Bring on the Bacon!


It’s Been A Tough Week

(not really but it got your attention – right???)

It’s BACON day……..


I not only “has a happy” I has a brand new Bacon Meme that my buddy Toby from The Wrecking Crew  made for me!    Whatcha think?   I’ll add it to my growing collection of bacon memes from my friends…………..If you click on the Meme it will go to Toby’s blog (just in case you don’t know him – you can visit him!):


Toby and I are both ginger doods……He’s on the LEFT and I’m in my King of Baconia crown on the right! 

AND, I also received a photo from my Auntie Carol (my Mom’s sister) showing that her shih-Tzu Toby (yes another Toby!) is becoming a real bacon lover too…………he seems to be QUITE fascinated by the commercial on his TV!


Looks like the wonderfulness of bacon has made it’s way into my Cousin’s home in W. Virginia…………………….!




This is one of our favorite graphics......makes me giggle and proves there's no shortage here!

This is one of our favorite graphics……makes me giggle and proves there’s no shortage here!

The weekend is off to a roaring start – our temperature has dropped a bit and the humidity has come down a lot and we can BREATHE outside again (that THICK air is tough on an old guy like me!) – so yesterday I spent a lot of time on the front porch snoozing………..Today I plan on doing the same thing.

Mom! That's not ME - that's the sleeping cat sculpture!

Mom! That’s not ME – that’s the sleeping cat sculpture!

Silly Mom…………..this is me checking out a possible nap spot for today’s nap sessions on the porch………..

Maybe here?

Maybe here?

But right now, I think I’ll go back to the kitchen to see if my bacon is ready…………………Mom’s making those adorable bacon-pancake thingies – you remember the ones?


Hmm….on second thought maybe I should try one of those pancake thingies with bacon in it……………….could be good……………maybe with a tiny dab of maple syrup on it???   Yah I know I shouldn’t have sugar but a TINY DROP won’t hurt!!!!

Happy Saturday !!!!!!

Happy Saturday !!!!!!

Bonjour……..!  Monsieur Bacon Boy!


If you’re as CRAZY for bacon as I am – join my club!   This is our official badge!

59 responses »

  1. That’s a great bacon meme from Toby! I hope you enjoyed yours this morning…..of course you did! I missed your Teaser this week because we had Ginger Jasper’s parents staying with us. I didn’t know where it was anyway, so it wouldn’t have made any difference 🙂


    • It was an interesting Teaser Flynn but was guessed RIGHT AWAY! I hope you had fun visiting with Ginger Jasper’s parents while they were there – and YES I’ve had my bacon this morning!!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Goodness Sammy, this post is full of wonderful things! I think we will have porch time and outside time this weekend too because the heat and humidity are GONE! I also think there will be a bit of bacon this morning. Biscuits and gravy with a bit of bacon grease in the gravy… at least I thought I heard CH mumble about that last night… 🙂


  3. That was sweet of Toby to make you a meme. And Toby the dog is funny 🙂 Have a great bacon day. I agree, that is a lot of applesauce. 🙂 XO


  4. We like the final direction for those bacon pancakes: Shove it in your face. MOL! Hope our favorite bacon boy got his nommy treat today. Mom Pam’s flowers are so pretty, and our mom is super jealous. Those marauding marmots have pretty much destroyed everything. Have a great weekend. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • That’s my favorite part of that recipe too – AND the most important part as well!!!!! I did get bacon this morning – in fact we had a bacon bonanza this morning. Mom puts mothballs in the pots of plants on the front porch and it keeps the crazy squirrels OUT! Mom and I hope that your Mom is feeling 100% fine today?

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  5. Bonjour Monsieur Sammy Baconator! Hope you have a fabulous cool Bacon Caturday! It was 90 degrees here yesterday and 63 degrees here today! We can’t figure this crazy weather out. Hope you find a wonderful sunpuddle to sleep in today.


    • WOW Marty – that is one heck of a change of temps in one day! Our weather sometimes is that wacky but we’ve had steady 90s for weeks now…….next week should be mid-80s – a bit of a break!

      I’m in a sun puddle right now under the dining room table – I can “psychically connect” with Mom and dictate comments on my blog though so that’s why I’m answering you in the middle of a nap……HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Sammy, here in my house in something wrong, never bacon. My peeps are weird, they don’t eat meat, and for me the buy cat food. Once, when I just had adopted them, they bought for me fish, and I was so afraid of those little fish that I escaped under the sofa. How can I get bacon????
    a cat in faraway Finland.


    • Oh Kosmo, no bacon is TORTURE! Torture is mean and I can’t imagine that your peeps are MEAN! I think when you adopted them you should have made it clear that things like BACON would always be available….I hope it’s not too late…….even though your peeps don’t eat meat, that doesn’t mean that a BIG BAD TIGER like you should NOT have meat – we are meat-eaters!!!! Maybe all of us should send you some???????????

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. The temperature is down here too, and it’s definitely got that air of fall coming here! Plus open windows, yay! No bacon here – maybe next week when I’m at a cat show?


  8. MMMMM bacon….
    MMMMMMM mapull syrup……
    MMMMM mee luvss Katurday!!
    Let’ss chow down Unccle ok???
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx
    Pee S.: The new Meme iss grate!!!!!!!!!


  9. Those bacon pancake strips look amazing. Mom ate restaurant bacon today. As I predicted – no leftovers made their way home with her. Just the bacon smell. But when I went to work at the VA, she gave me some bacon doggie treats.

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake, I’m sorry you didn’t get the “REAL THING” but I’ve heard from other woofie buddies that the bacon treats are pretty darn CLOSE – at least in smell – to the real thing…………I will forever live in hope that you get some actual bacon one of these days…..hahaha

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh Nellie it’s so easy to make those fun bacon pancakes. I never had any interest in pancakes until Mom made these! Thank you again for my fabulous campaign badge…..I love being in charge of bacon!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Thick air sux! My Uncle and 8 spoilt cats live in the tropics. The air kind of sticks to you. I am glad your air is not so thick. Autumn is on its way and Summer is leavibg you to visit me!❤


    • It’s just so strange knowing that you and Miss Bev and all the “Down Unders” are about to get summer and we are excited about getting a bit of a cool down before we get our winter……’s a topsy turvy world but a beautiful one! That thick, humid air is a lot like Southern USA…….YUCK!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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