Filling In, Blogging for Peace and Thanking!


It’s a “Triple Duty” Day!


First I’m going to do my Friendly Friday Fill-ins which is co-hosted by 15andmeowing AND McGuffy’s Reader…………………..each Friday we have four sentences that we just “fill-in” with our own responses.  Then we all share and it’s tons of fun to see how everyone answers.    If you wanna pawticipate – just go to one of the blogs that’s hosting and use the LINKY TOOL and join in!

Here are the four sentences for today and this week I’m filling them in ALL BY MYSELF!  My answers are in RED.

1. Peace in the world is my family’s #1 wish.
2. I need to  take my thyroid medicine without giving Mom the bitey or spitting it out – I should be better about that, but I keep procrastinating.
3. A friend is  the BEST gift you can get.

4. I  will  try to  stop begging for butter but sometimes I can’t help myself!

There you have it!   My fill-ins for today (say- why did the typeface change?!)


I’m joining THOUSANDS of bloggers who Blog For Peace every November 4th.  

CLICK HERE to visit the website……….post your peace globe…………….GIVE PEACE A CHANCE………………

AND, last but not least, I want to sincerely thank my very good and dear friend from “Down Under” Sharon Pridmore of Gentle Stitches.   She sent me and Mom a most cool thing from the incredibly magical place in Australia called Uluru Rock.   Ever heard of it?   An amazing red monolith rising out of the ground in the middle of nowhere…….with quite a story.    You can read about it HERE and she sent me a souvenir of her visit there……Check it out!

This is FLAT ME with the globe by my feets!

This is FLAT ME with the globe by my feets!


This is a CLOSE up of the globe – isn’t it cool???????

Miss Sharon is the lovely lady who designed the fabulous “Sammy Tote” which she made with her very own talented hands (and yarn!) and the pattern for this way cool bag will be available in December on a knitting site – I’ll share the link when I get it.    Meanwhile, here’s the photos I posted of it when we received our “prototype” tote from Miss Sharon a while ago!

HOW COOL IS THIS!!! It's ME - It's ME !!

HOW COOL IS THIS!!! It’s ME – It’s ME !!

Sorry to inundate you with STUFF today but I had a lot of things I needed to say – and thanks to give – and PEACE to share…………so I hope you have a PEACE-FULL day and weekend………..tomorrow is BACON DAY at my house!



Peace Baby



73 responses »

  1. I love my snow globe, I never saw one like that, it’s pawsome!!! I’ve read that butter is good for the eyes… a dogtor said that… and they are always right (at least when they talk about tasty things). PEACE for this world :o)


    • Dear Miss Layla……you are right about the world needing peace more than ever…..and more than likely we will be saying that more loudly and clearly in the coming weeks…….! I’m glad you liked my peace globe. I love doing them every year. John Lennon was right in that “all we need is love” but I’d like to amend the wording to say “love AND peace”………..I think we ALL would! HAPPY FRIDAY!

      Love, Sammy


  2. That is a lovely gift of the globe from Uluru.
    I don’t like taking my medication either. I used to fight against it, but now I roll over all submissive and my mum says that is worse and upsets her when I do that.
    I can’t believe she forgot to help me with my Peace Globe! This is the first year that I haven’t participated. I will have to put last year’s globe in my sidebar instead. Better go an do that now before she forgets again!


    • The globe from Uluru is amazing and so is Uluru. You know I’ve always wondered about that big red mountain in the middle of nowhere but never bothered to look it up and find out about it until I got the globe from Miss Sharon. What a FASCINATING and magical place!! Sorry you missed doing your Peace Globe this year but you could do a quick post with one now and not be late!!

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Pix! Hope you and your CH are happy and enjoying some nice Fall weather? It’s raining leaves here today – so many were hanging on but we have a BIG breeze today so they’re letting go – it’s a beautiful way for it to “rain” !! Miss Sharon is a super special lady…..but then so are you!!!!!! 🙂

      Love, Sammy


  3. You are busy today Sammy. I love your peace globe, it is perfect with you on it as well as your message. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. You really need to take that medicine Sammy, it is good for you. Phoebe’s fangs always get me when I give her the medicine. Butter is good, in moderation. 🙂 That is a cool gift your friend sent you. Have a nice weekend. XO


  4. Wow! That is very cool stuff! The globe is awesome! The purse is very special, though. I kind of like Flat Sammy, too. Your answers are heartfelt, as always. We are wishing for peace, too. HUGS. P.S. Take your medicine. xo


  5. Aren’t those globes the coolest things? I look at me and close my eyes really tight. Then I think of Auntie Sharon and I can *almost* feel her rubbing my back. Cool huh cousin? XOXO – Bacon


    • You’re right….they come out of the bunkers long enough to start wars and kill people, then retreat to their holes to dream up more hell to put others through. What’s with that? GIVE PEACE A CHANCE I say.

      Love, Sam


  6. Sammy I hear you on the pill thing. The moms like to act like they are giving a gift. Hey has your mom put the pill in butter? Mom once put mine in Brummel and Brown (made with yogurt ) butter.
    Congrats and all the pretties
    Hugs madi your bfff


  7. Good answers, Sammy, and your Peace post is purrfect. We pray that Peace will some day become more than just a dream. It so hurts our hearts that so many in the world are living lives haunted by war and terrorism. Wishing all of you peace and all our love. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo p.s. Take your pills, Sammy!


    • We feel that way too……….sometimes we wish we could package up our “happy” and mail it to all those in the world who don’t have ANY. We wish peace for you too dear friends!

      Love, Sammy


  8. What a cool bag! I do knit, but I don’t know how good I’d be at knitting a cat. 🙂

    You need to let mommy give you your medicine so that you can be fine. It is very sad for us humans when our furbabies are sick. I know it is no fun to take the medicine…but, the alternative is a bad thing, too. 😦

    Have a blessed weekend!


      • I can understand that completely. I have always been a fighter when it comes to medical stuff, too. They would have to chase me and have an army hold me down for shots and stitches. I even bit the dentist, at least once. “Uncooperative patient” is stamped all over my files. haha
        Have a great weekend, Sammy. Love, Suz


          • A funny thing to do would be to act like you’re getting better at taking the pill and get them used to you not fighting it, and then BOOM! Back to Rambo kitty. They are so confused they don’t know what to do next. haha

            Did you know that they make a pill shooter? We got one from our vet and I don’t think it cost us anything. You load the pill in, put the shooter in the kitty mouth, squeeze the trigger, and in the pill goes. Maybe it makes the pill taking easier for kitty, too. You think you’d like to try that way, Sammy?
            Hugs, Suz


          • We tried the shooter – I gagged on it so bad I thew up… much for that! It’s a good idea though – I just have an exaggerated gag reflex which makes it tough to give me the danged pill no matter HOW you do it. My Mom used to crush it and give it to me in a spoon full of baby food or yogurt…..that worked….we may have to do that again!

            Love, Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

          • Aww I’m sorry that you have an exaggerated gag reflex. Sometimes I do, too. Maybe you should go back to mixing it with food. If it worked before, then it may work again. 🙂
            Have a blessed weekend, Sammy (and mommy). 🙂


  9. OMGoodness, S. Do you really give Mom the bitey?! That is wicked naughty! I hear you about the butter. Mom always lets me lick the butter knife when she’s finished spreading her butter. It’s SO yummy.

    Love and licks,


  10. **putss pawss together** an then bowss….
    May Peece bee upon you Unccle Sammy an yur Pawentss an inn thee werld.
    If wee could have one wish wee wood wish that ALL PEEPLE With Mental Illnessess could bee healed!!!! Wee finks there wood bee a lot more Peece then….
    An iuss yur rock like Ayer’ss Rock frum Australia? LadyMum has a peece of that rock here an it iss beeuteefull…..
    ***nose rubsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • YES the Uluru globe is of Ayers Rock in Australia……what a magical place! That’s neat that your Mom has a piece of it. I think you’re right about what it might take for peace…..there are many factors…..but most of all I think we all must REALLY WANT peace.

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you LadyMum was gifted thee peece many years ago an a furend made a wee stand for it with thee werd ‘HARMONY’ on thee stand… iss on her Purrayer altar an iss so purrty!!!
        An yes people must WANT reel Peece befur it will happen…….


  11. Sammy, we agree with you that peace is what we need…between peeps. They fight and disagree far too much about such silly problems.

    Miss Sharon’s globe was terrific and looks super with flat you.

    Shoko and Kali


  12. What a cool blog! I’m searching for some peace. Exactly what I wrote my last blog about. Can’t we all just be kind to one another? Yay for your peace giving blog 🙂
    I actually just said goodbye to my ginger kitty ( “Oliver”) of 14 years last week, so I’m enjoying seeing your photos or your precious one. Cheers!


    • Oh dear….I’m so sorry for the loss of your Oliver. I know you already know that he is watching out for you from over the Bridge…..and since I’m an old guy of almost 17, it probably won’t be long before I’m there too so I’ll be sure and look Oliver up and give him a hug from you OK? We’re all hoping for peace although it seems VERY elusive at times……….I will ALWAYS have hope though!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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