Friendly Fill-Ins and Stuff


“And Stuff??”

Well the stuff is housecleaning….but the fill-ins are way more fun so let’s start with that!


The Fill-Ins is a really FUN blog hop hosted by Ellen of 15andMeowing and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.    Do you “fill in” on Fridays???  If so, goodie – if not – give it a try!   Just visit one of their blogs and use the LINKY TOOL to hook up to the hop and share how YOU have filled in their challenge sentences.    That’s what I’m doing……..wanna see how I did????   Today was Mom’s turn to fill-in and her answers are in RED!

1. My nickname is “PJ” (stands for Pamela June!).
2. The first thing I ever won was a lamp at bingo at the Selma Air Force Base (Alabama) Officers Club bingo night (I was 9 or 10 at the time – I wasn’t all that thrilled to win a LAMP!).
3. I have never been to see the Pyramids – sadly things are so difficult in that part of the world now I may never get to see them but I always DREAMED of going since I was a very little girl .

4. Next year I will turn 70 – EEEEEEEEK! .

Thanks Mom – next week it’s MY turn!

Now, just in case you wanna know how the housecleaning is going today – it’s pretty much “same old thing” – the Broomhildas are doing an amazing job of getting all the dust bunnies out from under the beds:


AND, they found my toy stash behind the sofa…………. (darn)


And then can you believe it?   They actually asked ME to help by taking care of the clogged toilet in the downstairs bathroom!    Just because I unrolled a whole roll of TP into it and flushed – gosh – can’t a guy have ANY fun around here??


Remember, you too can use the Broomhildas for cleaning – they are available at their toll free number – they are highly recommended by me and Mom……….they may not be pretty but they get the job done!


Have a super duper Friday!!!!!!    Tomorrow is – BACON DAY and I have a brand new BACON MEME to share that some wonderful friends of mine made JUST FOR ME!    See you then!

Doing some cleaning of my own!

Doing some cleaning of my own!

Hugs, Sammy

66 responses »

  1. Congrats for winning a lamp! the only thing my momma won was a big bucket with white wall color…. what a greek gift this was…. she had to drag around the giant&heavy bucket for hours and she had no clue what to do with this darned wall color… butt the craziest winner ever was michael, a classmate of the mama. he won a car (toyota starlet) at a farmers show and exchanged the car for a pair of pigeons what were a prize too. his momma nearly swooned hahahahaha


      • ABSOLUTELY!!!! and to tell the truth we grinned with glee the whole time as we drove back from that show after we were green with envy as he won furst prize…. we all remember that day forever, specially the face of his mom helen was priceless as she saw that the prize had wings instead wheels :o)


  2. My human has always wanted to see they pyramids too – she is bummed because she doesn’t know if she will ever be able to go without feeling like she is risking her life. 😦


  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, you always have great answers. You don’t look like you are going to be 70. I am sorry there is so much turmoil in the world that it is unsafe to go where you would like to go. That is funny that you won a lamp 🙂 I really need those Broomhildas- I hope they expand to our area soon. Have a great weekend. XO


    • I don’t really FEEL like I could be 70 in another year so I intend to make THIS birthday at turning 69 a “BANNER YEAR”…….I do wish I could see some of the places I’ve always wanted to see – especially Egypt. Travel which is one of my BIGGEST loves (David’s too) is so “iffy”………..we had wanted to do one last cruise in France but who knows whether we will. As for the Broomhildas – I think everyone would like to employ them!!!!

      Happy Weekend
      Love, Pam


  4. Aw, we didn’t know your Mom’s nickname was PJ! Cute!
    Have a good Friday, Sammy – another hot one in our corner of the state. So happy we have a/c!
    Love, Sundae


    • Imagine how awful it would be WITHOUT air-conditioning???? Yep – my Dad invented the PJ name for Mom………she’s had other nicknames throughout her life though including one when she was a very little girl – Pookie. HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. PJ is a cute name, I had a boss that used to call me WJ, loudly, when he wanted to me to rush to his office for the latest commands! I suppose a lamp wouldn’t be terribly exciting as a prize at that age, unless it was a magic lamp, but winning is still fun! It is interesting how each person has some place in their mind that they have always wanted to visit. I wish the world was safer for travel and it didn’t cost so much to go! When we were young 60 and 70 sounded like very big numbers, now that we are there, we realize that life went by way to fast, and that age is a state of mind. We still don’t feel old in our hearts, even if our bodies tend to betray us sometimes! 70 years of living is a lot of good reasons to celebrate! I wish the Broomhildas could come clean my house, I have to do that today.


  6. Loved the fill-ins. Mom has always wanted to go to Egypt. To see the purrimids and the tombs, I think mom said in King’s Valley. I told mom its not like Lawrence of Arabia except in Egypt….she gave me a look that said…”You talkin’ to me furry face?” hehe


    • It seems a whole lot of peeps would like to visit Egypt and the Middle East but don’t feel safe to go……such a shame……so many beautiful and ancient things to see and of course there’s always a chance our Moms will be captured by some handsome Sheik and put in a harem of delights and worshipped forever and ever and (DREAM ON MOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) HAHAHAHAHA Oh well…..

      Love, Sammy


  7. Wee mite call thee Broomhilda’ss because it iss so *hot* mee finkss LadyMum iss not goin to cleen much till thee heet brakes Unccle!!!
    An yur Mumma iss goin to bee 70? Mee Mumma iss 60….they lookss so young an are so devoted to us….wee keep them rite?? Fur many yearss!!!!


    • Oh yes girls – you and me are ever so lucky to have such amazing Moms who take such great care of us! Your Mom should try to stay inside as much as she can because of this heat – my Mom can only be out for short periods of time even staying hydrated she still gets dizzy out there! If she goes out it’s VERY EARLY or in the evening when it’s cooling off. Just think – not long from now we’ll be complaining about the COLD! HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee watched over LadyMum an brott her inn a few timess….wee were inn thee shade butt shee started with her Assmah an mee gotted scared!
        Last nite it was kewlin off an shee had an attack INN thee apartment!!! Shee had to take thee Innhaler an shee sure was wheezy…YIKESS!!!
        Mee iss glad yur Mumma iss carefull all so…..
        Mee not mind thee cold….reememburr mee goess out inn NYLABLUE’SS condo inn Winter??? LadyMum sayss mee iss a 4 Seesonss kitty!!! 😉
        ***paw patsss*** neffkitty xxxx


        • I’m glad that you are keeping a close eye on your Ladymum………I hope she will be alright – you are the BEST boy ever to be so good when she’s sick………..You are indeed a FOUR SEASON KITTY! Brave too!

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

    • Mom is going to enjoy this last year of “not 70” I think……I’ll try to make it easy on her by NOT reminding her how old I am in people years!!!!! Hope you all have a wonderful and cool weekend. It’s hotter than Hades here – we could grill fish on the driveway but asphalt doesn’t taste all that great.

      Love and Hugs and Fish forever,


  8. Hmmm…mes would invite the Broomhildas to comes and clean, but Mommy is a neat freak…The only thing is the YAK! Mes does lots of that and Mommy gets awful tired of cleaning that up and it would be nice to gets someone else to does it for a change (Mes always picks the only room that has carpet and that carpet is beige…)
    Sammy, good luck with the plunging!
    And mes LOVES your Mommy’s answers…my Mommy says that here and her furrends have decided that 60 is the new forty, so your Mommy is only 50!


    • Hi Nellie! I do a fair amount of yakking too and of course it’s on the carpet……Mom does the best she can keeping the spots invisible but sometimes it’s tough – I don’t mean to be a pain in the neck but getting old stinks sometimes!!!!! Anyway, we have been hoping your Mommy likes her new job – and Mom and I wanted to say that we thought your Mom’s painting of Forrest was amazing. I know Miss Bev was SO VERY THRILLED – she misses her boy so much. I hope you and your Mommy have a nice weekend dear girl!

      Love, Sammy


  9. Aaaaaaw Sammy, you be so cute. Great answers. Mommy says she would luv to see da pyramids too, but alas…We do wish da broomhilda’s could help us out. Mommy syas she couldn’t care less ’bout hwhat somepawdy looks like so long as they will work. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


    • We wish you girls could find your own Broomhilda down there to help you in the apartment…….sad that nobody STICKS with it – even with all the people who have no job, you’d think they would be grateful to have a job like helping you all around the house with a “guaranteed” paycheck. We’re still hoping!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Those are great answers from your mum, Sammy. My mum was always interested in Egyptology when she was younger, and wishes she had gone before it became so dangerous to go there.


  11. Pam, I pray the unrest ends so you may visit the Pyramids and the museum in Cairo. We had some incredible and scary experiences in Egypt that I will share with you some time. I’d love to return and spend more time. It too was someplace I always dreamt of visiting and never expected I would have that opportunity. I like the nickname PJ. I never really had one until the last couple years in H.S., when some friends started calling me Allison (Mia Farrow’s character on Peyton Place). Tried to see some meteors at about 4:30 a.m., but the direction from which they are coming is just too well lit with street lights. Our weatherman said we should go up on the Blue Ridge Parkway, but I wasn’t going to do that in the middle of the night. Sending lots of love from all the kitties and me, Janet


    • Oh Janet I’d love to hear your stories about Egypt…..When I was young I really wanted to be an archeologist – Egypt and its’ ancient culture fascinated me (and still does). For years I kept saying I wanted to go there but we just never could for one reason or another and now I’m afraid we wouldn’t go even if we could! David created the PJ nickname for me. In my previous life (!) I was nicknamed “Bunny”. I kind of liked that. The meteor shower has been disappointing but I have to admit, I still get a BIG THRILL when I do spot one – some of the ones I’ve seen this time around had much brighter “tails” than others but as far as this huge number that we thought we’d see – it just never WAS! I bet a lot of people were up in the mountains this weekend though – it’s the end of vacation for those with kids going back to school next week – AND the meteor shower was happening so campers were in full force – AND of course it’s so much cooler up there than down here! We send lots of love back to all of you……………….

      Hugs, Pam


  12. Your bacon memes always make me laugh. I will check it out. I hope you get to see the pyramids. I would love to see the Library of King Ashibanipal but Iraq in not on my visiting list at the moment.
    We can only hope. ❤


    • The Middle East would be such an interesting place to visit with all those ancient spots to see but it’s just not good timing…….maybe one day things will be RIGHT in the world and we can see all the places we long to see???

      Love, Pam (and Sam)

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