Filling In and Being Thankful!


Time for our “FILLING IN” Blog Post for Friday!


Today is the day our Friendly Fill-Ins Co-Hosts, Ann of McGuffy’s Reader and Ellen of 15andMeowing challenge us to fill in some sentences thereby sharing a bit of USUALLY interesting information about ourselves with the blogosphere!

I’m filling today’s sentences in ALL BY MYSELF………..sometimes I let Mom do it but this week it’s MINE ALL MINE!    If you’d like to join up, please do – just visit McGuffy’s Reader and use the LINKY TOOL and join in the fun!

Here’s today’s sentences and my “fill-ins” are in BLUE!

  1.  Yesterday, Mom and Dad were in W. Virginia with family for Thanksgiving and I was home WAITING for them!
  2.  My Mom says that she has NEVER done a regift to anyone – ever!
  3.  My favorite holiday leftover is TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY!
  4.  The best part of a long holiday weekend is knowing that my Mom and Dad will be HOME instead of their usual out running errands kind of day. 

Mom and Dad returned from their Thanksgiving in W. Virginia early this morning and brought me a LOT OF leftovers!   As you see from my fill-in above, TURKEY is my fave and I’m now set for at least a week.   Of course I MIGHT share some of it with them………..maybe…………and unlike this cat below, seeing a turkey doesn’t scare me one bit – (when it’s on a plate instead of running around the yard anyway!).

Where should I start??

WHAT IS THIS THING????????????????

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration – with good food, family and friends, but above all, remembering all the things that you are THANKFUL for.   I sure have thought a lot lately about how thankful I am…………I’m still here after almost 17 years which is a good start on the list of THANKFULS!!!!

Now we barrel through the next few weeks toward Christmas.   I have been VERY good this year so I’m sure Santa Paws is going to be visiting me as he always has.   I hope you all have already sent your WISH LISTS to him – if not, you’d better HURRY UP!

naughtyniceHe’s already finalizing these VERY IMPORTANT lists he keeps !!!



Happy Friday……

Thankful Sam

61 responses »

  1. Sammy, thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I always enjoy your answers. I am so glad you have lots of turkey to enjoy- maybe your Mom can wrap some bacon around it tomorrow. I am off to fight the crowds. Enjoy your special time with your folks- I wonder if that elf guy is going to show up? XO


  2. Hiya Sammy!
    Sounds like you had a peaceful Tgiving. Mom cooked some So. Style butter beans w bacon, Buddy the aroma was off the chart
    Madi your bffff


  3. Mee-you Unccle Sammy mee iss fankfull yur mee Unccle an that you have more time here with all of us. Wee LUV you so-o much an want you ehre fur as long as pawssibull.
    MMMMM turkey sounds yummy; mee iss droolin just finkin about it…..
    Mee will ask LadyMum to buy sum turkey thighss…wee have a littul slo-cooker an can make them….mmmmmmm…….
    ***paw patsss*** an POTP neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


    • Oh you will love turkey – any part of the bird will do! It’s all good! No worries little man, even when I go to Pureland I will always be right there in your heart……honest. But until then I’m here and trying to stay because I love my life and my Mom and Dad so don’t worry OK?

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee DOESS like dark turkey meat Unncle….mmm now mee iss hungree again!!!! Mew mew mew……
        *gulpsss* Mee iss werkin on acceptin yur journey to Pure Land will happen Unccle. Mee not over losin Pappaw King George…..when you DO get to Pure Land pleeze look fur mee Pappaw an give him mee an Tyerrone’ss LUV OK??? When that happenss……
        Butt fur today, wee eat bacon an nap an enjoy our Pawentss an all that Life offerss us rite???
        ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~


  4. We didn’t do the fill-ins this week ’cause Mom decided she was taking Thanksgiving off and not writing a post for today. They cooked all day for the two of them, ate so much they couldn’t even have any of the pumpkin pie Mom baked until today. Mom says it was worth the wait. How are you feeling today, Sammy? Did you get a good rest yesterday. I hope you do plan to eat some of the turkey and start putting some weight back on. You remain in our daily purrs and prayers. Love to you, Mom Pam and Dad David. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  5. We don’t have Thanksgiving here so no turkey. My mum doesn’t like it much anyway so she cooks a nice big rib of beef at Christmas. Even though I don’t like people food much, I do enjoy a bit of rare beef. I hope you were able to manage some of the turkey my dear friend.


  6. Turkey used to be my fave, Sammy, too. And I love Thanksgiving dinner. Since I became a vegetarian, I haven’t been able to enjoy it quite the same. But it’s not about the meal, is it. It’s about giving thanks. But I still miss that turkey…


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