Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Bonjour Poetry Lovers!


Today we get one step closer to the end of the alphabet with our celebration of the letter “V”, but remember, I recently announced that we would START OVER from “A” once we reached the end because we’re all having so much fun writing poems that we should just KEEP ON DOING IT!     If you have written a poem today for “V” you can post the link to your blog where the poem is posted in my comments so we can visit you to read it OR just post your poem in my comments here! We’ll SHARE……………..

So without further ado, I hereby present my salute to the letter “V”…………..



By Sammy Kimmell, 11/10/16

Although it isn’t February

And not “that special day”

If you love somebody dearly

Then you simply have to say –

The day is so much brighter

When your Valentine is there

You show them that you love them

And that you really, truly care.

A special hug or squeeze works

So does a great big smile

You simply want to be with them

For longer than “a while”.

I think that the word Valentine

Means the one that you adore

The one you want to be near always

And would do anything for.

My Mom and I are Valentines

It’s exactly how we feel

Valentines forever

Our love is the REAL deal!…………….

Mom and I have always been super duper close…………..she looks at me across the room and I will wink………she will wink back………..we have communicated.    Mom says she can just THINK of me during her day and I will “meow” from wherever I am in the house – like I know she thought of me.    The one thing I do that irritates her (!!!) is that at night if she just happens to wake up for a minute and is lying there waiting to fall back asleep, I “know” she has woken up because she will hear me call her from downstairs………….yeah maybe we have a psychic bond or something?!?!?!   Whatever, we are very close and while I adore my Dad too (after all it’s been the three of us together for almost 17 years!!!), Mom and I are CLOSER than CLOSE.   Maybe she was a cat in a previous life?    Anyway, that’s why I wrote this poem for “V”.

Next week we have “W”……………..then just three more letters before we start all over again!   YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make someone feel special today – write a poem for them!


Until NEXT Thursday!  

Au Revoir!  

Monsieur Sam the Poet Man

P.S.  We are also joining up with our friend Brian’s “Thankful Thursday” Blog Hop.  

Since Mom and I are very THANKFUL for each other, we think we qualify!!!



71 responses »

    • Thanks for participating in poetry day Miss Ann. We know that the country is in an uproar just now and are praying things can settle down as it seems “it is what it is”……Sending you hugs!!

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam


    • Thanks for reading my poem – we loved yours today too……….my Mom has a big collection of vases and tries to make sure whatever goes in it, looks “just right”……they are such pretty decorations in a house. You’re so lucky to have so many beautiful plants and flowers in your yard!

      Love, Sammy


    • We do – and I know that you and your Mom have that kind of “thing” too – when we’re REALLY CLOSE with someone we get that “don’t need to say a word” kind of thing going and it’s really quite special isn’t it Cupcake?!

      Love, Sammy


  1. Sweet poem, Sammy! Although Mom and I love each other, I know that she and her previous kitty, Beezy, had that same “connection” that you and your mom do. And it’s a wonderful thing!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Sammy Valentine is a PURRFECT V word. We loved your loving poem to your mom. WE have a V poem today too and we are joining Thankful Thursday…
    Lots of Very loving hugs madi and Mom


    • Thanks for joining BOTH “Thankful” and “Poetic” – it’s a lot of stuff to do on one day…..but we find that we are ALWAYS thankful while being poetic isn’t always easy! HAHAHAHA I’m on my way to read your poem RIGHT NOW!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. Mom making choc chip biscotti this morning………:)


    • LOVE YOUR POEM! THanks so much for pawtipating every week too…………Mom and I really are “on the same page”…..she’s only had one other cat like that and he was also a ginger…..wonder if we are just plain SPECIAL??!! Do you communicate with your Sammy too?

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy, that is the MOST BEAUTIFUL & HEARTFELT love poem ever written. For some crazy reason, our mom didn’t think she could write a Valentine poem in November. She had planned to write a “Victory” poem but their was none. You and your mom truly have a special connection and relationship, which we always enjoy reading and hearing about. Thanks for starting Thoroughly Poetic Thursday. This has definitely become one of ur favorite weekly posts. Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo and our mom.
    If anybody want to read our poem, entitled, Visiting, they can do so here:


    • Oh gosh, thank you for telling me you liked my poem today! Mom says valentines are “those we love” so it doesn’t have to be February to have a valentine!!! I know that for you all, your Mom is your valentine too. I’m also happy you enjoy Poetic Thursdays as I enjoy them very much too – I can’t WAIT to start the alphabet all over again! Thank you so much for pawticipating every week too – you do a magnificent job with poetry and we think “Visiting” is a wonderful subject for a poem. We love to visit our friends SO much. It’s the first thing Mom does when she goes on the computer every day – VISIT.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  4. Mee-you what a beeuteefull poe-em fur yur Mumma Unccle Sammy!!! Yur so good with werdss….
    Mee iss goin to rite a Haiku poe-em about our 2 faverite horsess:

    “Violette an Vidock”

    Violette, Vidock;
    Both of youss’ toe-tallee ROCK!!
    Percheronss Sue-burp…..

    bye Siddhartha Henry thee Poe-et
    ***nose bumpss Unccle*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  5. Another beautiful poem. I have that same bond with my mom too Sammy. I think Oliver does as well, he’s always winking at our mom! Will you be starting over at A when you get to the end of the alphabet?


  6. dood…yur poem two yur mom total lee rocks, ewe shuld put thiz in yur card next feb ewe warry valentinez day, bee coz we bet her wood loVez two reed thiz again ♥♥♥

    R haiku poem iz bout Vizshuz deer
    N izza troo storee

    pleez bee care full now
    Vizshuz deer will steel yur car
    they iz out in droVez

    { no driVin de car pun inn tended }



    • Hi Tabbies – how’s things in Trout Towne? I’m glad you like my “V” poem but I think YOUR “V” poem is totally on targets for this time of year. The deer are EVERYWHERE and they can do a WHOLE lot of damage if they run out in front of cars (which they do frequently). WELL DONE haiku……thanks for pawticipating in my poetry day – you guys ROCK!

      Love, Sam


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