Sunday Selfie from Angel Sam


Just know that I miss you all……

but look in your heart – I’m there!


Joining up with The Cat On My Head for Sunday Selfie Blog Hop………….even an Angel guy can join the Hop you know!    If you’d like to, just click their badge below and HOP on over to use the Linky tool to join.

Click Badge to Visit Them!!

Click Badge to Visit

Love, Angel Sam


Before I go, please note when you visit The Cat On My Head that they are filled with sadness because they too have lost one of their own……sweet Fiona, who struggled so bravely with her debilitating kidney disease left for the Bridge Thursday night – she passed over in her Mom’s arms – surrounded by love.   She was waiting for me when I arrived at the Bridge Friday morning…..healthy and beautiful and excited to see me.   We both are fine…….and healthy again.    Please me sure and leave a comforting message on their blog today – they need a good dose of BLOGVILLE love…….it does help heal broken hearts!


Love, Angel Sammy

103 responses »

  1. Good morning my Angel Sammy …OMCs you have the deluxe model of wings w sparkles JUST AS I EXPECTED.. We thank you mom for posting this beautiful celestial selfie to let us know our handsome ginger man is settled. Mom says she agrees w Pix…her eyes are moist too. we know your mom and dad are missing you pr sweetness but never fear sweet boy we will be sure they taking care of themselves.
    Kitty kisses and mom hugs
    Love Madi and mom

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dearest Madi – I know that my Mom loves your Mom and I’m sure that they will be in touch just as I plan to visit all my friends FOREVER with my blog!! Thank you again for the Hop with Easy. It was PURE MAGIC!

      Love and forever hugs, Angel Sam


  2. We knew they would give you the very BEST set of wings they had….you’re as special to the those at the Bridge as you are to us. We’ve got leaky eyes again too but your selfie did make us smile too. Such a handsome Angel.

    We’re glad you and Fiona caught up with each other. So much sadness down here on earth.

    The Florida Furkids

    Liked by 2 people

    • It makes US Angels sad to see so much sadness on our leaving – we are happy and healthy now and want you to know that……we will always be with you too which is even better! Thanks so much for LOVING us…….

      Hugs, Angel Sam


  3. Mee-you Unccle Sammy what a pawtastick Selfie frum Pure Land!!!!
    An wee are cryin again…poor Aunty Janet an Fiona….our sweet ‘Fee’ has joined you.
    LadyMum hopess Fiona found Nylablue so they can have ‘nip together…..
    Sendin you ❤ LUV ❤ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • I was happy to see her looking so HEALTHY again…..poor Fiona had a very hard time but as you know, here over the Bridge things are wonderful – and ALL the time too! Glad you like the selfie today – Gracie did the artwork and my Mom added one of her favorite lunapic art effects.

      Happy Sunday
      Love and Angel Hugs, Sammy


  4. Sammy, we keep restarting this comment, as we really don’t have the right words to express just how much you, Mom Pam and Dad David mean to us. We know the pain of our passing together has made it doubly hard for them. Mom was holding it together fairly well this morning until she saw your comment and then we read your post, and now she is blubbering again. We tried to comfort Mom and Dad last night, especially Mom. We know she is fragile. We wish a few of us could teleport to your house, Sammy, to give some snuggles and head bonks to your mom and dad. Your angel selfie is so gorgeous, and we are beyond ecstatic that you will continue to post and lead the way at Cat Scouts. Mau, especially, knows he couldn’t continue without your friendship, wise counsel and humor. Fiona will continue as an angel presence on our blog and in our comment signature. We love you with all our hearts and continue to send Mom Pam and Dad David many purrs, prayers and kitty kisses. Love, Mom Janet and XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth ad Calista Jo

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so happy that Fiona will continue on the blog as an Angel……we Angels have a LOT to say if given a chance! You should know by the way that Fiona looks wonderful again – healthy, shiny furs, beautiful wings and a twinkle in her eyes. It’s so nice to put our earthly pain and age behind and be young again. We will visit so be ready. I am glad that Mom will be helping me continue with the blog and Scouts – it just wouldn’t be the same if I couldn’t SPEAK and tell stories and hopefully make people smile. It’s what I do. Mom and I send your family BIG HUGS as we know they need them now. Please thank Mau for organizing a memorial for me tomorrow – it’s a beautiful thing to do……………..

      Love, Angel Sammy


  5. Hi Sammy, sure is good to see you got your wings sorted, and great to know that Bacon is on the menu, in fact that you have a whole suite made of it! Wall to wall cream is my dream when the time comes, that and mice made entirely of nip. purrs Erin

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Sammy we feel like we just got to know you and here you are an Angel already. We cry for your humans but no longer for you because you are now young again and free of pain and getting all the bacon you want. We miss you already. Your wings are lovely. the most beautiful we have seen. Love forever, Peaches & Paprika, your earthly calico girlfriends

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh Sammy, it is so good to see you and you are gorgeous as an angel. But then, I knew you would be cuz that is just how you are. We are so excited to hear that you will continue blogging. I have several Twitter pals that still tweet as angels too – why not. Afterall, they have all the latest electronic gadgets at the bridge too.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. As on earth as an angel you are so sweet and cute. <3. You live in my heart forever and always dear friend. I am glad that you will reach to us that miss you so much. Love to you, your mom, and dad.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Poor sweet Fiona’s struggle was so valiant and brave but her time was here and we must answer the call from the Bridge when we hear it. We are fine…….she is finally in no pain or discomfort…….that makes everyone happy I know.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  9. Hey Buddy! Thanks for reserving my Bacon Suite. I am getting along in years–I was 12 on my last birfday (the Human figures I was borned around the beginning of June in 2004–but I was feral so we don’t know the exact day. I was kinda worried about not having the exact info–my friend Barack tolded me I might not be able to be King wifout an official, long-form birf certificate, but nokitty ever asked for it before my coronation, so I was IN!) Still, I plan to spend a bit more time down here training the Human before I move in next door to you XOXO

    I am very happy you will keep visiting and telling us stories. You were a King down here too, so we need you to keep the rest of us on the right track. It was real hard that you and Easy and Miss Fiona all moved to your part of the universe at the same time, but we will do our best to help your People feel comforted. I bet there’s lots of purring up there–say, maybe Easy could learn?


    • Hi Spitster my man! Yep – you’ve got your Bacon Suite reserved so take your time buddy because your work is NOT done for a long time yet. I know these things now…..anyway, Fiona and I are trying to teach Easy to purr but it STILL sounds more like he’s got a bad cold or sore throat so there is much to be done in that regard. I’m glad the powers that be here are letting me continue blogging and being at Scouts – not like there’s any possibility of being BORED here but I really want to be in close touch with my buds back on Earth so blogging helps that way. Besides, as I said before, the Wi-Fi is great here.

      I’ll be here if you need me…………..always.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  10. Pingback: I see the world through my heart | Chirpy Cats

  11. Oh Sammy – thank you for coming back to comfort us and let us know that things are so good OTB. Over the years I have had to let so many kitties go that I feel bad when I read of someone else’s loss, and your words help a lot. Hugs to your Mom & Dad .


  12. Sammy, we cannot describe how sad we are, we only just met you a few months ago. I smiled through tears when I remember your sweet comment, introducing yourself as a ginger polydactyl just like our Jimmy. I suppose this is not the last we will hear from you. I look forward to you enlightening us from beyond. Our hearts go out to your people. Purrs from us at Chirpy Cats. 😽😽🌺


    • There is a lot of sadness in the blogosphere as so many of us left for the Bridge at the same time last week……….we didn’t mean to upset the balance in the blogosphere but when it’s your time, you must answer the call. We are now happy and healthy and YOUNG again and in your hearts always – if you need us we are there. Luckily for me, I am allowed to continue blogging though so I’ll be around!!!!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


  13. Oh Goodness Sammy I know I stopped by but I must have been so flummoxed I did not leave a message. Buddy I care deeply for you and you showed us all what it truly means to love and care. I am so glad you will be here as an Angel as we Need You Sammy!
    Timmy, Dad and Family


    • Oh my friends I will ALWAYS be with you but certainly happy that I am being allowed to continue blogging and being a Scout – they are quite understanding about that here at the Bridge! Just know that if you need me – I’m there!

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • I know – so many of us left at the same time and I think it was quite overwhelming……it was crowded in the Welcome Center at the Bridge too (!) but we are all settled in and trying to make sure our humans know we are fine and that we are with them ALWAYS AND FOREVER AND EVER……..

      Love, Angel Sammy


  14. Your selfie is gorgeous Sammy and you look so healthy. Glad you enjoyed the multitudes of Bacon offered at the bridge. I’m happy that Easy and Fiona were there to help you make the crossing a little easier.



    • We are all here together and working hard to make sure our humans “back home” know we are alright and happy and healthy again………it’s wonderful to see all our friends who came before us too……we’re IN YOUR HEARTS – be still and you will know. Just know………it’s like magic.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  15. What a gorgeous photo, and I love your words. It’s a comfort to think of those angels looking down on us and protecting us, while snacking on tasty bacon. Gentle purrs to you and Fiona as you explore the new world around you, knowing all of us down here can’t wait to see you again.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie


    • Thank you! Yes we Angels are ALWAYS with our humans – we couldn’t just LEAVE totally – we want to make sure that our families know we are happy, healthy, and always with them.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  16. We wil miss seeing sweet Sammy, but knowing he is an angel helps. It was our Twitter friends who helped Mum when Dash was killed. Without them she would be even sadder than she is now.

    Love you Sammy.


    • I will still be around……I’m allowed to use my laptop from up here so will continue blogging……….the blogosophere is such a warm and wonderful place and they helped my Mom and Dad so much with all the LOVE since I passed on to the Bridge. I know it was like that for your Mum too when she lost Dash. Otherwise, without friends and the love, it would be overwhelming indeed.

      Love, Angel Sammy


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