Teaser Tell All


Good Morning Class!


So proud of you for showing up in class today – why?  Well, yesterday I think Suzie’s Cousin Madge “put the fear” in some of you.   Don’t worry……..Cousin Madge has been re-captured by her caretaker from “The Hospital For The Hopelessly Scary Looking” where she has lived since Suzie’s family realized that letting her out and about was causing too many automobile accidents.   It’s important to keep your eyes on the road and when Cousin Madge was on the sidewalk – eyes would wander!!   If you get my drift.

Anyway, back to the business at hand…………………yesterday we had a fabulous Guest Teaser and it was sent in by my good friend Miss Annie from ANIMAL COURIERS and I thought FOR SURE it would be tough.   I truly did…………..Here’s an instant replay of the photo we used from Miss Annie:


A truly cool looking building I think……………and it happens to be the Railway Station in Helsinki, Finland!    Here’s some really interesting information about the station courtesy of Wiki.   I found out when I investigated that those guys holding the balls are one of TWO pairs on either side of the entrance and those balls light up at night.  I bet it’s really cool looking!    Thank you Miss Annie for this great photo……………Mom and I love it – this is for you!

Thank you Miss Annie at Animal Couriers for the fabulous TEASER photo of 8/30/2016

Thank you Miss Annie at Animal Couriers for the fabulous TEASER photo of 8/30/2016

SO – who got what in the “badge” department???     Well our FIRST COMMENTER was actually FOUR First Commenters!   All four clocked in at 8:23AM (my time) and they were:

Kolytyi (Miss Csilla)

Under The Oaks (Miss Pix)

Oliver and Calvin (Miss Melissa)

CarolMaeWY (Miss Carol)

Congratulations Ladies – you all get one of these:


Moving on to our next category – FIRST RIGHT GUESSER…………..Ready?   It was EASY (yes Mr. Smartypants Weimaraner) whose Mom knew this one because she’ seen a photo of it taken by her parents!   This is for you Easy (and your Mom!):


BUT a bunch of other Teaser Fans were ALSO right – – – – – and if you guessed the Railway Station in Helsinki, you get this:


I know that a Teaser without Greenies being sprinkled around would just not be a REAL TEASER, so to all of you who tried but did not succeed yesterday, you get the lovely GREENIE!


Now wasn’t that just plain FUN??????????????    Well I thought it was anyway – in fact, I just love Tuesdays because it’s fun trying to fool you.   These days though with internet “tools” it’s getting tough because you can search for the answer online but I think a whole lot of you just STUDY the photo and try and figure it out without any help.   It’s tons of fun no matter what and as long as you enjoy it, I’ll do it!

Tomorrow is Thoroughly Poetic Thursday – the letter of the week is “L”…………….hmm…….I wonder what I’ll come up with??    I wonder what YOU will come up with – remember you can share your poem here in a comment tomorrow OR link your blog post with your poem in your comment.   Wax poetic with me!     Stretch that creative brain and write a poem tomorrow!

We intellectuals like to strut our poetic stuff right?

We intellectuals like to strut our poetic stuff right?


Hugs, Mr. Poetry (aka Sammy)


42 responses »

    • You were TOTALLY RIGHT! (of course!!!!!!). It was a great Teaser and those who aren’t comment followers didn’t see Easy’s guess so we got a lot of GOOD guesses! Thanks again for the photo….it was grand!

      Love, Sammy


  1. Concats to Kolytyi Under The Oaks Oliver and Calvin &CarolMaeWY !!! and concats to moi!!! my grandpawrents saw the station via bus tour, but they weren’t inside with the rest of the group, because they looked for a gift for me instead…. I’ve got an elk :o) and then I got another one from sweden what was the same like the elk from finland…and both came from china… this world is complicated somehow…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Again you have presented Mom with another place she’d like to see. Such a huge world with so many fascinating things. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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