful memories made with you help them through this first Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Flynn! Yes I have given my Mom the sign…..just night before last in fact. Took me a while to get totally tuned into HERE but I was plain as day and she loved it. They are really having a hard time with Christmas even though Mom talks like it’s no big deal – it truly is. She and Dad say the house is too quiet, there’s nobody attacking boxes and wrapping paper, and nobody resting in front of the fireplace on a Christmas fleecie……Oh how I miss them as much as they miss me………………. You’e right though – the memories will help them today.

      Hope you and your family have a really wonderful Christmas together Flynn……………….
      Hugs, Angel Sam (and Mom Pam)


      • I am glad you have given your mum the sign and she recognised it for what it was. Eric kept trying with my mum but she was so upset she thought she was imagining his presence. When he did get through to her it was so strong and unmistakably him. Maybe she will tell your mum about it one day. She has never told my dad because she knows that he would be upset that he wasn’t there too. Maybe he gave him a sign another time and my dad never told her in case it upset her.


        • Tell your Mum that my Mum would love to hear the story of Eric reaching out………my Dad hasn’t felt me here yet but I think he’s going to need to let more of his grief loose before there will be room in his heart for me again. Mom is still sad but very OPEN………it was easy to visit her. Mom told my Dad today and he said he hasn’t felt me or heart me yet but I’m WORKING ON IT!!!!!

          Love and Hugs, Angel Sam


  8. You scared me when you said, Do you smell what I smell?” I thought maybe I had forgotten to cleanup when I arose this morn and it was me you were smelling. Thank goodness it was bacon.

    Now, this half bacon and half chocolate and bacon looks mighty tasty Angel Sammy.

    Angel Sammy, Pam and David have a wonderful Christmas.


    Shoko, Kali, Jean and Bill


    • We hope all of you have a really WONDERFUL Christmas morning – complete with bacon if possible (hahaha)…………….Hope Santa Paws brought you lots of fun stuff!

      Love, Angel Sam and Mom Pam (and Dad too!)


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