Friendly Fill-Ins



Let’s Fill In!!!!

This is the super fun blog hop that both 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader host every Friday………….they post four sentences with “holes” in them and we fill up the holes with our fabulous additions.    If you want to join in the fun – click on McGuffy’s Reader’s link and enter your blog address and HOP AWAY!

My Mom is filling in this week (her answers are in GREEN)………………..aren’t I nice to let her have it all to herself some weeks?   This is her lucky week…….besides, these questions are better answered by a HUMAN than a cat I think!

1. My favorite Christmas Song(s) is/are “Silent Night” “We Three Kings” I’ll Be Home For Christmas” “White Christmas”, and just about every other song you can think of for Christmas!!, but I could do without hearing “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer”ever again.
2.My most meaningful Christmas ornament/decoration is the golden “Sammy Star” gifted to me by a close friend, because it was for Sammy, who loved Christmas and who we miss very much.

3. My favourite holiday treat is either anything CHOCOLATE or (now don’t laugh!) – mincemeat pie – I love it!!.

4. A holiday tradition in my house is Christmas morning breakfast – I make biscuits and sausage gravy using my Dad’s recipe – he’s long gone but his recipe lives on with ME!.
OK Mom – well done!   Thanks for taking care of filling in this week.   I would have had a tough time filling those in especially now that I’m an angel!
Our very VERY special friends, Kitties Blue (The Cat On My Head) sent my Mom a most special holiday ornament this year – – – it’s a golden star with lights inside and it’s now “Sammy’s Star” which is in honor of yours truly……… makes Mom and Dad’s hearts ache to see it but then they concentrate on the lights inside as they light the way to the Rainbow Bridge where I am now.    It’s always “on” when they go to bed at night and they stop at the star and say “Goodnight Sammy” which I think is very special.    Thank you Miss Janet for making my Mom and Dad so happy with the beautiful golden star of LOVE.
Sorry the picture is blurry!  Mom had to take it without flash which means holding the camera still (NOT!)

Sorry the picture is blurry! Mom had to take it without flash which means holding the camera still (NOT!)

Speaking of Angels, Mom promised to share a few more of the lovely tributes she was given when I went to the Bridge………….we may be doing them one at a time……it’s just easier for her!
Below is the graphic and poem sent to my Mom by Dr. Phoebe and her sweet cat Samantha.


img_1319Cheer that blossomed within our hearts,
stirred by your presence at each day’s start,
yearns to wilt when you depart.
But our song will sing again, tomorrow.

The smiles that pierced through saddened guise,
the rays which conquered thundered skies,
they ache to dim neath heaven’s cries.
But the sun will rise again, tomorrow.

For many years our lives you blessed,
but the hour has come for you to rest,
to soar upon hills on golden crest.
So have no fear, tomorrow.

 For on that day, I know we shall meet again.

Dedicated to Pam, in memory of Sammy ♥

72 responses »

  1. Love your mom’s answers, and I can see why she and your dad LOVE that Sammy Star. It’s so beautiful. It brought a tear to Motor Mommy’s eye when she read that your pawrents “paws” near it each evening and say good night to you. That’s so special.
    Beautiful poem and graphic from Puppy Doc. Sammy, I hope you and your pawrents know how many lives you touched here on earth and how much we all miss you. We love hearing from Angel Sammy, though!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mom says I had a BIG presence here and I couldn’t just “disappear” after I went to the Bridge so after getting special permission to blog from the Bridge, HERE I AM! The Sammy Star is beautiful isn’t it? Fiona’s is too – and I know our stars will be a big part of Christmas for our families forever.

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sam

      Liked by 2 people

    • No bad weather here other than SUPER DUPER cold. Nine degrees this morning but tomorrow we have a high of 50! They are predicting rain for Christmas here…but sooner or later we WILL have some snow! You stay WARM and happy.

      Love, Angel Sam


  2. Hi Angel Sammy! Samantha and I blushed at seeing our poem on your blog…you’re so sweet. It looks like you are watching over Mom and Dad really well and making sure their hearts are comforted, but could you pass on a few hugs from me and Samantha?? We’re still keeping them both in our hearts and prayers. Oh, and a hug for you as well, Angel Sammy! ❤️❤️


  3. Sammy’s Star is beautiful in so many ways… such a sweet and thoughtful gift! So enjoyed your Mom’s Fill-ins… she knows that we love biscuits and gravy… 🙂 I love that it is a tradition that honors her Dad. Ditto on Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. Love the graphic from PuppyDoc and the one of you with your wings that your Mom did for this post… ♥ I am so happy you decided to keep blogging, Angel Sammy, so happy!


    • Dear Miss Pix………my Mom says keeping me “alive” in the blog was something she KNEW she’d do well before I left….she wasn’t sure at first as it was hard, but now it’s just “right” I’m still nattering away!!! Biscuits and sausage gravy on Christmas morning goes back for my Mom for YEARS and YEARS. Her Dad wasn’t a big cook but there were a few things he loved making: sausage gravy, meatloaf, and another breakfast delight made from cornmeal that was sliced and fried and covered with maple syrup. He called it “mush” but it wasn’t mush of course……but those are traditions that are in Mom’s heart…….and traditions are important! The graphic and poem from puppydoc was super special just as all the things we received after I left were….The SAMMY STAR from Miss Janet will be a part of Christmas FOREVER – and that makes me VERY happy!

      Love and Holiday Angel Hugs,


      • Sammy we DO call it mush! CH makes it fairly often and I did a post on it on my blog. You can find it under the tag cloud under that menu thingie on my blog… 🙂 It is November 20th, 2011 if you use the archives. I bet it looks like your Dad’s mush. CH makes it into a loaf and then slices it and fries it and then we put lots of buttah on it and molasses, syrup, or preserves
        I am glad it is “just right” now for your Mom to have you “naterring away” because I love to read your “natters”… 😀 SAMMY’S STAR is a most lovely tradition!


  4. Thank you Angel Sammy for letting your Mom complete the fill-ins, great answers. I am completely in agreement with #1. I love the star, that is such a beautiful gift to represent you Sammy, you were a star on earth and now you are the brightest star in the sky. I make a mincemeat pie every year for my mom’s friend, Jerry. I use a jar of the mix though, I have no idea what is in it 🙂 XO

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It so warms my heart that Sammy’s Star (like Fiona’s for me) is now your most memorable Christmas decoration. Each year as we hang them (I may never take mine down.), we can think of our beloved companions. I love traditions that involve our family long after they have left us, like your Christmas breakfast. What a beautiful poem and graphic. Everyone has been so kind and supportive. Mau has got his ugly sweater on and has stopped by the campfire. Sammy in his hot dog hat is one of my favorite photos of him. Sending lots of love and prayers to you and David, Janet
    p.s. I made it through your post without crying. I am proud of myself.


    • I’m very proud of you too Janet……..we are BOTH making progress aren’t we?! David and I just love saying goodnight to Sammy when we pass the star….and like you, we just might leave ours up year-round. It’s so beautiful. I hope doing “Christmas-like” things will pull you into the fun and love of the holiday – it’s not the SAME for us, that’s for sure – but it’s still a happy time of the year…..we have the incentive too of celebrating it FOR Sammy who really did adore Christmas.

      Sending love and hugs to you and Tom and the Kitties,


    • I really am BEYOND thankful to have so many friends – really – and that Sammy Star is just a reminder for Mom and Dad that I will ALWAYS be in their hearts and ALWAYS love them.

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  6. Mincemeat Pie?!!! Oh awnty Pam, we’re not so sure ’bout dat one. MOL But we heartily agree with you ’bout da grandmaw song. We don’t have one, but think dat’s really rude and not very Christmasy at all. Big hugs to all.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  7. Unccle Sammy that Sammy Star iss beeutefulll….what a thottfull gift.
    An wee luv Lady Phoebe’s poe-em….shee did pawsum….
    An wee do miss you you so much an LUV you; that will nevurr change!
    ***air kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  8. It seems that quite few of us said that Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer was one we could do without. It is one of those songs that gets in your head and just won’t get out. Have a wonderful weekend and a Merry Christmas.


    • Mincemeat – contrary to the way it sounds – is sweet and delicious with fruits and raisins, etc. in it…..the ORIGINAL recipe ages and ages ago though had actual MEAT in it I think. YUCK. It also sometimes has a bit of brandy in it which means my Dad likes it too (hahaha). Here’s a recipe that shows all the stuff that goes into an already prepard JAR of mincemeat filling (which is what my Mom uses – no way could she MAKE this stuff from scratch!)!!!! Mom buys Crosse and Blackwell mincemeat and makes regular pie crust for it. MUCH EASIER!

      Hugs, Angel Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  9. The Sammy Star from the Kitties Blue is beautiful and a lovely memory of you. Puppy Doc’s poem is beautiful and heartfelt, a loving tribute to you.
    My mum loves chocolate too, but I think she will have to restrict herself this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Flynn I believe your Mum will have to restrict SEVERAL things this year!!! LOL But we do hope she’s all better very soon too – I think Nurse Flynn and Doctor Ivor will see to that!!

      Love and Angel Hugs, Sammy


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