My Friend Easy


Sometimes there just are no words…………… we say it with a graphic from our hearts………………….


Hugs to all who knew him but most especially his Mom and Dad…………..

Sammy and Mom

We just saw this posted by Ann at Zoolatry……..


For Easy’s blog:  CLICK HERE

97 responses »

  1. This is heartbreaking news! We got to know Easy through his comments on Teaser Tuesday that always made us laugh. Sympathy to his mom and dad and to you, Sammy, on the loss of your very special friend. RIP Easy 😦


  2. I am so sorry. I did not know him, but I do know the pain his parents and loving friends are going through and the love that Easy was blessed with. Rest in peace sweet Easy.


  3. I am so shocked and saddened. That is a beautiful tribute. I am hugging my very old but healthy critters and giving them extra treats. XXXXX


  4. Condolences, thoughts, and prayers to Easy’s family. I always looked for his comment. As with our humans, a generation is heading on out to greener pastures. My friend, Oliver, here is of that generation and is not well. He and I and our human are praying for Easy’s family and we have a vision of Easy bringing fun times and meeting new friends in those green fun pastures.


  5. Sammy you and Easy were for sure brothers from other mothers. You both have the biggest, kindest hearts and are always there to to make us smile. Your graphic would make Easy happy.
    Easy…..was such a force…we learned so many new words/expressions from him. Like
    your tushie is also an ice cream cemetery, and the darkest place on the planet is the A$$ of a salamander. Mom nearly spit out her coffee one morning when she read that one.
    and GIVEITTOTHEWEIMARANER translates into give me the dang thing or I’ll bite your paw.
    Love and hugs as we remember Easy Rider….
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Oh Kismet…..I think all anipals eventually meet up at the Bridge…..including parrots, snakes (ick), wabbits, etc. Those who have spent their lives with humans anyway. Those of us who are part of a human family including parrots. I plan to see you there one day so you’d better not disappoint me – or Easy – the only difference is that you will already HAVE your wings whereas we have to go to the wing store to get ours fitted properly.

      Love, Sammy


  6. *whispurrss* Unccle Sammy iss this reelly happenin??? How could Easy leeve just like that….mee went fur a nap last nite with LadyMum an now Easy iss gone?? MMMMNOOOOOOOOO!!!
    Easy tott mee a lot about how to blog an xpress meeself……
    What will wee do without him????
    ***sighsss*** **sniffullsss**
    All mee hopes iss that NYLABLUE iss there to welcome her ‘Champeeon’ an comfort him inn Pure Land!!!
    **hangss head** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry 😦 an LadyMum 😦


    • I’m sure Nylablue was waiting for him at the gate……and giving him a warm hug. He absolutely KNEW he was loved here. Bloat is an AWFUL thing that can happen to large breed dogs and sadly dear Easy got it twice in a short time and couldn’t make it. It leaves a huge void in the blogging world that he is gone…….this is the SAD part of life dear little guy and we have to learn these lessons – all of us – in a hard way. Easy will be in everyone’s heart always. Just remember that. Things he taught you will always be part of you.

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you wee are sure Nylablue an Easy are runnin thru meadowss of daisiess an other flowerss an havin fun!!! An wee just leerned about sew-pid Bloat. Wee thott onlee horseiss an cowss suffered with that….PHOOEY!!!!
        An mee will nevurr furget what Easy tott mee an what you tott mee…..
        Mee iss blessed to have known Easy an to have YOU fur mee Unccle!!!
        ***nose rubsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Yes the world isn’t “right” without our Easy. What a HUGE presence he was…..and a friend to all. His Mom and Dad are truly devastated. I’m sure they know how much we all love them and LOVED their boy Easy.

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. I just can’t click “like” Sammy. I am just devastated. Completely devastated. It was the first thing I saw when I woke up and got on Facebook today. I am still in shock. My heart breaks for Easy’s family. It isn’t right. Easy and his Mom and Dad bring so much joy and comfort to everyone. I am beside myself with sorrow.


    • Oh I know how you feel……….and for him to go because of bloat makes it even more sad. His Mom and Dad are devastated. They are some of the sweetest, dearest, most caring people in the blogosphere and everyone ELSE’s hearts are now breaking for them……….

      Love, Sam and Pam


    • He really wasn’t a senior for a Weimaraner and I know he’s been in the blogosphere way longer than we have – we started in 2011. He died from bloat which is a horrible thing that happens to large breed dogs sometimes……and sadly he got it twice in a row within a 24 hour period. Very sad…….

      Love, Sam


      • Thanks for the reply. Yeah, bloat is bad; my mom’s first Pyrenees passed away because of bloat and she wasn’t all that old, either. Prayers and love sent,,, I’m just hoping they had someone else in their family who Easy was training in ‘how to blog.’ we can’t be without them!!!!!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Sammy, Mom’s been working on that stupid 50th reunion stuff this a.m. and just got on our e-mail, saw Ann’s post and this one. Mom says her heart just flew right out of her chest. Did Easy not survive his surgery? Heading to his place now. Cannot take any more sadness. Mom sends all her love, prayers and lots of hugs. Hope you had a good night last night. Fiona DID NOT! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  9. Sammy Mom got on WP and this was one of the first things we saw. We CANNOT believe it! Easy was one of Blogville’s best goodwill ambassadors and a wonderful friend. Your tribute is beautiful. We are devistated for his Staff. Luvs to all on this so very very sad day.
    Marty and the Gang


    • Yes it’s almost unbelievable that he’s gone and it was so sudden. Bloat was something I really knew nothing about but it is an awful thing. His family AND his friends are all in shock I believe…….it just seems wrong not to hear from Easy every day and leave his blog with a BIG smile on our face.

      Love, Sammy


      • Mom is still teary eyed today…..she had a friend here at home that lost their lab to bloat too suddenly, it is a horrible conditition Sammy…


  10. This affected me just as much as if Easy had been my own dog. I am extremely sad for Easy’s parents right now and I feel like I’ve lost one of my good friends. I wish Easy the best in his new life over the Bridge…


    • Yes, with all the losses in my years of blogging, this has been the BIGGEST……Easy was such a huge and fun presence in blogville he will be missed beyond belief. His parents are in the deepest and saddest place there is right now so they need as much support as possible. Since the Blog Hop was planned by him for me tomorrow, it will be an honor to him as I travel around visiting all my friends. I hope he’s already settled in over the Bridge……I will see him soon.

      Love, Sammy


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