Selfie Sunday


Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

hosted by The Cat On My Head!

Mom started with a very blurry photo of me up close, then kept adding layers of filters until she made it a bit funky but at least it’s ME and it’s a selfie so we’re popping it in the hop today……………if you’d like to join in, just click on the badge and head to the hop to use the linky to add your blog in OR just visit everyone else who’s pawticipating today …………




Have a peaceful, quiet Sunday!  

Love, Sammy

70 responses »

    • Hi Easy!! Glad you like my blurry selfie…………I am having bacon this morning and Mom is making pancakes too so maybe I might get a lick of that delicious maple syrup?????? I hope you and your Mom and Dad have a great Sunday too……….

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. That is a lovely dreamy selfie, Sammy. Yayyy! We are bookends again today. We even have our heads in the same position. Mum was going to add me to the hop but then someone came to the door and she was talking to them for ages. Good job too or we wouldn’t have been bookends.


    • Oh goodie! We haven’t made bookend status in a while – if not for the person at the door we wouldn’t have been! I hope you’re feeling as good as you look Flynn…..I’m hanging in there too but Mom says if I lose any more weight she thinks I will blow away in the wind!

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh Cupcake, Pizap makes it easy – I think she just picked two or three of their filters and layered them and VOILA! I’m blurry still but colorfully blurry….HAHAHA

      Thanks dear girl…….love and hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Sue! I hope you have a wonderful Sunday too AND a good week coming up – – – we’ll start off being pirates tomorrow but I hope the plundering and pillaging stop after that because I’m too old for all that activity! HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


      • Aww Sammy miss you too…my old blog mojo has gone on a vacay lol 🙂 but Doc sure does feel the POTP and loves you send..he even had a chasey game today..just a little one and enjoyed some fun! Big hugs and love coming to you and Mum Sammy! Xxx Loves Fozziemum


        • We know it’s hard………..Doc is loving his life with you and the cats and trust me – we really do not WANT to leave that EVER – – – but sometimes we just wear out……Mom’s looking at me funny too these days. Doc and I know LOVE though and we stay for that because LOVE is warm and cozy and safe. I will always think of all my friends who need POTP when I say my prayers at night and when I wake up every morning to see another day myself!

          Hugs and Love, Sammy


    • Sushi!!! How fabulous to see you my friend! How are you and your Mom these days? I hope all is well in your world………you are still missed. I guess you aren’t blogging these days? I was sharing some of the photos from the trip to the Philippines on Cat Scouts with another Scout the other day and they said it looked like a TOTALLY fabulous trip – – – it was… have a BEAUTIFUL country!

      Missing you………..
      Love, Sammy


  2. Berry kewl Selfie there Unccle Sammy!!!!
    Luv them filters fur sure an YOU!
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx
    Pee S.: Pleeze come visit mee bloggie…mee iss inn thee bloggie hop fur Lexi doggie….


    • Hi Katie Kitty- thanks for the compliments on my artsy selfie! Mom took “blurry” and turned it into “blurry with a touch of blue” so we figured why not use it!!!! Happy Week to you too and thanks for coming by!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Sammy, your photo has a very ethereal quality to it, and our mom likes all things with that quality. Of course, we always like you. Thanks for being a faithful friend and hopper. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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